Even though Big Brother 23 might be over, we still have Wednesdays to look forward to with all-new episodes of Survivor Season 41! Tonight we will watch as the three tribes battle it out for immunity and another castaway will be sent home. Keep reading to find out what we could expect to see tonight on Survivor 2021!

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Last week we watched as Luvu and Ua pulled out wins at the Immunity Challenge keeping them safe from Tribal Council. With their Immunity win, they also got some fishing gear to help feed themselves. After the Immunity Challenge was over, Evvie and Deshawn from Luvu head off the island for a trek up the mountain to make a difficult decision.

Evvie knew that with Yase unable to win challenges, they would likely go into the merge with a lot fewer people than some of the other tribes. She took her outing with Deshawn as a chance to make an ally on another tribe. She told Deshawn about the Immunity Idols this season and how they have no power unless all three are found. She also told him that she would be protecting her vote at the wheel so if he decided to risk his, he would be awarded an additional vote to use later.

After their trek, Evvie and Deshawn returned to camp and Yase returned to Tribal Council. Going into Tribal Council, the plan was for either Tiffany or Xander to go, unfortunately for Xander, he didn’t have a vote because of the risk that came with the Hidden Immunity Idol that he found on the beach. At Tribal Council, things took a turn, and the women banded together, but instead of voting out Xander, they chose to blindside Voce.

Tonight, we will watch as JD goes on the hunt for a Hidden Immunity Idol but when he comes up empty, he starts to wonder if someone else on his tribe has it already. Also, the castaways are faced with a great risk when they stumble across an advantage.

Below I have added a bonus clip from last week’s episode where Ua uses the fishing gear they won during the Immunity Challenge.


Join me tonight for my live recap of Survivor 41!

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