Is it just me or is anyone else completely annoyed with the way Helen is playing this game of Big Brother 2013? Each day her paranoia kicks in higher and higher and she ends up wanting to vote out one of her alliance members! Big Brother 15 is working out to be one of the weirdest seasons yet, as alliances are like candy in that house and no one wants to keep any new information to themselves. Check out some highlights from yesterday in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Judd

I don’t know why and they must think that Judd is an amazing actor, but Amanda and Helen are convinced that Judd is some mastermind and he has been planning things behind their backs. He made up the alliance last week with Kaitlin so everyone would vote her out. He is the Big Brother MVP this week and put up Amanda to make it look like Howard is the MVP. I’ll say one thing: giving the MVP to Elissa the first three weeks and now having America as the MVP is totally messing with these HouseGuests’ minds!

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By the end of the night, Judd was out of the alliance with Amanda, McCrae and Andy and insert Aaryn into that Final Four pick! Mind you, Aaryn is HoH for Week 5, so I think people are just being nice to her for the time being, even though her and Amanda have seemed to grown closer.

It seems like almost a forgotten moment, but the Power of Veto Ceremony did take place yesterday (we all knew what was going to happen). Spencer took himself off the block and Candice was put up as the renom by Aaryn. No big shocker there, but Candice seems to have given up, even though the target is Howard. She needs to be slapped because I want to see that sass come out of her again and fight to win Big Brother 2013!

Spencer is trying to shake things up and flip the vote for the week. Everyone seems on board to get out Howard, but this is beyond a perfect opportunity to get rid of a couple and vote out Amanda. Do none of them realize that her and McCrae take over the HoH bed every week, even though neither of them have been HoH since Week 1! She calls the shots for so many people, but apparently they are okay with it. He think he has GinaMarie, but I think she is voting with the house because she has no game plan.

The majority of the talk all day was on Judd and the paranoia with how amazingly smart he is and what he is doing in Big Brother 2013. He may be the target for next week, so if he can find out that information this week than maybe he will go with Spencer and bring Jessie along and get rid of Amanda!

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