Tsk, Tsk. Up to very recently, I’ve been so impressed with Dani’s gameplay in the Big Brother 2011 House.  She was uber-crafty and did a superb job setting herself up in the best possible position, by aligning with both sides-while leaving the other side unaware.


she was a very scary player...

That has changed….

now she's more like this..

I hate to say it, and it’s one of the worst insults ever.. But.. Dani is pulling a Ronnie. Yep, I said it. She’s played her cards waaay too early and now, she’s got a big ole bullseye on her back. She talked to too many people, went way too far, too soon. Brenchel and JeJo know her game now. She pushed too hard to save Dom, and spent too much time with him, to keep it under the radar. Bad move, Dani.

On the other hand, Jeff’s temper and his and Jordan’s inability to be fake may hurt the couple’s alliance’s plans.  They want to continue to make Dani feel comfortable. Brendon has the clearest outlook on the situation. If they present the facts to Dani–on how it’s good for the FIVE of them to get Dom out–she’ll have no choice, when she learns the votes will go against him anyway–to come back to their alliance.

In the meantime, watch the LIVE FEEDS closely.  Dani is going to push hard, hard for Brenchel to use the VETO and replace Dom and Adam with Jeff and Jordan.  I don’t think she’ll sway them (esp. Brendon) now that they’re on to her, but who knows???  If you don’t have the FEEDS yet.. This is the week.. The absolute VERY best thing about the FEEDS will happen this week….ENDURANCE COMP!!  That is my favorite feature.  We feed viewers get to watch the ENDURANCE comp play out.  No one else gets that.. It’s sooo cool! If you want to give the FREE TRIAL a shot, so you can watch the endurance comp for youself.. SIGN UP HERE!!

The Big Brother 2011 VETO ceremony is tomorrow.. So.. What do you think Brenchel will do?



Jeff, Jordan and Shelly had a conversation with Adam last night that got VERY heated, when–at first–Adam told them he wasn’t didn’t really plan on campaigning for votes, since he may not need to, with the upcoming Veto!  Jeff was like.. uh, Dude.. You’re pretty confident for a guy on the block. If you come to me after they DON’T use it, then.. things may be different..Shelly had to explain to Adam what it looks like when he’s wishy-washy when he claims he doesn’t know what he wants to do, considering his emotions toward Dominic. Jeff explains that Dom will cut a deal against him in a New York minute and that Adam’s comments are making them very uncomfortable.



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