Big Brother 2015 Live Recap: Episode 27 – Lame HOH Comp and Nominations
|Unless CBS proves me wrong when we can actually see what is going on on Big Brother 2015, I am thinking this HOH comp tonight is going to be super lame! They barely showed us any of it on the Live Feeds, but what we did see seemed super lame. Maybe seeing it in full will make it better for us on Big Brother 17??? Either way, we have a new HOH tonight and then nomination time! Check it out with us during my Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who won Head of Household on Big Brother 2015 tonight!
Last time on Big Brother 17, we had the Week 8 live eviction show and it came down to John and Becky on the block. Another unanimous vote sent Becky to the jury house and then it was time for the new HOH comp to begin. This was a comp that everyone was talking about throwing to Johnny Mac, as he was the one that was going to take Vanessa out of the game. Did it actually happen???