Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/31/2013
|Things are being setup for a crazy week in the Big Brother 2013 house, but these HouseGuests don’t seem to catch on to that and are messing with all the fun we are supposed to be having. McCrae and Amanda on the block and Veto competitions to be held and then the drama that usually comes with that, right? Not on Big Brother 15 yesterday! Check out some of the highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!
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The HGs slept in pretty late and woke up to picking Veto players and then the eventual Veto competition. The Exterminators had settled on targeting McCrae this week. He is the bigger threat and can win competitions and Amanda would be a hot mess after seeing him walk out the doors. Then the Veto Competition happens and McCrae wins Veto (it is has it always happens in this game). So, the shift goes to Amanda and America is happy with that choice!
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After the Veto comp, it was a pretty dull night. It is shocking, but Amanda did not cause scenes or start fighting yet. I think she still has it in her, so we may see some fireworks today before the Veto Meeting on Monday. McCranda are campaigning somewhat, but as a team and that just shows why they need to be gone. They just don’t get it. Elissa is bad. Judd is bad. That is all they got, so they need to step that up too on Big Brother 2013.
The Exterminators agree that Spencer will go on the block as a renom when McCrae takes himself down. It will be his seventh time on the block and will most likely come right down again. Do you think that could help his resume if he makes it to the Final 2? GinaMarie doesn’t want to put up Elissa because she didn’t put up GM the week before and they all think it would throw off red flags that the four of them are working together.
The are also thinking of a possible Double Eviction on Thursday, which it is. If one of The Exterminators get it then they will put one of themselves up to not throw people off again. Either McCrae/Elissa and one of them on the block and if Veto is used then insert McCrae/Elissa.
I am surprised that The Exterminators are still intact, but it is also no big shocker since they got HoH and Andy isn’t going to run away from the power. He is still talking with McCranda and needs to be thrown out before Elissa, but that will never happen.
It was a pretty slow day, considering the facts. I am hoping for an Amanda blowup today and a fight to stay in. She could go after Elissa easily, but I think she knows GM isn’t going to back down from anything Amanda throws at her. We shall see…
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OMG I can’t stand Andy, he gives gay a bad name. That kid doesn’t have and ounce of style in his entire body. Not to mention he is a pasty red headed snake. He must go and the sooner the better.
Being gay means that you have style?
Sorry Todd, but most gays do have style. Most stereotypes have a kernel of truth in them. The majority of gays have have a sense of style. This boy has zero..the only thing he has is a sicking whine. I predict zero redemption or celebration for Andy even if he wins from the Gay community
Well, I am gay and have no sense of style. He gives gays a bad name for being a dirty rat, but I don’t even care about his styler.
For the love of GOD, please explain to me WHY nobody in the house has a clue that andy is a snake, floater & a rat??? Will anyone ever get a clue & put him up as third nominee this week? I dont get it!!
@Todd I’m sure you’re being way too hard on yourself.
Look, it seems as though it is going to be a slow 24 hours in the BB house. So why don’t you do a quick post with a couple of selfies of you in your favorite ensembles and let us be the judges. 🙂
It is hard to see that Andy is a snake, because he comes across as the ultimate floater who is gentle and innocent and not wanting to cause any trouble. If you remember the 3A.M. alliance was outed by Aaryn before she left the house, but Elissa has never had a discussion with anyone about that alliance. Also chance like a lot of things that information floated right over Elissa head.
Wait a minute. Is this the first you’re coming out as gay on this blog? I thought you and Cat had a thing going. I actually scrolled back up to the top of this page to see what you were wearing in your photo, but it’s not on this page. LOL. Just kidding, Todd. I’m sure you’ve got some style. As I recall, your picture looks pretty good. Very cheerful at least. 🙂
Todd, your point is well taken . Just the same it would be nice to see Andy have a make over, the howdy doody look is creepy on him. Twilight Zone creepy.
I just wonder how many more times he will start crying!
And McCrae and Spencer do??? McCrae needs a stylish haircut and a LONG shower.
I McCrae AND Amanda need to take a shower, brush their hair and stop looking so dang sloppy. I think Amanda is the biggest bully I’ve ever seen. I wish Alyssa would smack her.
Sorry, ‘Elissa’.
Lawd…me, too!!!! Elissa has got to thave the best self-control Ive ever seen in my life…..aMANda is such a bad person in this game. I sure hope she isn’t like that in her everday life….She has already lost her realtor license in the her home state of Florida. She worked fro her Mother tho, she owns her own real estate company. If it had been me, I wouldve been thrown out because I wouldve had to take a swing at her!!!!!
They can’t take her license from her…. They can fire her but seriously does nobody remember evil dock? He was way worse than these guys…..Just saying I’m not a fan of any of them.
I want to know how they keep from getting “sex hair.” My hair gets this big ratty spot at the back of my hair afterwards. Maybe I have finer hair than they do. TMI? 🙂
Lol..yes webkitten2…TMI! They have a permanent case of “bed head”. Especially McCrae. Which is why we can’t see a difference in “sex hair” and regular hair. It’s all the same!
@Cat…if it makes you feel any better, my bad hair days with the rats in the back were a few years ago (before 2 knee surgeries, a shoulder surgery, stomach problems for a year, etc., etc., etc. So I’m just writing another chapter in my book. 🙂 Rob used to say I could write a book about my life. I was a little wild and crazy after my divorce, many many moons ago.
Nailed It!!!!
And Spencer needs to stop digging in his dang nose on camera all of the time!!!!!!!! NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dee – right on – the other night in the hoh room after taking his hand out of his pants it went to his nose – he looks at his ‘prize’ and then his hand disappears behind the couch – what is he 5?? yucko – hope they have that thing steam cleaned – hahhaha.
OMG! I agree ‘dee’. I’ve never seen anyone pick their nose so much. Nasty!
I so agree with you about McCrae needing a hair cut and long shower. It seems that he and Amanada stay in the bed ALL the time. Every time I see McCrae, it just see flees. I can see being bored after a period of time in the house, but I do not think I have seen anyone appear to be as unclean as McCrae.
I wonder how often they change the sheets?
Eeeeewwwww!!!!!!! Kaye. Talk about TMI!
kaye, my guess would be, not nearly enough. Clean sheets is a MUST in my house. So if i were a HG i would have to bring my own. And wash them separately from everyone elses. Ok..i’m a neat freak 🙂
Cat – yet another reason why we’d make GREAT BB allies!!
I’m not a neat freak, but I am very organized. Does that count for anything? I do like my clean sheets, though. Nothing like crawling into a bed with freshly washed sheets. McCranda should experience that at least once in their lives. Weren’t we the ones who started using the term McCranda? I noticed that Julie called them that on the show (I think it was Thursday). I laughed because I thought we made that up. Remember when we were trying different versions and we settled on McCranda?
Totally agree Andy needs to go before Elissa. I’m so sick of his fake a$$ flip flops N extremely sick of his ratting to any side he feels makes him safer.
Andys crying is getting soooo very old!!!! I liked him in the beginning until I realized he really didn’t like Elissa but was just acting like it.
Don’t you guys think Andy needs to be the replacement nom so he won’t have a chance to vote? I just don’t trust him to vote for Amanda.
Abso-stinkin-lutely!! The problem is that NO one except Elissa is seeing through Andy.
Helen and Andy pretend to like people more often than anyone I have seen. So glad Helen is gone, she was just as overly confident and pushy as Amanda.
I hate Elissa a little less since she started genuinely laughing at times. Especially when she’s laughing to Amanda’s face and Amanda doesn’t know what she’s laughing about. I never saw her laugh before and it’s a much better look for her than the high falluting look she used to have on her face. Just so you know, I know that isn’t spelled right. I went to Catholic schools from 1st through 8th grades, so I am an excellent speller, but I don’t know how to spell EVERYTHING! I don’t think it makes any difference about Andy’s vote. I think they’ll have enough without it. You’ve still got Judd and Elissa’s votes and if there were a tie, GM would put Amanda out.
All I think about with Andy now is how the Zingbot Zinged him! Hopefully the HG’s bring that to the forefront of their brains!
Also I can’t wait to see the look on Mcranda’s faces tonight!
I just heard besides the money at the luxury comp, Amanda won Diamond power of veto?
That is false!!
Beth thats bullshit & you know it!!! You must be an amanda fan.
beth, you know you are trying to stir shit. That is not true. Grow up.
Lol! And I thought I needed to get a life besides work & tv!!
Linda they were saying that on twitter but then I saw after one of them it had #itsajoke, so not sure but most likely it’s not true. Lawd, I hope not!!!!!
Ok Beth if u heard this on Twitter then I take back what I said. 🙁
WHAT!!?? Amanda needs to GO!! She better not have won anything that can keep her skank a** safe and how do we know she lost her real estate license??? If she did that would be HG #4 who is said to have lost their job over their lack of decorum. If that is the case Andy needs to lose his teaching license – and he is even lying about that. His is a professor and acting like he is not as educated as he is. What message is he sending- his whining – rat – snake – two faced jack a** self is no role model for anyone. I have come to despise him as much as Amanda. I hope he will read all these posts and learns the general population can’t stand his lying skank a** either. Agree he needs to go and as much as he complains about Elissa behind her back hope he goes first as he is so sickened by the thought of her staying longer than him. She deserves to be there longer and would love to see her make it to at least 3. Don’t know what it is this year but not really rooting for any of them. Think the HG are just too young – not a good enough mix. The oldest person was what 37??
It would be cool to see a mixture of ages, you bet. The first BB had a nice balance, and now that people know how to play the games it would be fun. Old codgers wouldn’t put up with Amanda’s tirades.;)
I hope Melissa wins Hog and puts up Andy and Mcrae
Me tooooooooooooo!
That would be the greatest! But are we dreaming?
hope not i have been staunchly saying is not rig. If its true I might have to rethink.
I don’t think it is rigged. It’s a complicated game…people are involved! 🙂
I’m thinking that if Amanda is evicted she will go out with a bang (and no i don’t mean one from McCrae 🙂 ). Maybe something along the lines of the Candice/GM variety. Only directed at Elissa. I doubt she will go quietly into the night. That’s not her style. I suspect there will be some sobbing. From everyone but Elissa.
Be interesting to see if they all hug her and say “I love you” – will drop my drink if Elissa does!
There will be “spit takes” around the world if that happens.
Totally agree, Cat!!!!!
Amanda is secure because she won the diamond veto in the luxury competition. Mccrae will use his veto, then Amanda will use hers. Both come off the block. Spencer is on and because it is a diamond veto… Amanda gets to name her replacement- so Elissa goes up and heads to jury. The game is rigged.
This statement is not from me – “Cat” – Lilly and JO1s partner in crime :). I would never say something like this. Unless you work for CBS or are clairvoyant then you can’t possibly know that.
@ the real “Cat” Did aMANda really win the DPOV??? I did’nt see that on any of the LF’s…… Somebody must be playin a sick joke……..
I haven’t seen it on the live feeds either. I think SOMEONE would have spilled the beans already if it happened. There are so many rumors floating around this year. I’m betting this is one of them. In fact i had read that the rumor about the game being fixed for Amanda to win came from a disgruntled CBS ex-employee. So i guess we have to take everything with a grain of salt. Or a bourbon and coke :).
I read the same about the game being fixed in aMANdas favor and that she was a good friend of Allison Grouders….I’ll take the bourbon and coke, please!!!!! 🙂
now we’re talking…let the drinks flow 😀
Don’t worry Cat I would never believe that you would post something so vague with no backup detail 😉
if all that is true – Allison needs to be fired and as much as I love me some BB it should be cancelled – ESPECIALLY with all the crap about why Elissa shouldn’t be there because of her sister. Amanda is trash of trash and looking at her and McCrae is really starting to make my stomach turn – gross and gosser – sorry but her inner ugliness is making her uglier on the outside. And did anyone ever teach her “ladies” DON’T SIT SPREAD EAGLE!! EWE!!
I cannot stand Amanda or Andy…i hope and pray Amanda is going home soon.
Next Andy!
I agree but don’ cheer to fast amanda isn’t gone yet. From what social media say there’s still pandoras box that has a diamond veto in it allowing who ever gets it to take themselves off the block. Also they say there’s still a double eviction ahead. Just pray that evil doesn’t win.
Okay, I’m confused again. Todd, did Amanda win the Diamond POV in the luxury competition? Or do you know? again, on my Twitter BB15 updates, people are saying she won it in the luxury competition. I saw the tweet, but then it had #itsajoke after the tweet so I thought no more of it. Today, people are on twitter saying she won the Diamond POV.
Just a guess Darlene but i would venture to say that one of the HGs would have revealed it on the live feeds if she had. NONE of them can keep their mouth shut. So i would say it was a joke. You know how rumors get started.
oops…sorry…i meant “Darleen”
God, I hope it’s a joke!! I thought the same thing, Cat, that SOMEONE would have had to see her get it and would have been talking about it on the live feeds (which I don’t have). I don’t think Amanda would have been crying, etc., if she had it either. Here’s to hoping it’s a joke!
oops – sorry BB for all caps – If I get taken down was saying raining down here in S.FL so all have to do the Amanda rain dance for her to go – and if by chance she has some DPOV Andy needs to go – that RAT – and particularly since GM is all about not liking rats – hope she comes to realize he is one and gets rid of him!
I think if Ellisa gets sent home before Am or An I will not watch BB again.She isn’t that great an actress though and truly seems to be afraid she is leaving.
Has anyone here watched aMANda Zuckerman on Youtube???? She is disgusting!!!!!!
I’m so sick of seeing McCrae biting on his fingers and picking his toes….GROSS
Makes me sick!!!!!!
OH MY GOD – ME TOOOOOOOOO! I think I have mentioned it a dozen times already and where are all those nail and toe crumbs going?? EWEEEE!!! So nasty – and early on when Aaron was plucking Kaytlen’s eyebrows in one of the beds – these people are just nasty or Helen sticking the fork she ate off of in a jar of food they all share or eating off a cooking utensil and putting back in food without rinsing off – I GO INTO AN GERM-A-PHOBIA COMA JUST WATCHING THEM. YUCKO!!
I hope it is not true. If it is I will never watch BB again, and someone should contact the company who controls the tv show, I cant remember fcc? I think some heads need to role if that happens. It would be so revealing that the game is rigged. Allison should be fired, she is Amanda friend and telling her every move. Someone would have to be accountable.
AMDANDA AND ANDY make me sick.
I just said the same thing adding as much as I love the show if that is the case it should be cancelled.
I would think CBS would choose Ellisa over Amanda.
I’ve been trying to track down where the rumor about Amanda getting the DPOV came from. The original story came from a website called “Celeb Dirty Laundry”. From there it goes to Twitter and then spreads. Celeb Dirty Laundry also has articles about Helen being pushed (on the HOH re-entry comp for jurors)and a story about Elissa being disqualified as HOH on episode 26. Since we know the last 2 stories are bogus then it’s pretty safe to assume that this one is too. It’s a rag website. No proof is presented for ANYTHING they report.
Thanks Cat. I hope so..
I will agree this is the laziest and nastiest group the house has had. I think they forget they are on live feed.
The hous guest know they are on live feed, they just to give two cents about fact they are probably dreaming up ways to capitalize off thier fame. But no one is interested in what they are selling .
“Amonstra” plain and simple.
I want Spencer to go up as replacement nominee so they can see if Andy will vote for Amanda and if he doesn’t it would feel good to see the shock on McCranda faces. If it is a tie Gm will break it and send Amanda home
Already a done deal. And McCranda has made peace with the fact that Andy “has no choice” but to vote with the house. Hence, no one is the wiser that, if Andy thought he could succeed, he’d have found a way to save them.
I hope this show ends up with a decent winner,and that’s going to be hard to figure out all but elissa has made sexist racial statements, and for some reason everybody got caught up in amandas hate for elissa. I hope when they all go home and look at the live feeds they have the good grace to be embarressed. They have filthy habits, they don’t even clean the house when they go live..