Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/23/2013
|A few things can sum up the day yesterday in the Big Brother 2013 house: Elissa is going crazy, alcohol makes them all go crazy and everyone is in at least five separate alliances with each other on Big Brother 15. If you can keep track of all the alliances on Big Brother 2013 than do me a favor and write them all down for me and send them my way. You never know who is in an alliance with who and what ones are serious, but some major events happened in the house last night and you can get some highlights for Tuesday in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow.
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Early in the day, Elissa is out back having a conversation with McCrae, Andy and Amanda and it involves religion and she thinks Howard is using his religious beliefs to better his game. She is rambling on and on and being loud and Andy tries to quiet her down, seeming Howard is right behind them. She misses the attempt and McCrae giggles about it. This sets off Elissa because she thinks they are laughing about her religious beliefs and blah blah. Elissa didn’t win Big Brother MVP this week and she went loopy!
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Aaryn seems to be working the house and no one is threatened by her, so she may last a lot longer than any of are hoping. Amanda seems to be getting more and more chummier with her and a possible alliance there?
The whole house seems content with Kaitlin going home this week, even though it is supposed to be a blindside, but Elissa almost ruined that and her alliance is not happy with her on Big Brother 2013. They feel Howard is the MVP this week and has a lot of power and because of that he could be a target next week, but this Elissa and her craziness and telling Kaitlin about the plan to blindside her is putting Elissa more and more on the top spot to be evicted next week.
There was a lockdown in the HoH room and Elissa breaks down in the bathroom while talking with Amanda. She still thinks McCrae and Andy were making fun of her. After the lockdown, the fighting begins between Aaryn and Elissa and Aaryn had a point here. Andy and Helen think she is a loose cannon and Elissa needs to be cut soon!
Alcohol was delivered at night and this led to Amanda going nuts. If Candice wins HoH this week and she said she is putting up Amanda and McCrae. Jessie heard and she tells Amanda and all hell breaks loose. She goes downstairs and yells at Candice. She takes a break and comes down again and starts talking bad about Kaitlin and GinaMarie, even though neither of them are there.
To sum up the day, Amanda needs to avoid alcohol and Elissa needs to avoid religious talks.
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LOL..i love it! Could these HGs get any more paranoid? If they didn’t go around making 15 different alliances then they might be able to keep track of who they can trust. Of course it doesn’t help when you have the most blabber mouths in a single BB season. These people can’t even keep their OWN secrets…nevermind someone elses! And now they think HOWARD is MVP??! By tonight they will be blaming it on the fish. My hope is for Howard to get HOH this week. And just for shits and giggles he puts McCrae and Amanda on the block. And hopefully Helen gets the 3rd seat. Let chaos reign!!
So true. One person hears something in the house and they run to “their alliance” and tell them and than someone from that group tells someone else in “their alliance” and the whole house knows with five minutes! Howard could bring out his muscles finally and win HoH and then a week of good times begins! Amanda will be a shitshow!
That would make for a fun filled viewing week LOL
I hope that does happen and let the sparks fly!!
I agree but instead of Helen Andy
Now that would be my dream week!!! Cat you are in my head, I couldn’t have posed it better….
This episode should be extra entertaining tonight!!
Elissa (fembot) showed her true lack of ability for gameplay last night. If not for the MVP she would already be gone. CBS should not allow one player to have a power like that only because she is somones sister. She did nothing to deserve the first 2 she got and freaked out when she did not get the third week. She is really going to go balistic when the find out that America put her on the block and goes into depression because she thinks America hates her.
I cant understand why they did not get rid of elissa right away . r they all so stubid to follow her follow her . she is as bad as her sister . when r they going to relize that .
What as bad as here sister.what game show were you watching.Here sister won big brother and also won competition
Maybe she will self evict when she realizes she was the third person nominated for eviction. She sure has fell off of her pedestal.
I guess all of you are as back and forth as you say the house guest are with their faux alliances !!!
1. Everyone hates Gina Marie and only calls her GM. They wanted the bigot gone. But Gina Marie is quickly replaced by ignorant Aaryn ! This one is even worse. She says terrible things that are slurs on multiple cultures and is clueless she’s hurting anyone’s feelings. The young ladies have tried to speak to her and she denies ever saying ANYTHING. She’s gone to these players it concerned and instead of saying I’m sorry for what I said that hurt you. I’ll try to be more aware in the future. But not Aaryn ! Her strategy was to attack Candice’s possessions. She tossed Candice’s mattress/clothes and talked to her like a dog!! Which I hated for Candice. But Aaryn would have attacked Elissa or Helen the same way. The problem is she is a bully ! Bully’s back themselves up with others for protection. They gang up 3:1 and torment the person telling them their fate. Thus America wanted the rude nasty player stooping to use slurs/ claiming “you know me ! I never said that or anything like a slur!”. Now you are back happy with them???
You have no problem with Howard being asked straight up x 2 to level with Helen about everything. He didn’t want to tell her because she’d trust him any more ??? 1. When she asked him the way she asked! 90% would have snapped “duh she knows and is giving me the chance to offer information . That information would help build trust due to my sharing secret information . I’d have understood him holding back if he’d half way believed there was even remote possibility the alliance stood a chance of making it.
Judd is a floater period. He’s basically asked everyone in the house what to do! He wasn’t asking for input or thoughts (as if the players weren’t going to hound him with the best plan for each of their own games). Rather fully what would you do as HOH so to speak. So he wasn’t even 40% in charge of his own nominations !! He hasn’t accomplished anything in the game thus far. Is he holding back/faking or just incompetent ? He’s another that strongly needs to be considered for eviction ! Andy nor Spencer are much if any better.
Yet since day one Elissa has been up against the wall just because of her sister being Rachel !!! Then she was MVP every week until this time. It’s very difficult to believe America up her up after being MVP so often. The females except for Helen and Candice, have never given her a chance nor included her in anything. Yet when she did tell who her sister was it didn’t make any difference !! They’d already decided to have it in for her !! There were so many hook ups this year the guys went along with the girls ! The guys began disliking her as intensely as the girls. At that point she hadn’t done anything to deserve their rath or fear of her!!
So basically you’ll are no different. She says “I think he’s using his religion ” Ok and while she was loud and shouldn’t have been talking about him. I still can’t see where that’s anywhere near what Gina Maria or Poop Stiring Aaryn have said or done to several players and a great deal of America.
She’s always been graitful when winning MVP or POV. She has not gloated about the awards. She has been excited. Guess what everyone of them would do or act excited as well when winning an award from Anerica! The first week out she put her trust in McCrae. She asked if he’d keep her secret .?? Oh yes ! I am aware it part of the game to knife people in the back!!! But he should’ve felt very guilty about potentially putting her up after just assuring her she was safe . Then told her secret to parts of the house that would tell the rest of the house ! Then ran around like a scared chicken with his head cut off afraid to align with her as promised !!
He’s another great player !!! He’s going to pull the loose your way through the BB weeks trying to remain under the radar !!!
So I don’t see Elissa as being included because of who she’s Kin to ! I see the mean girls and the guys broken group setting her up as their scape goat to have the focus drawn to as much as possible. That way all of you FORGET the “sins” you were up in arms over initially through last week. So it’s working!!
I’m not blind and believe she’s a total Saint!! But I do believe she’s not Rachel !! She’s playing her own game as much as they’ll let her play. As well as I never seen her purposefully slur a culture. The religion was simply stating i believe he’s going to play similar to Dan. He’ll keep his religion active ! Because that’s who he is. But he’ll be able to play off of use . We won’t be sure is this true ? Is he being true to his word or is it a lie? She wasn’t slurring a specific religion . If they cared why didn’t Andy say look behind you . Or he’s right over there. So even “part of her alliance ” didn’t stop her. Then McCrae laughed knowing it would bug her!!
So basically you’ll are for those that have attacked her the entire time. Then pull back and act innocent when she finally becomes upset. Now did Andy go in and work Helen up or did they just get worried over her concern this week. I can understand Andy a little. But I’d think Helen would be a bit more compassionate based on the treatment of the 3 of them ! Now its primarily Elissa being targeted as a means of saving self one more week!!! I’d be great if she’d win hoh ! That’d flip you all !
Why not put up 3 guys to shake up their retread alliance !!! But no too worried about getting out those you can remove fairly easily. Elissa can be removed later. Helen needs her strength to get past 4-5. Then she could make it to the last 3.
I hope big brothers next year at night go back to showtime 2..They didnt keep bleeping out everything being said and going to a crap load of commercials every few minutes..FOR BIG BROTHERS..TVGN IS NOT GOOD
I totally agree Live Feed is the worst this year. I will not buy it next year if it stays the same. Sad I love this show.