After all the drama on Thursday night’s Live Feeds on Big Brother 15 after the blindside eviction, it was time for some game play and trying to work out the nominations for Week 3 on Big Brother 2013. Helen is the new Head of Household and I started out excited about this, but she is making some moves I am questioning. Anyone else? Check out some highlights from the feeds in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

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The main topic of conversation of the day was nominees, nominees, nominees. Helen and Elissa start the day off knowing they have to backdoor Jeremy to get him out, since he has a strong possibility of winning the Power of Veto if they put him on the block. She starts out wanting Kaitlin and Aaryn as her nominees.

Helen then proceeds to go all over the place throughout the day. She doesn’t trust Howard, since he lied to her about the Moving Company and voting for Elissa. She wants Howard out and may switch nominees to Aaryn and Howard! She even talks with Jeremy and comes up with a plan with him. She is a political consultant, so she is used to all the lying, right?

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It seems things are set for Helen to nominate Howard and Aaryn, but the nominations are in and it is Aaryn and KaitlinAmanda and McCrae are upset, seeming they thought it was Howard.

We have MVP drama, as Elissa wins again and she puts Spencer up for the third nominee. Amanda and McCrae furious because Howard avoided nomination and he was the one who voted for Elissa and they are the ones that worked to save her. McCrae agrees to be the “MVP winner” for Week 3 to deflect some of the hate off Elissa.

Howard wants a five-person alliance with himself, McCrae, Amanda, Spencer and one other person that McCrae can pick. He swear on a Bible not to nominate Amanda or McCrae next week if he wins HoH on Big Brother 2013.

To be honest, things are going all over the place right now and it seems like everyone is in an alliance with everyone else. I still think Helen is playing a smart game and the plan is to backdoor Jeremy, but we shall see. If he is evicted, expect another GinaMarie-style meltdown, but from Kaitlin this week. She already mentioned self eviction if he goes home….ugh! Two birds with one stone then?

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