We have one more full day of hoping and praying that these HouseGuests wake up (Candice especially) and they decide to make some bold moves this week on Big Brother 2013. It is a Double Eviction week, so that means we should have some fun times on the Live Feeds for Big Brother 15. Everyone seems content with Candice going home this week, but if she got out of her funk and tried to stir the pot a little, I think she could make things happen. Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - GinaMarie CryingPhoto Credit: BigBrotherJunkies.com

Here is the thing I hate: Jessie and Candice have this all figured out, but they have no one getting behind them to backdoor Amanda this week. Helen jumps on board while talking with them, but then goes to everyone in the house and says it is a bad idea and maybe next week or two weeks from now or let’s just give the money to Amanda because I am a mom and don’t need it and I’ll just cheer everyone on and cry when I want to and think I have this in the bag. Helen rant….done!

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Candice is in a funk and needs to get out of it and fight to stay in the Big Brother 2013 house today! She didn’t even get out of bed for Amanda’s bachelorette party last night. You’d assume alcohol would help get the HGs riled up, but not so much. There was some drama between Jessie, Judd and Aaryn and that love triangle happening. Both girls want Judd to sleep in bed with them, but he wanted the Have-Not room so he didn’t have to sleep in Jessie’s bed. He ended up sleeping in Jessie’s bed.

Aaryn has been flip-flopping around and going from Team Amanda to Team Evict Amanda. She doesn’t trust her and then she trusts her and wants to bash on Judd. He is the next target for Amanda, even though she has a strong hatred for Jessie too. She thinks Judd is some brilliant guy and has all these plans in the works as Big Brother MVP. I swear, the ideas these HGs come up with this season!

Funny part of the day: GinaMarie goes up to do her HoH blog and comes down a hot mess! She couldn’t spell words and struggled with it (welcome to my world, girl)! It was sad to see, as she ripped on herself pretty good and the tears were coming out of her like Nick left her again. CBS should have a fun time editing that down!

All in all, Candice is headed home this week unless she does some work today in the house. The Double Eviction should bring an interesting twist, but it appears Jessie and Judd are on target for that. Jessie needs to win HoH and then the Big Brother 2013 will be exciting. Spencer could bring some excitement too, but no one wants him in the house after his comments from Monday!

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