We are getting closer and closer to the next live eviction show on Big Brother 2013 and everyone in the house has seemed to accept the fact that Aaryn is going home this week and this next Head of Household competition is huge for where things go from here. We have not seen Pandora’s Box yet on Big Brother 15 and I have a feeling that we will see it today…just a gut feeling I have an am hoping for. Elissa’s reign as HoH comes to an end tomorrow night and she could very well be the target next week, so I think they will give her some kind of Veto power before she leaves that room. Anyone else agree with that? Check out some of the highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - GinaMariePhoto Credit: BigBrotherUpdates.com

To be honest, it was a pretty calm day in the house. Aaryn seems to accept the fact that she is going home, but then goes and tries to do some campaigning, but it gets her no where. She went as far as telling them that Elissa has a crush on Judd (as many people out there do, right?) and she is jealous of Aaryn flirting with him. Well, Amanda goes to verify the info with Elissa and they actually joke about it and share laughs together. Yup, that happened. Elissa said she came on the show to find a man to leave her husband, but she also thinks you can have more than one husband in Canada now (all jokes). Judd did not want Amanda to say anything to Elissa about it and when she did this just made him more and more upset with both Amanda and Aaryn.

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The HGs got some beer and wine at night and planned on having a beer pong tournament. They all thought it would be a fun and great idea until Amanda decided to run the show and made all these rules that everyone hated. They became annoyed with the game and with Amanda. She is doing a fine job working on that social game today, huh?

The Exterminators are still intact, but then again there hasn’t been a vote yet and Andy still needs to stay safe on Big Brother 2013. Right now, they know McCranda can’t win HoH and if they do they will go after Elissa, but that might not be the case. Amanda has had some crazy thoughts going through her mind and they may do a GM and Spencer or Spencer and Judd block, which would throw off The Exterminators big time and Andy would be running to McCranda very fast!

Amanda even talks to McCrae later at night about voting Andy out and keeping Aaryn around, but he said it would be a bad move. The house is against them right now and Andy is more loyal to them. Andy really needs to go. Everyone thinks he is more loyal, but he is only loyal to those in power. I’d rather see him go over Aaryn because Aaryn just does whatever she is told and Andy lies to whoever he needs to to stay in the game. He did mention doing good on Big Brother 2013 so far while remaining low key, but it is time to make a big move. It wasn’t time when you were HoH, Andy???

No big changes in the Big Brother 2013 house yesterday and Aaryn should be going home tomorrow night, but we do get to see Zingbot on tonight’s episode on CBS, so that is exciting, right?

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