Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/31/2013
|It was the day/night before a live eviction show for Big Brother 2013 and the HouseGuests have been on lockdown all day and night for what we assume is an endurance competition for Head of Household tonight on Big Brother 15. What does that mean? The paranoia is kicking in big time and these HGs have a weird way of choosing their next victim. The lies build so much in their minds that they actually start believing them! Check out some highlights from yesterday’s live feeds in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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As far as the vote is concerned for tonight, it appears that Howard will be going home. Candice and Howard have been trying to work on Jessie and Andy to flip the vote, but we all know that Andy aligns with Helen and Amanda, so that dream flip would never happen. No one knows where Jessie aligns or who she even is half the time.
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Before I get into the paranoia, let me state that Amanda, McCrae and Andy reaffirmed their Final 3 alliance. If this happens, I might just be sick. However, it would be fun to see the three of them try to work against each other on Big Brother 2013.
For the paranoia, it seems that Amanda, Andy, Helen and McCrae have this major issue with Judd. Yes, I typed that right….Judd. For some reason, they feel Judd has some special power or he is the Big Brother MVP and every plan that comes out of the other side of the house is the master plan of his. It all stems from Amanda thinking the vote will get flipped on her and Judd is the reason for it. These people make up the stuff in their minds and then talk about it and then actually think it happened. If Judd doesn’t win HoH tonight, expect a campaign to backdoor him next week no matter who wins HoH.
Aaryn was doing some flirting with Judd the night before, but I think it was all the plan of Amanda. She wanted to separate him and Jessie, who really are no threat in the game. She thinks they are though. The paranoia talk all day about Judd has turned Aaryn off to the idea of anything with Judd, which is good for him and his game!
Sadly, I think Howard is for sure a goner tonight, but this endurance HoH Competition should spice things up. I so wish Howard would stay and win HoH because you know he would throw some major wrenches in the game and Helen and Amanda would be on that block. Can we all hope for a Candice victory????
Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was evicted on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.
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The one they need to get rid of besides Amanda and McCrae is Helen, that bitch is telling everyone what to do and they follow her like sheep. Some one in that house needs to grow a set and take care of her ASAP.
Amen!!!! Send Amanda out tonight then Helen next week. Then everyone would play their own game!
I wish they would wake up and realize that Amanda and Helen are running the house. I used to like Helen and now she seems just like her mad scientist character….crazed with power….and I just love Candice for calling her out on her game play. She said it just like it is and Helen gets all upset and storms upstairs with a lie that Candice threated her. WHAT! I am hoping they will get tired of Mcranda and get them in the hot seat with Helen as the MVP vote…..that would be fun to watch them turn on each other…..I am also wondering if McCrae has any clothes, all you see him in is his pajamas…..when do they get washed?
lol @ Mcranda, I like that one…. I second everything you said
i too wish they would realize it is helen and amanda calling all the shots. i know it a long shot but i would hope big brother would throw some kind of twist to keep howard tonight, but i doubt it. they always keep the players no one likes. i hope someone wins hoh that will put up amanda and mcrae, and mvp puts up helen. hopefully someone smartens up besides candice and sees whats really going on.
Nicole, hopefully BB will use a Pandora’s box or something new to bring Howard back into the game. I sure hope so.
I can understand them being paranoid. But they’ve crossed the line into delusional. And Helen has gone even further and become schizophrenic! She believes her own bull crap. This is no longer a reality show. It has become an “alternate” reality show. They’re living in some world where wrong is right, enemies are friends and lies are truth. To say they have multiple personalities is an understatement. And you never know which one you’re talking to. I hope i never get stranded on an island with these people. They would be roasting me over an open fire before the food ran out.
I think they have all been taking some tainted Adderall! Paranoia is rampant in there. It was evident when they decided JUDD was a manipulator. lol Now, that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are!
Helen is playing a GREAT game and if she can keep it up, she’ll probably win BB. Its all about how you play the game and if she can mastermind it then more power to her!
True, Helen is playing the game good, seeing as how she can backstab with the best of them. But she’s playing an UGLY game. Her and Amanda have compared their game to Dr. Wills. LOL..NO WAY are they comparable to Dr. Will. She might make it to F2 but at what price? I guess coddling a racist and backstabbing a friend is worth half a mil to her. Now we know her price.
Helen was playing a good game, but now she is just a lying delusional hypocrite. I used to like Helen and was pulling for her but since she had the taste of HOH she lost her damned mind!
I for one will be voting for her to go up if America is MVP and she doesn’t win HOH!
The crap would hit the fan if America is MVP again and they vote Helen up there. Heads would roll until she found out who is MVP and put her on the block….can we make this happen???
I plan on splitting my votes between Helen and Amanda (unless of course one of them wins HOH..God forbid). If EITHER one of them gets 3rd nom then it’s great for viewing. Amanda will once again be confused (she can’t blame Howard this week and how dare someone put HER on the block!) and Helen will be livid! I sooooooo want to see their alliance turn on them.
Everyone needs to vote for Helen for mvp she is trying to be one of the most evil people in the house she turns my stomach every time she says she can,t stand a liar then she turns around and lies to everyone. Her and Amanda are repulsive
Dream nominees next week. Amanda and Helen nominated (if only Candace could win a freakin HOH) and then America gets to vote MVP nominee ANDY…. the 3 of them on the block and Candace gets POV (I can dream) and the votes stay the same…………. That’s BB15 happiness for me lol
Wish I had a like button like on FB…I like the way your thinking MzMM
Ya know I hate to say this, but we are all flipping just as much as the HG, of course because of their crazy antics and split personalities, we can’t pin-point any long lasting sanity or morals. Great job BB in pulling out human nature. Does that sound too derogatory, my bad. 🙂
Lol..i have to agree with you. We (fans) are flip flopping all over the place. But as you pointed out, BB brings out the human nature of the HGs. I guess a good example would be Jessie. I really disliked her in the beginning because of her “i’m pretty so other girls hate me” comment. But if BB shows someones true nature then i have to say she’s gone up several points in my book. She has gone from the egotistical girl to the warm hearted person that feels for Howard because he is someone whose life could actually change with winning the money. I’m not saying he should win just because of that (his game sucks) but at least she had the compassion for him that the others so lacked. I can get on board with someone like that.
Amen Cat! My coworker and myself were just talking about Jessie and saying the same things. I hope if Candi or Spencer don’t win HOH than it will be Jessie, just to see how she would play it
Did you see the little meltdown Jessie had last night? She wouldn’t talk to anyone. Including Judd. And it was all because Amanda interogated her relentlessly. I agree with you JO1. If she won then Amandas butt would be glued to the nom sofa. And hopefully it would be permanent glue so that when she got evicted the sofa would have to go with her! 🙂
HAHAHA stuck butt…. no I missed the meltdown but if it’s on BBAD I have it dvr’d. Have to check it out.
I can’t believe anyone could go against Judd, how ridiculous.
These houseguests this season are a bunch of losers Candice is lucky but after her outburst at Spencer who was on hers and Howards side and was fighting to save them both. She really made a fool of herself and they need to see that Amanda and Helen both need to GO the sooner the better. Someone better Man or Woman up to shake this house up watching these little troll dolls is getting old.
I knew Amanda wasn’t going home, she even said it a few nights ago…because BB is planning their wedding, won’t that be fun to watch..
Please stop telling the players how and what to do…let them do it on their own.