Same Song-VERY different Day. Big Brother 2011 Week 3 Noms*Spoiler*
|I know, I know. And things may look the same, with Brenchel once again reigning supreme in the Big Brother 2011 house. But a lot has happened since week one and the next few days are going to create MAJOR implications for down the road. STAY TUNED today as we update you with all the major events.
Paranoia among the Vet alliance is growing, as each of the power couples know they will soon turn on each other. The big question is…..WHEN??
Apparently, after the HOH comp, Rachel pulled a…well…a Rachel, bragging and braying about winning again. This prompted yet another… “How to be a human being” lesson with Shelly.
Brendon and Rachel had a heated discussion last night in the HOH, after taking several HG’s advice on who to put up tomorrow. Of course, it wasn’t really a discussion, but more of a berating as Brendon scolded Rachel not to play with her emotions, but her head.
As of right now, it looks like the quarrelsome couple will put Dom and Adam on the block, with the intention of getting rid of Adam. Kalia and Lawon were discussed, too. But if Dom/Adam win POV, they could take K/L off the block, which would force them to put up JeJo. Although they plan to stick with the JeJo alliance for the moment, every move each couple makes in the next week or two is geared towards gaining allies for the big showdown between them. Dani is still Dom’s biggest supporter. She works very hard, manipulating the others into believing that he’s on their particular side. Brenchel is blind to what Dani is really doing–setting herself up with a strong partner for when she can play again--though I think JeJo sees it.
Who do you think Rachel should nominate?
I won’t bore you with the HOH details, except to say that after Rachel read her letter, Brendon whined because her sister didn’t mention him or his family.
The next few days of the LIVE FEEDS should be the most interesting of the Big Brother 2011 Season. Nominations and Have-Not Competition today. POV Tomorrow. We could see the fracture between the two power couples widen. We definitely will see tons of backstage scheming, as Dani works to save her Pinocchio.
One thing worries me.. IF they nom Dom/Ad–and IF (by chance) Kalia or Lawon win POV, we COULD see Jeff and Jordan on the block. If you still don’t have the FEEDS–sign up here for your FREE TRIAL and watch the drama unfold over the next three days!!
Funniest moment of the night—Jeff and Jordan are sleeping in Brenchel’s old bed. Not only did they strip the sheets they also—well, I’ll let you see for yourself. (Let’s just hope Jeff doesn’t go to jail.)

Don't DO it, Jeff! Don't you know?? Do not remove under penalty of law.
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i have watched big brother since its started, as a fan of the show i really dont know what they were thinking to bring back rachel, i didnt like her last year and i dislike her even more this year she is a whinner, why should big brother pay for her wedding.
absolutely agrees with u she deserves to go home if she wants to whine too much send her ass home big brother!
right on !!!!!!!!!!!
I agree I have been PVRing the show so i can fast forward when shes on. but think i will just stop watching until she is gone. !!!!!!!!
I couldn’t agree more. Rachel is such an ugly person, more inside than out. She has such a jealous heart and Brendon whines and cries more than she does. They of stayed at home and got couple therapy!!
I agree! My nieghbors and I have even turned the show off because of Rachel and her lacky Brendon! How Brendon could like someone like that is crazy! I hope he watches the episodes later and finds out how much of I lier she is; and she called Cassi a “lier and a snake in the woods”! Take a good look in the mirror Rachel. If she is ever on another show my friends and I will not be watching!
So, so true. She needs to go! I am suprised they are still together even though he cheated on her via skype. And how come no one has mentioned that? If I had been Cassie I would have been like “Not only are you catty, annoying and a lot of people who watch Big Brother dislike you but your own fiancé cheated on you.”
he’s got to be an idiot but i guess love is blind…i’ve never hit a woman but rachel needs a good smack…i can’t see what he sees in hershe will have him on a leash the rest of his life
I believe that if Brendon stays with Rachel for any length of time he will end up snapping on her for real!!!
i dissagree with people who say rachel should go home. everyone knows that if she and brendon werent there the show wouldnt be nearly as interesting. although she whines and is annoying.. she is a good bb player shes won 2 hohs out of 3 and won a veto. other players talk about her being jealous of them, when in reality there jealous of her and all the power she has while winning competitions. i believe people like kalia who arent fighting to stay should go home.. it defeats the purpose of them being there.
i totally agree! well said.
Rachel is not a good player, just dam lucky. The show would be even better without her!!!!
rachel is clearly a good player if she has never lost an hoh comp. its one thing not to like her, but to say she isnt a good player, is just pathetic.
This is like reruns in bb. A new fresh bunch would have been alot more fun with more surprises this season. Everyone knows Rachel is competitive and that she sees herself as the Queen Bee!! I am really sick of her whining and trying to control everyone. These episodes are Very tame and vanilla unlike the past big brothers.
wait until the vets turn on eachother. thats going to be way more interesting then fresh fights.
I agree..i would of rather since a fresh bunch then the same old caddy whinning people like Rachel and brenden –and The smug bratish ways of danni–why does Big brother want to reward people like them–Danni hasn’t changed either..The only ones i truelly like are shelly and Jeff and jordan..and i don’t care what anyone says –Rachel was clearly jealous of Cassi..If rachel doesn’t win she pouts like a baby–Big brother use to be my favorite show but its getting old with the same old characters –give us all new casts next time..
im pretty sure its because rachels competitive, yeah cryings to far.. but just because your on tv doesnt mean you cant show emotion. like cmon, and its not that rachels jealous of cassi, cassi played a horrible game & didnt talk to her.. exactly what rachel said.
& this is the first season they brought back old players, forgive them for trying something new.
Rachel was very jealous of Cassi from the beginning. Cassi went home because she was beautiful!!!
rachel isnt stupid enough to evict someone over there looks. if she was jealous from the beginning, she would have used her first hoh to evict cassi, she looked the same week one as she did week two .
I have watched every season except 1 and this may well be my last. I am sick to death of brendon and rachel and there were far better duos to bring back than them two. She has made so many of my friends turn off the show this season because they can’t stand her and i’m sorry but no one is that great to win that many comps, i would not put it pass cbs to have a confidentiality clause where they have shit rigged and agree to pay x # of $ to other players to keep this POS in the game because so many are drawn to the show for the drama. I have loved the show until this season and if they win, I will not be back next year. There is no way they have legitimately won this many comp. Come on, they gave brendon the word understanding in the veto comp and that is how he won? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!
You are absolutely right!! I would of loved to see Janelle again. Now that was a true and great player. I am sick and tired of Rachel with her jealous and whining a….!!!!!!!!
It would be nice if all of you would stop whining.All of you sound like Rachael to me.I am not a Rachael fan but, it would be boring without her. She is a Drama Queen.
obviously brendon and rachel are doing something right. there in the house, they win competitions, and they are the only thing keeping the season interesting. jeff & jordan are to low key, & the newbies dont do anything. if it werent for brendon & rachel this season would be nothing. i have watched all of the seasons of big brother also, and if you really were a fan of the show.. two people wouldnt stop you from watching it. whatever their doing works, because whether your a fan or not .. your still speaking their names.
You must be a personal friend of Rachel and Brendon or have a awful strong stomach for whiney and no good people!!1
im not a personal friend of theirs. i just understand that america is judging them based on how they act in a house where your isolated from the world for 3 months, competing for money. thats a little harsh and dumb in my opinion. i love them though, big fan.