Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/17/2013
|The buildup is happening in the Big Brother 2013 house and I could not be more excited for what I think is going to be happening this week on Big Brother 15. Saturday is all about the Power of Veto competition and game play, but more about people looking to the future of the game and Final 3 or 4 or 2 alliances. It will get interesting as the power couple (McCrae and Amanda) get closer to the end and who will backstab who to win the money! Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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Most of the day was spent being paranoid about how the outcome of the Veto competition would go. The players were picked early in the day and the actual competition was not held until really late. The buildup was killing everyone, including all the fans out there! It was finally held and the feeds came back and Elissa won veto.
The season is winding down and the live feeds are heating up!!! Subscribe now!!!
What does this mean? Well, in a very funny scenario, it meant that Helen and Elissa jumped for joy afterwards and they were excited that now they were “both safe.” In actuality, Elissa just sealed the fate of Helen with that win. She will remove herself from the block and Spencer will go up as the renom and Helen will remain the target.
Helen has no clue and Amanda is working Elissa big time. Amanda knows Helen is going and wants to keep Elissa as an allt for next week. She even went as far as telling Elissa that Helen is going home and to not even campaign because it is a given! Will Elissa share this info with Helen (you know she will) and when???
Besides that, we saw Helen talking with GinaMarie and trying to get her to vote Spencer out this week on Big Brother 2013. She wants a unanimous vote against Spencer, since she knows she has Amanda, McCrae, Andy and Aaryn right now. GM is good with keep info to herself, but she tells Aaryn later on.
Aaryn, GM and Andy are looking at a Final 3 alliance, since they don’t think they can beat Amanda and McCrae in the end. McCranda is considering Spencer over Aaryn in their Final 4 alliance because Aaryn can win the comps (and we all know that Amanda can’t).
For next week on Big Brother 2013, Amanda wants to target Spencer, but McCrae is thinking Elissa because she can win the competitions and they get into a little fight. She also gets mad at McCrae because she did not spend enough time with him on Saturday…really???
All-in-all, this is buildup for what is going to happen on the live eviction show on Thursday night. Helen should be the one going, unless she finds out she is the target and somehow works it to get three votes to stay (doubtful). The twist comes into play and Helen will compete to come back in the house. Do you know how angry she will be from getting evicted? If she comes right back, you know all hell will break loose and that will be some good viewing on the live feeds!!!
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So it is obvious Helen is out the door!? I hope she comes and maybe finally flip the house….one can only hope in this boring BB season!
I agree ! I would love to see it get turned around. They are all so sure of themselves !!
I hope that Candice comes back and wins HOH. Now that would stir things up in this boring house.
I hope she comes back
I hope Judd comes back,get HOH and put Mcc and Am up on the block ! And also he wins the money.
I’m with you!
I’m with you!
So we know who won the veto who is going home – yep another boring show – there are no surprises once the veto is won – they target and that is that – what aaryn should do is when elissa gets off the block she should put amanda up and backdoor amanda -now that would be unexpected and make for excitement for the show – we know amanda wouldn’t be coming back (she doesn’t win) and judd wins and comes back with guns blazing – then mcrae would have to start playing or he would be next.
He also left the house thinking that Jessie was behind it all. I think he is too much of a pushover to do any real damage. I like him and would like him to win though.
Todd, as soon as you possibly can…. give an update on Elissa speaking w Helen about McCranda’s plan to backdoor her….. Thank you!
Btw: Judd irks me because if his flip flopping and his irrational views in what’s happening in the house. I think whoever Comes back does so Much wiser and Well equipped….Even Judd!
Oooo, I like your devious plan morningwitch! You should be on BB (clapping)! That would really be an exciting moment, if Amanda was backdoored, though it’s doubtful any of the HG can think for more than one second at a time, to hatch such a good plan.
I’m sure by now that Judd knows that Jessie was not the one behind his being evicted, which means if he comes back, he will definitely have a score to settle, which will make Big Brother really interesting, especially if they give him some kind of extra power, like power of veto for 3 weeks, in addition to whoever wins power of veto, and the right to put up a replacement nom for whoever he saves.
I’ve heard that the jury members are in the house and not able to talk with each other because of the possibility of coming back into the game and getting info from the players evicted after them.
I’m not understanding why Helen is so much more annoying than that disgusting Amanda – she is a hog, lays around eating constantly and isn’t even sweet just downright a big bully and gross camera hogging whore! On BBAD all she does is glance to see if the camera is watching her every move and I really would LOVE to see Aaryn to split that little forced rape situation she has going on with poor old McRae- they played a kind of funny game of hot potato the other night and she got mad when she didn’t win that let alone the tantrums she throws over the comps. At least Helen is sweet and tries to enjoy her big brother experience to the fullest not listen to the most vile human being I have ever seen on TV. Just watching her talk makes me fast forward through lol…. Someone get some balls and kick that witch out of the HOH room permanently because she obviously can’t win it for herself!
BTW Todd- love your update and site ! It’s where I always come to get the real scoop on everything Big Brother!
Couldn’t agree more!!! Amanda is such a pig!! On After Dark she eats all the time and chews with her mouth open…..disgusting. Even when she’s not eating, she constantly makes a weird move with her tongue/mouth (opening her mouth and smacking her tongue against the roof)—– all the time, so annoying! Does she know she does this? Her legs are always wide open and she is constantly staring at herself in the mirrors/cameras. Boobs are disgusting and as far as McRae…….he’ll be gone as soon as the show is over, that is unless he wins the big money. Amanda is rude, gross, and annoying! McRae should ditch her and make this season worthwhile in some way! Is he really under her spell or is he just as annoyed as I am????
Kristen he was into it at first but now he seems to be annoyed and tries to annoy her any chance he can- last night on BBAD he did it by saying he would laugh his head off if Helen stayed- Amanda, always ready to fire up at any given moment if anyone even has a thought of their own, got really annoyed and she isn’t a good poker face/ I think they forget they aren’t at high school at lunchtime vying for the spot with the girl that thinks she is popular! I am disappointed I didn’t get to see Gunamarie chest bump Aaryn ( because I won’t waste my money on the live feeds anymore) or go into the diary room and ask if she could beat Candice up in the jury house! She thinks she is thuggin’ it with how she behaves, but America doesn’t get to see the ” real” Ginamarie-! Now she is up in the HOH kissing butt big time like they are best friends again. Amanda’s pants are so tight now I don’t think she can put her legs together! Lol- plus it slipped out the other night when McCrae was showering, that once she got her hands on him, he was getting that hair cut! He was entranced at first by her ploys of being his ” sugar mama” but now she is just waiting to have a little boy to control. I used to love to play “The Sims” but at least I could control what they did not just let them go rampant like this crew has done – lol. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t gripe about them everyday- might have to live my own life lol.
Mimi, I find Helen annoying BUT no where close to the level that I find AMANDA annoying. You touched on so many of her annoying qualities.
At first I thought that sounded like a good idea, but then I remembered that if she put Amanda up, Helen might not go home. Nope. I’m not on board with that scenario at all!
If this were any other week, i’d say Helen would have a chance to avoid eviction. But now that her powers of persuasion have been severely reduced, her fate is almost a certainty. I say ALMOST since this group is famous for changing it’s mind due to a perceived hurt. But if they stick with the plan then we might not only get REAL tears from Helen but also a backdoor/blindside that is deserved and an ironic dose of just desserts.
hmmmmm Cat I am not sure when they have changed their mind from the time they put the nominees on the block to who they have decided to evict – it happens as soon as the POV is over and we see who wins and taa daa – the person to evict is chosen and lalalala we sit and wait to watch the show to see yep that person got evicted – very predicatable with these hg’s – no one has balls to go “against” the house. so we know elissa and helen on the block – helen is the “chosen” one – elissa goes off the block / spencer goes up / helen goes home – planned since saturday – oh my the suspense is killing me – LOL
What you mean to say is that no one has the balls to go against Amanda! Good Lord I feel like I’m watching the old movie “The Stepford Wives” instead of Big Brother!
Heehee! The stepford wives! That’s a good one! I actually can’t wait for the person to come back and secretly hope is is Candice and she takes them all off to CANDYLAND! And when the person does come back, that would be cool as a reward they are an automatic HOH!!!!
You could be right morningwitch. Maybe i’m thinking about them tossing names around each week like frisbees. And finally deciding “it’s not time yet” for whoever. And also Amanda telling anyone that crosses her that they’re going home. Even Helen has done it. But yes they always evict whoever is on Amandas shit list that week. I wish they would evict who’s on MY shit list – Amanda would be history.
Aaryn was so mad last night when Helen tried to get GM into an alliance with her that she couldn’t talk about anything else. Since everyone follows what the HOH wants, Helen will be history. Amanda isn’t telling Aaryn what to do. Aaryn is already doing what Amanda would want her to do. I think you were right to begin with Cat. If it were any other week, Helen might be able to weasel her way out of this, but not this week. It’s too close to the end and Helen is too strong of a player to stay. She’s going home (I hope).
I thing Andy and Amanda should go on the block Andy is a wesel and Amanda a bitch…. Get rid of them ……
I like that combo for the next noms. Good idea. I am Nana to some of my grandkids, too, so again, great minds…..
I hope Judd or Helen comes back, wins HOH and breaks up the band of misfits!
Me too!
Me too !!
Dream on. Doesn’t matter which of the four come back next week. Unless they come with an immunity or some kind of power, all CBS did was delay the inevitable for one more week as they re-vote out that cast off again and move on to Spencer or Elissa.
Still can’t get past what has been obvious for weeks: No matter how we wish or cuss, SOME undeserving moron is going to finish this season with a butt-load of money they don’t deserve. We’re just all watching the slow-motion train wreck to see which one it is.
But that’s juxg grumpy, cynical Lilly talking…..
goodbye helen hope to see ya back soon
I say this would be the best time to
backdoor Amanda…..Elissa removes herself from on the block, and they put Amanda up…kinda like how they did Judd last week…now that would make for a very exciting show.
Carole, that would make watching this season thus far SOOO worth it!!! To see her face would be priceless. She would probably start crying!
I wish Aaryn would realize that she is the one with the power, and put Amanda or Andy up.
Here’s a little something to think about, wouldn’t it be great if the veto was a double vote like in pass seasons. Wouldn’t it be great if Ellisa could save them both, Now that would blow up the house!!!
That would be amazing, but they would be safe and go with GinaMarie and Spencer….sadly! CBS tries to put twists in that house and they run scared!
Where is Pandora”s box? Maybe they could have the surprise be the evicted houseguest already earning the right to be HOH since they had to compete in it?
Too me there hasn’t really hasn’t been any twists this season, the MVP was a complete flop, that’s why CBS changed it and the third time, Come on CBS or BB get some twists going like in the pass, Please
I’m with you, Chris. The HG’s were sitting around the other day going over all the types of comps they have already had and which ones they haven’t had yet, and trying to guess which one would be the one they would have for the F4 and then the F3, etc. People know the whole show by heart. BB needs to come up with some different comps that are not like any of the ones they have every year. Like the one with the scrambled faces taken directly from the pictures on the wall. They are all studying those pictures so they will do better at that. They go around the house counting how many of this and that there are. They know what to expect, they just don’t know which will come next. They are preparing themselves for all of them. If BB comes up with some new comps, never played before, then no one would have an advantage over anyone else because there’s no way to study for a new one.
When does everyone think they will stop voting for whatever the house wants?
F4 or maybe not until F3. Seriously, i don’t think we will see an independent thought until at least F4. If McCranda makes it to F4 then we will still see her ruling the roost. Unless someone has an epiphany before then and remembers that only ONE can win the $500,000. How they can forget THAT is beyond me!
I think if Helen AND Amanda get evicted, then maybe it could happen then. If not, and no one wises up about Amanda, then I think Amanda and McCrae will think they are winning $550,000 and will be able to live a pretty good life if they adopt pizza boy’s lifestyle. It can’t be very expensive to live the way he has to live as a pizza boy. That kind of money would last a long time eating free pizza every night.
Quick question. I heard on after dark Aaron speaking to Helen and Elisa about David having some really sad story he kept to himself. and they were talking about how horrible it was. Of course the story was told during the commercial. Did Anyone watching live feeds catch Davids horrible story from the past that almost put them in tears.?
Good question, Karen. I’d like to know the answer to that one, too. I hate it when they go to commercial or to some other room right when someone is talking about something interesting.
I posted the answer to this on another page.
Live Feeds Recap 8/18