It was a busy day in the Big Brother 2013 house yesterday, but that just means that it is a Saturday on Big Brother 15. The HouseGuests were in all stages of emotions yesterday: excitement, paranoia, anger, remorse and drunkeness. From the announcement of the MVP nominee to an alcohol delivery, Saturdays are always fun. Get some of the highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - CandicePhoto Credit:

The HGs are up nice and early, as promised by the producers. Nothing really happened until the Veto players were picked, which meant we found out that America put Amanda up as the third nominee with the MVP vote. She started out calm, but it didn’t last long. She thinks Judd is MVP, but Spencer says it might be America and Amanda thinks there is no way that could happen. We love her so much?

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For the Power of Veto competition, Amanda is expecting pretty much everyone but the nominees to take her off the block, but Aaryn doesn’t want that to happen because she thinks she would be the renom (which is most likely true). This does not make Amanda happy, but you know what happens when you don’t agree with her on Big Brother 2013!

The actual Veto competition happened and Jessie won Veto for Week 6, but kind of. They could exchange prizes, like a White Elephant gift exchange. Judd actually won the Veto, but he took $5,000 over winning veto. Jessie had the Veto necklace in her hand, so she got it! Other “gifts” won: Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas, GinaMarie won a dog cone that she had to wear for the next 48 hours, Amanda won spray tans in the backyard whenever production called her to get more orange and Candice won a clown suit that she must wear for one week (if she survives a week).

At the Veto competition, Amanda made some vulgar comments and went off on Candice apparently. There was mention of Howard and his member and Amanda said some not-so-nice things to Candice. McCrae and Andy tell her to watch her mouth after the competition. She must listen because she apologized to Candice later on.

Jessie will be taking herself off the block, so GM mentions shortly after that Spencer will be the renom. Ugh….another boring week? Elissa wants Spencer or Amanda to go over Candice, but Helen nixes that thought. Elissa always seems to want to go against what Helen and the others wants, but backs down. If she wants to win, she needs to grow a pair and vote out one of the people telling her what to do every week. This is your chance with Amanda on the block again!

Alcohol was delivered on Big Brother 2013, but it was “bachelor party” night and the guys only drank. They had fun, so boring! Next alcohol delivery will be “bachelorette party” time, so the girls only drink and the drama happens! Deliver alcohol now CBS!!!

Even without alcohol, Amanda brings out the big ones for Spencer, Andy, Jessie and McCrae. The conversation moves to Jessie and her nipples. For anyone really wanting to see the goodies and hear the conversation on Big Brother 2013, it happened about 12:22am BBT last night!

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