Just when you thought these HouseGuests on Big Brother 2013 couldn’t get any more annoying, last night happened. It was Wedding Night in the Big Brother 15 house and that meant Amanda was center of attention (just where she likes to be) and we all puked a little in our mouths! Jessie had another meltdown during the day (which was not as entertaining) and then apologized to everyone at night! Check out some highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - WeddingPhoto Credit: BigBrotherNetwork.com

This is going to be a shorter post because nothing really happened yesterday (that I fee like talking about)! The HGs take forever to wake up and then exercise in the backyard and GinaMarie and Elissa do yoga together.

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The only real kind of excitement came from Jessie, who impressed me the night before with calling everyone out on their crap, but then yesterday afternoon she was just lame. She tried to take jabs at people, but my niece and nephew (who are 13 years old) could do it better than Jessie. She called Elissa “Rachel’s Shadow” and proceeded to tan next to her as close as possible without touching her. It was like she resorted back to 3rd grade and it was sad to see. She then apologized to everyone at night, but they all think she is crazy.

At night, the McCrae and Amanda wedding took place on Big Brother 2013. McCrae did not want to do it and Amanda became bossy with telling everyone what to do (imagine that). Andy officiated, Spencer was best man, Helen was mother of the groom and the other ladies served as bridesmaids. The one thing I love about this: Andy denied them the HoH bedroom for the night!!!

As far as game talk (which was very limited), Jessie is going home and Spencer will be the target next week. Maybe they’ll backdoor Helen the following week. I’m sure it won’t be time yet and GM will have to go first. Andy and Aaryn solidified their Final 2 alliance. These HGs say they are Big Brother fans, but none of them know how to play the game!

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