It was the day/night before a live eviction show for Big Brother 2013 and the HouseGuests have been on lockdown all day and night for what we assume is an endurance competition for Head of Household tonight on Big Brother 15. What does that mean? The paranoia is kicking in big time and these HGs have a weird way of choosing their next victim. The lies build so much in their minds that they actually start believing them! Check out some highlights from yesterday’s live feeds in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Judd and AndyPhoto Credit:

As far as the vote is concerned for tonight, it appears that Howard will be going home. Candice and Howard have been trying to work on Jessie and Andy to flip the vote, but we all know that Andy aligns with Helen and Amanda, so that dream flip would never happen. No one knows where Jessie aligns or who she even is half the time.

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Before I get into the paranoia, let me state that Amanda, McCrae and Andy reaffirmed their Final 3 alliance. If this happens, I might just be sick. However, it would be fun to see the three of them try to work against each other on Big Brother 2013.

For the paranoia, it seems that Amanda, Andy, Helen and McCrae have this major issue with Judd. Yes, I typed that right….Judd. For some reason, they feel Judd has some special power or he is the Big Brother MVP and every plan that comes out of the other side of the house is the master plan of his. It all stems from Amanda thinking the vote will get flipped on her and Judd is the reason for it. These people make up the stuff in their minds and then talk about it and then actually think it happened. If Judd doesn’t win HoH tonight, expect a campaign to backdoor him next week no matter who wins HoH.

Aaryn was doing some flirting with Judd the night before, but I think it was all the plan of Amanda. She wanted to separate him and Jessie, who really are no threat in the game. She thinks they are though. The paranoia talk all day about Judd has turned Aaryn off to the idea of anything with Judd, which is good for him and his game!

Sadly, I think Howard is for sure a goner tonight, but this endurance HoH Competition should spice things up. I so wish Howard would stay and win HoH because you know he would throw some major wrenches in the game and Helen and Amanda would be on that block. Can we all hope for a Candice victory????

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was evicted on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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