It was a busy Saturday over in the Big Brother 2013 house as Week 4 moves along and it looks like some more excitement and paranoia is coming back into the game, especially with the happenings on Big Brother 15 yesterday. America’s MVP vote was revealed, players were picked for the Power of Veto Competition and a PoV winner was crowned, which led to even more scrambling among the players. Check out some highlights in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - ElissaPhoto Credit:

This was a weird moment in the morning: Elissa is called into Diary Room, but we have no clue why. A little after that she is talking with Judd and making no sense at all! She talks about missing her family and being a part of the production team and it is a prank and she wants Judd to backdoor her???

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Could it be that production told her about being the MVP nominee early or something with the MVP vote? Anyway, Elissa is the third nominee, according to America’s vote. She will play in the Power of Veto Competition against Judd, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Helen and McCrae.

The PoV competition winner is Elissa, which has the house in a tailspin again! The house was confused on how Elissa was even the MVP nominee and Amanda was persistent wit the idea that she nominated herself to throw people off. Amanda is also very persistent with her talk of backdooring Howard this week, even though most of the house wants Aaryn gone.

Candice and Elissa confronted Amanda and McCrae about wanting to backdoor Howard and why Amanda is telling so much info to Aaryn. This heats up the talk among some of the HGs and Amanda could be a target now, however none of that matters until we find out who replaces Elissa on the block. It would keep going down the line of how America voted, so this could be interesting if it was Amanda put up next because she would be furious and searching for the MVP, so watch out America!

I guess the PoV competition on Big Brother 2013 featured punishments for the HGs and Judd was banished to solitary confinement for 24 hours with a loud alarm clock in the room going off every nine minutes! Helen has a curfew of 8pm and had to be in bed and could talk to no one. Kaitlin had to dress up like Bret Michaels and Elissa cannot play in the Veto next week. McCrae was a winner though, as he took home $5,000.

Maybe it was an early birthday present, because it is now McCrae’s official birthday and he is 24 years old. As a present, Amanda got all dressed up in some dominatrix outfit and they shared the HoH room together, seeming Judd was locked away! The booze was flowing and Elissa made comments after drinking a bottle of wine and Amanda started crying in the bathroom!

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