After a crazy, crazy day on Sunday, the Big Brother 2013 cast seemed to calm it down a little bit on Monday and were more focused on meltdowns and breakups on Big Brother 15! Yup, I said breakups. One our sweetheart couples (Aaryn and David) seemed to have put an end to their showmance and she is moving on to her new target: Jeremy. The Live Feeds were not as dramatic, but the HGs still managed some fun Big Brother 2013 spoilers moments as they all prepare for the eviction ceremony on Wednesday!


Thanks to our friends over at Big Brother Network, here are some highlights from Monday and some photos:

Want to watch the HGs make fools of themselves? Order your Live Feeds now!

  • 11:00 AM (Big Brother Time) – Amanda, McCrae and Andy talk in the HoH room and seem to all be on the same page that Jeremy is an ass.
  • 11:15 AM (BBT) – McCrae wants Aaryn out next (I knew I liked him for some reason), but Amanda thinks they should backdoor Jeremy asap.
  • 11:27 AM (BBT) – Apparently this showmance between Amanda and McCrae is real, as now they are making out underneath the covers….I guess Andy left the room now, or is he just creepily watching???
  • 12:20 PM (BBT) – Aaryn is talking with Jessie and informs her that Kaitlin told her (yeah, that is a lot of people talking to get to the point) that Elissa, Andy, Helen and another houseguest are in an alliance and gunning for Aaryn. They both think they have the numbers to keep David around though…sill girls!
  • 1:35 PM (BBT) – Helen has her breakdown and is crying…she sure likes to cry on Big Brother 2013!
  • 3:40 PM (BBT) – Another meltdown begins, but this time by GinaMarie. She is upset that production took most of her clothes. What???
  • 5:43 PM (BBT) – Andy and Spencer in the hammock and talking about Amanda and Helen.
  • 8:00 PM (BBT) – Andy is now talking with Helen and they think Nick makes them nervous, so they want him out soon.
  • 8:10 PM (BBT) – Let the GinaMarie meltdown continue, as she comes up to Nick and Andy in the hammock. She is quitting Big Brother 15, but will wait until Wednesday for the eviction to go down as planned.
  • 8:30 PM (BBT) – GinaMarie has clothes out and ready to pack, but Nick stops her and she stays in the house.
  • 11:40 PM (BBT) – The sad moment of the day: Aaryn breaks up with David! She claims it is like pulling teeth when trying to talk to him, but that’s how we all feel listening to her! Can David somehow play a smarter game now and survive the eviction without Aaryn telling him everything to do?
  • 1:45 AM (BBT) – More bashing of Elissa by the houseguests in the hot tub. Is it fair to Elissa?

A little slower day, which I think CBS is happy to hear about. Meltdowns and breakups happening already….wimps!

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