The weekend has arrived and that means things get interesting in the Big Brother 2013 house, especially after the live eviction show last night on Big Brother 15 and the crowning of a new Head of Household for Week 5. Is it just me or is anyone else baffled that it is already Week 5 on Big Brother 2013? Anyway, we saw Aaryn win HoH for Week 5 and this could lead to a very boring week, if she follows what Helen and Amanda tell her, or it could be an interesting week, if she does what she wants. We have a clue after the Live Feeds from last night, so get some highlights in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - AarynPhoto Credit:

Amanda, for some reason, has been on a hell-bent mission to get rid of Howard and Spencer and she didn’t waste any time going after Aaryn to tell her they MUST GO this week. She could finally have her dreams come true this week, but the house is all annoyed by her and she is ruining her game with this constant need to get them out.

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Here is a shocker: Aaryn wants to put Elissa up this week and after seeing her in action this week, I don’t blame her. Elissa has been a hot mess (she cried most of the night because she is worried that Aaryn will put her up) and she has been rude and mean. She was caught lying and HGs are getting annoyed by her as well.

The big shocker: Helen agreed with Aaryn and thinks that Elissa may need to go very soon. She bashes Elissa with some of the other HGs and I love me some Helen, but she needs to learn how to hush her mouth some times. She tells everyone everything that is going on and no secrets are kept in this game because everyone has an alliance with everyone in the Big Brother 2013 house.

In the end, it appears that Aaryn is convinced to put Howard and Spencer up, which is sad, but she isn’t going to go against what Amanda and Helen tell her. She talks with GinaMarie about the plan she made with them and they are excited to be safe for a few weeks.

So, this weekend is crucial and could be very entertaining, but it is all based on who you vote as the third nominee this week. It looks like Aaryn will nominate Howard and Spencer later today, which will leave an open spot for Amanda, which I have seen a lot of buzz online about people voting for her. That would make my weekend complete and the house would be turned upside down as she tried and figured out who nominated her. If America votes in Elissa again, yawn! Tears from her, but then the Power of Veto would be huge because Howard would finally compete and try and show his strength to remain in the game and then the renom would be huge. Fridays are always an exciting time on Big Brother 2013!

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