Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/29/2013
|What a night in the Big Brother 2013 house and today is going to get even better! The live eviction show took place on CBS last night and it was very good, as Big Brother host Julie Chen got to interview evicted HG Aaryn Gries and it went beyond my expectations. Our site was slow because of heavy traffic again last night, so I apologize, but you all love what I am writing and can’t get enough….yeah, that’s what it is! So, the live feeds were blowing up after the show ended and get the highlights right here in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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First of all, good things happened at the HoH competition and GinaMarie won HoH. We also find out that Judd and Spencer had the fewest eggs during the competition, so chicken costumes for them for the next 48 hours! How do they look in them???
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So, GM wins HoH and guess who is in her ear right away? Yup, that would be Amanda. She tells her that Elissa has to go home this week and Judd should be on the block next to her. This never stops all night, but it does switch to Spencer at one point instead of Judd, but as long as it is Elissa as the main target. Mind you, Elissa was right there with GM all night too and they had a weird standoff in the HoH room, which ended with GM walking out on both of them!
Amanda continued her jabs at Elissa, but she was giving them back to her. Amanda was annoyed by Julie’s question last night and now she thinks America thinks she is the villain and how Elissa is being painted as the angel. It’s all nonsense, but McCrae does get in Amanda’s face and telling her to not act this way, but it is useless to try and tell her anything.
The Exterminators are talking and they seem to be going strong, but watch out for Andy. He is free now on Big Brother 2013 and I think he may wander a little. He is worried about Elissa and wondering if they should target McCranda this week. He does tell them, at some point, that one of them might be going up next to Elissa. Will he crack this weekend and tell them everything?
There was a ton of stuff that happened last night, but most of it was Amanda being crazy. She thinks it will be Elissa and Judd or Spencer on the block tonight, so she is in for a crazy weekend. GM is working her over and even agreed to a Final 4 deal with them and Andy, but all an act. GM did a lot of eye rolls for the camera and even tells the camera Amanda is going up after she walked out of the HoH room! She did get her HoH room and more pictures of Nick and a letter from her Mom and stepdad.
Two things to look forward to:
- We get another HoH Blog from GinaMarie, so wait for that one!
- Her speech at the Nomination Ceremony. What will she say to McCranda???
Today will be interesting to see how the HGs work this all out, but it looks like GM won’t be cracking and McCranda will be going up on the block. I think they want McCrae gone first, as he is the bigger threat because Amanda will breakdown and be another GM when Nick left. I think it could happen, but with a double eviction on the horizon it will be intense. The Exterminators figure if Amanda or Elissa happen to win HoH, they will target each other and put one of them up next to them and they can vote Amanda or Elissa out. If they stick to this, The Exterminators may be in a very good place right now on Big Brother 15!
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I will be shocked if Andy doesn’t squeal, he just can’t keep a secret!
He better not. Hey BB bring back Americas choice to evict. That would be great, I would vote for Amanda and McCrae to go home. Those two are nasty.
Let him squeal! All that does – if it gets back to them – is make the Exterminators realize Andy is just an extension of McCranda (aka McMandY) and needs to go next!! Yes, please?!
Touché Lilly. Andy is nothing but a big rat & telling the “exterminators” he is done with the McCrandas but that is a big rat lie. Because every time he is outside with his new alliance & with Elissa talking then goes inside Amanda is on him like a hungry hawk asking what did Elissa say & then taunt her the minute she sees her and Andy spills his gut again, grow a backbone carrot top. Andy is still with the McCrandas he is not fooling me & I hope his new alliance don’t buy his bullshit. Wise up people. On another note, what did you all think when they said how much they missed Aaryn then two-faced Elissa goes I miss her so much, doesn’t sound like it from your good-bye to Aaryn. As much I want Amanda to go I want her gone so much as well. But I do like it when she laughs at Scuzmanda though. Hope GM stands her ground when it comes to Amanda. Keep up the good work Todd liking what you are writing.
IKR? I’d respect him better if he were actually squealing because of switched loyalties and gameplay, but for some reason he just CAN’T keep his mouth shut, especially when it comes to McCranda. I don’t know what he has in common with them that he feels so attached, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s just one more mark against his ratty butt!
Andy is so scared of Homanduh that she can get just about anything out of him. Find some courage in that slimy, spineless heart of yours. You have people behind you right now, but if you don’t fly right you’ll be following them out the door. I’d like to walk up behind you & say boo. Hell I’d like to walk up to you face to face & say boo. That would work just as good.
I don’t think Andy is motivated 100% by fear of Amanda. If so, he would have no reason to be tempted to tattle to her this week. The momentum has obviously shifted to the other side of the house. If fear were really a factor in his head, he should shut his mouth tighter than ever. My theory is that he’s just incapable of keeping his mouth shut, or he’s just felt a real loyalty toward McCranda from the very beginning – unlike everyone else he’s lied straight to their face right before voting them out.
Plus, don’t forget – unlike every other shifting alliance in this house – siding with a showmance assures you of TWO votes automatically – especially with McCranda, who apparently are inseparable (except when one is removed from the house this week!!).
Thank you Todd for that awesome post. I sure hope that GM is sticking to her guns. I agree 100% with what you said about the house. I believe that if McCranda is on the block, mccrea will go home if he doesn’t win the POV. it will make for an interesting week. I CAN’T WAIT to see the fireworks this weekend. the birth of Amandazilla will be alive. LOL
LOL @ 100%
They say that so much in the house. It just cracks me up. hehe
I also agree! Thanks Todd!
I feel GM will win it all if they get Elissa and McCranda out. She has 3 sissy boys that can’t win anything. She is the least crazy out of the bunch.
That would be really nice for her since she just lost her job and all. 🙂 I could live with her winning, I think.
I know, just had to put that little bit in. LOL
darn if he wins pov he would probably be bullied into taking amanda of. Zinbot was right he wears the shorts she wears the pants
Amanda has to go. She is a classless, gross bitch. I cannot stand her face. Next to go should be McCrae, then Andy.
Tom, you may be right & I may change my mind by then, but my thinking right now is to send McRae packing because he has a better chance of winning the money & if he wins the money & the mcrandas stay together she will reap the money too, which would irritate me to no end. Also, I would like to see that filthy bitch have a complete melt down for a whole week. Of course, the perfect scenario would be to see them both gone next week.
hip hip hooray!
I don’t think McCrae will be seeing Amanda outside of the house based on what I saw last night. I think he is tired of this showmance and after this show he will be done. I don’t see him acting this way outside the house.
Well Im hoping that GinaMarie does keep her mind in the game and puts McCrae and Amanda. I want to ask you guys I love this game. I started watching the Big Brother Mexico first and now I started watching many uears now US. My daughter and myself sit down everytime show comes up. Per reading some comments says Amanda is going to win the competition( was this the POV) . Does this means she wins Big Brother? Supposely a producer slip this comment. Is this game rigged? I know the gelp out but seriously. Love this game and I hope is not. Team Judd and I was routing for Jessie too. Thanks
Annilu, this has been debated for weeks here. If you can, read back through this website. Not only did Todd (the website’s writer) post about it a couple of days ago, but several of us visitors have debunked it too.
Thanks Lilly unfortunetly I dont have internet and my stupid phone only shows me a little. For some reason it doesnt let me. Thanks for your reply.
don’t think is rig the fcc has a standard and practises rule baout rigging game shows. It came about in the 60’s when a game show 21 was cought with their hands in the cookie jar when one of the contestans spilled the beans. if one can’t keep a secret I don’t think 16 can.
Annilu, the short answer is that, for CBS to allow this show to be rigged, would be really stupid on their part. Another big argument against that possibility is that it would take the collaboration (and silence) of all the hgs from the beginning to vote the way CBS wants. We understand that production manipulates the game by things they say in the diary room. But the likelihood that Amanda was hand-picked to win from the beginning just because she worked on a show previously with the BB producer is just not very realistic.
Even if by some slim chance Amanda is still there to the final 2, nobody is going to vote her the winner. At this point they all think she is nuts. I think she stopped “playing” the game and is in an alternate universe where she is the queen and everybody loves her. Queens like her usually are not well received by her subjects. Wait until she is out and sees herself. She will either be “way to go girl” or ” I need to commit myself NOW”. And onto Ginamarie. She still needs to be held accountable for her actions in the beginning but if you compare her now to Amanda, GM looks pretty tame. Scary isn’t it!!! Way to go Todd, Thanks for all the updates. Work all day and tired at night (I teach young ones. Thanks again:)
Andy is a snake in the grass, he went in an told them what they were saying outside. He will never change. He is a big rat . I hate his speech last night. He put Anderson Copper in it, He touch Andy with a ten foot pole. He must be in love with him. I pray GM sticks to her guns. They need to find out that Andy is going back and telling MCCrea and Amanda everything that is going on. I can wait to see one of them go home. I think Amanda stays it will be awful in the house, I think she will be so mad that when I think she will flip and maybe even hit someone. I just dont she stable to be in the house without MCCrea.
I agree, Erin! This season, with so many “undesirables” in this house, it’s been a question of not being able to vote people out fast enough! I want Amanda and McCrae GONE (McCrae deserves it now, too). But I want Andy gone pronto, too!
The thing that gets me the most is how NO ONE sees Andy as a threat. They all still think he’s on their side. ALL of them! How anyone trusts ONE word out of his mouth is beyond me.
I’m afraid he will definitely be in the F4, maybe F2. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if his fellow hgs vote him the money. They won’t know what he was really like until they watch the show after they get out of the jury house!
Andy is trying to hedge his bets. He tries to play 2 games at once. People suspect it but just like with Amanda they never do anything about it. His days of double dealing are coming to a close. Depending on GMs noms, he could be in for a whole new deck of cards that he wasn’t counting on.
I can’t stand that stupid shirt Andy always wears! The one with the open chest cavity on it. OMG seriously? Do you think that looks good Andy? 😛
He’s trying to make his own grizzly shirt
OMG is that what it is?? Miserable FAIL!!
On the other hand, we don’t need the open cavity shirt to see Red’s heart or soul. He’s simply a cowardly player hoping to keep himself in the game. One would hope outside the house he’s less of a rat and traitor.
His cat shirt the other day, perfect. He’s a Scaredy Cat 🙂
How do they not see what Andy is doing? Who would ever trust him? I guess we see things that they don’t, but I thought he had been exposed. Last night (BBAD) when Amanda started her tirade against Alyssia, Andy and Spencer ran in to get a front row seat. They are pathetic, both big sponges. The only help and insight they gave was to say that they understood both sides. True diplomats. Andy and Spence are still loyal to and afraid of Macranda.
I hope GM puts Amanda and McCrae on the block together and tells them both that her intentions are to backdoor someone. Of course she will feel the full extent of Amandas wrath but GM is capable of handling Amandas in-your-face style since she can be as loud (or louder) as Amanda. Should be some pretty good scheming if they both are nommed. If one wins POV then put up Andy and tell him the same thing. Either way a snake will be on the block. And if GM plays her cards right, she can control the votes. If she keeps Judd, Elisa and Spencer safe then hopefully those 3 will vote the same. She doesn’t get a vote, the 2 noms don’t vote, so that leaves Andy (or McCrae or Am if one wins veto). Should be a slam dunk if she realizes that a bold move can lead to an Amanda-free house.
I like it Cat. I hate to say it but the smarter thing to do would be to get rid of mccrae if the option is there…like some have said Amanda may self implode when he is gone and she knows that she no longer has any power because the hg’s are not afraid of her anymore.
by thursday 3am it might become just midnight. 2 down and 1 to go
First Aaran said some hurtful and totally wrong things but to be blindsided by cheers, boos and loud laughter and to be interrogated by Julie, who had weeks of input from others plus legal advice is also wrong. This is a game and to be ridiculed on national tv took it to a new level. Aaren did not have time or councel to come up with perfect selfsaving answers. Now Julie had better quote every other player past and present who said hurtful things.
Bullying, you could say the same thing about the ones that Aaryn attacked on national tv. Wasn’t it a new level when Candace had her bed flipped, and then verbally pelted by Aaryn? As you say, it’s a game, and if someone can dish it out they should be able to take it too.
Julie did not ridicule her. She asked her point blank questions to her behavior in the house. That’s not interrogation. If you need counsel to explain your remarks then obviously you’ve been saying some things that you shouldn’t have. Aaryn was given the opportunity to clarify her comments in the house. And her only defense was “i’m from Texas and that’s the way we joke”. REALLY?? She demeans a whole state in order to try to defend herself. Why would you have the NEED to come up with selfsaving answers if you have nothing to be saved from? She knew she was being filmed 24/7. And yet she chose to take the low road with her actions in the house (as do some of the others). Aaryn doesn’t need to be saved from public ridicule. Aaryn needs to be saved from HERSELF!
Right On Cat! 😀
Your spot on Cat!!!
You’re right, of course, but if Julie lets people like Spencer or GM slide out – if they are evicted – then that really is an unfair singling out of ONE of the slugs in this house simply because her remarks were partly directed toward Asians. (No way Julie will let Amanda out without quizzing her; that’s a given.) It was good to see Aaryn squirm a little bit, but she’s not the only one who should answer for their words and actions. If anyone does, they all should. Just my thought.
I agree Lilly. What’s good for one is good for the other. Since Spencer has voiced ugly remarks and GM is facing the same fate as Aaryn, i expect Julie to “quote” them also. As well as quoting Amanda. I DO think it was unfair of CBS to make Aaryn the scapegoat for all the racism and homophobia that went on in the house. She was not alone in her antics. I just hope we see the last nights scene repeated upon each eviction.
I hope I don’t incur wrath by anyone here, but….
Even though we were all looking forward to Aaryn having to “answer” for her actions, I really wonder how much of that interview was personal for Julie. Full disclosure: I’ve never been a big fan of Julie Chen as BB host. But I really thought she looked like she was seething while interviewing Aaryn. To her credit, if she was really mad, she controlled herself well. But it should NOT BE personal. Other people have been affected by some of the CRAP on this season of BB. It’s okay if Julie took Aaryn’s remarks personally because I’m sure, as a minority, it reminded her of other times when she was really hurt by such comments personally. But the way BB TREATS these hgs and their actions should be measured, fair, and equal. Aaryn should suffer MORE just because Julie was hurt or mad. What about adopted people and the way GM treated Candice?
Did that make sense?
And, for the record, I DO think (hope) BB will treat everyone equally. We’ll see.
**Aaryn should NOT suffer more…**
I agree with Lilly, CAT, BULLYING & Carolyn on everything, well said. No Lilly no wrath should come unto you as this is freedom speech & comments. We are entitled to our opinions. Be assure you can sleep well tonight. As I said before I wished Aaryn when asked about her actions would have just come clean & apologized to Julie, production staff, her family & America maybe it wouldn’t have been so uncomfortable, this was her chance but saying this is how we joke in Texas she will get heat about that comment. It looked like it took her by surprised. Hopefully for Aaryn’s sake she will be hard on herself after viewing the beginning episodes cause when she finds out she is no longer employed her plate is full enough she will be devastated. Hope she will learn & grow from this.
Aaryn— boy can she lie—–hope her friends pick up on it——really sad—and she can drink also–this person needs to grown up fast!!!!!!!
Julie does interrogate other players & does talk to others about character & how they were perceived & how they played the game. All you have to do is rewatch the other evictions. Some people just have better morals than others, & thus have more positive interviews. There were other players who faced tough questions too, but they didn’t make up excuses. And you can’t control how the audience feels. Maybe she’ll learn from this, but I doubt it, because she always blurts out excuses.
I am totally disgusted at how Aaryn blamed what she said on the south and Texas. I am from Louisiana ” the south” I certainly don’t talk or act like that nor do I have any friends that talk like that (if I did I would disassociate myself from them) so for her to say ” I’m from Texas and that’s the way we joke” is absurd. I Believe it has to do with the way her parents raised her or an unstable house hold. l honestly feel kind of sorry for her and here is why: She said some very racist things that shouldn’t have been thought of much less said. She is young and I’m sure she didn’t think of the consequences for the things she was saying. When this show is over and she gets to see how she acted and how people view her I’m sure she will be sorry. I hope she can find away to show she is sorry for her actions and I hope in time people can forgive her and remember she is young and it might not been as bad as what she did but im sure alot of us have done something stupid when we were young without considering what the out come of those actions would be. But everyone deserves a 2nd chance to prove they are sorry and to change there ways.
Very good post Jason318.
Being a person of color all my life that’s a hard PILL 2 swoller
Wow, Karen, I see your point too.
My list of who should go home first to last (in my opinion)[not who playd the best game].
3.Andy (the pet rat)
7.Elissa (like her, didn’t like her sister)
At this point why would you want to get rid of Amanda?!?! I mean she’s pretty much dug her own grave on the show, and she definately wouldn’t get the votes to win the money. In my opinion, McCrea is kinda smart aligning himself with Amanda, we know from the things he’s said that he knows she’s a crazy bitch, just like everyone else does. Why not sit back and let her get all the blood on her hands…she does all the work, he walks away with $500,000. And really, as much as i hate to admit it, shes the best player (mindgame wise) in the show…i mean who else has had that much control and sway in the game? Her downfall however, is her attitude; she’s mean, disrespectful, trashy, bitchy, evil….i could go on and on and, like I said before, because of that, no one on the jury will vote for her…except maybe Andy & McCrea if they got evicted. But wouldn’t be awesome to see McCrea win, thank Amanda for the. OK, all that said, I really want JUDDt to WIN it my opinion he’s the most deserving:) but seeing someone else make a fool of Amanda (besides Amanda, of course) would be amazing…McCrea being that person is just icing on the cake!
She hasn’t played the best game. Maybe she did for a while, but how stupid is it to announce in front of her allies (in a fit of anger) that everyone follows her orders & anyone seen talking to Elissa will go home next.
She also told JC in front of everyone that the others learned not to pull her trigger. She screwed her game & lost all control in 20 min.
Jessd, I hope I’ve changed your opinion. That’s the stupidest thing I can ever remember in BB history.
They need to put both up at the same time, that way only one will come down, if the pov gets won, by one of them. Don’t backdoor, just get it done.
as in both I mean Amanda and Mcrae
Yup. backdooring has to many scenarios for my taste. look where it got Elissa.
The news media is talking about Aaryn once again. Those that reported on her remarks are now reporting on her eviction interview. Most of them aren’t buying Aaryns explanations to Julie last night. Especially the Texas made me do it answer. She will be a veritable hot potato for a while once outside the house. I just hope she learns a lesson from all this and doesn’t remain Miss Potatohead forever.
Oh Cat you just put me off potatoes…guess it will just be kool-aid