Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/12/2013
|Thursday was live eviction day in the Big Brother 2013 house and had some action both before the show and after the show and we are one day closer to finding out who wins Big Brother 15! With only three HouseGuests remaining, you know things are going to go pretty slow now and they will focus on bashing the previous HGs they evicted. The real fun will begin when the winner of Part 2 of the final HoH competition is determined. How much scheming will that third HG be doing??? Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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We all saw it on the live eviction show last night on Big Brother 2013, but The Exterminators sat McCrae down before the live show and spilled everything to him. Told him he would be evicted that night. Andy told him he voted out Amanda and framed Elissa for it. Why does he feel the need to out his game and his lies to every HG when they leave? This is so bizarre to me!?!?
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After the show, the Live Feeds took a while, but finally came back and the Final 3 were competing in Part 1 of the final HoH competition. They were on roller skates and holding some rope and being flung around in a circle. They had water and glitter and soap flying at them and Spencer was out first and Andy hurt his knee, but GinaMarie won Part 1 and will compete in Part 3 on the live finale. She has hurt her back, stitches on knee and broken toe and she still won! Funny thing: Andy and Spencer talked before and decided to keep GM over Judd because they can beat her in the endurance competition because of her injuries. Ha, that worked out well!
After the competition, the night consisted of talking about previous HGs and McCrae being dirty and stupid for getting with Amanda on Big Brother 2013. As far as game talk, Spencer tells GM that Andy can beat them both in Final 2 and they need to go together. Andy’s paranoia has kicked in and he knows he must win Part 2 or he may not make Final 2 (we can only hope).
Right now, things are up in the air for Big Brother 2013. It will become a little clearer when Part 2 of the final HoH competition takes place and we know who will compete in Part 3 on Wednesday night. The HGs seem to think Part 2 will happen tomorrow sometime, but we can hope for some bad luck coming to Andy on Friday the 13th and they hold it today!
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I think Spencer is hedging his bets. Of course he will suck up to the round 1 winner! And the round 2 winner (if it’s not him). We will see more sucking than a Hoover vacumn this week. I just hope ANDY has to do more sucking than usual (ok, that didn’t sound right, but y’all know what i mean :)).
They really ARE going to float until just before the final HoH, aren’t they? I’m betting Andy knows who he will take, but do you even thing GM or Spencer have made up their mind yet?
Yes, i think they all know who they will take. It’s just right now they are waiting for round 2 and are not voicing it. If we were to see DRs i guarantee we would know. They only have 2 choices so it should be easy to weigh the pros and cons of each.
A Hoover vacuum. Good one Cat
Thanks Todd. Funny soap hey.. BB must have wanted to wash away all the sins they have done. lol
Carol, maybe the soap should have gone straight to their mouths!
What ?
Todd said that part of the roller skating comp was having soap sprayed at them at one point in the competition. I think it should have gone straight to their mouths and washed out the verbal filth (especially in Spencer’s).
Yea, Tessa, maybe BB was trying to tell them something, and they didn’t take the hint!!
Todd, I don’t have the live feeds, and all these idiots can talk about on BBAD is inane and vulgar topics.
But to my limited sight, it looks like no one has any real deals and everyone is hedging their bets until after the 2nd HoH comp. I don’t think they will start being honest until then.
Do YOU think there is any real deal right now? Will EITHER GM or Spencer will NOT take Andy to F2? (Please say one of them won’t…!)
I guess what I’m asking is, who do you think will take whom with them to F2, depending on who wins HoH?
I would bet Spencer or GM will take Andy. I hope not but feel they will. I think the only votes he will get in the house is Helen and Aaryn. And he will lose regardless.
Carol. I have to disagree w/ you. This is just my opinion, but I don’t think either of them want to be sitting beside Andy final two, & I think that Andy & GM both realize that Spencer can’t & won’t win the money.
Man Garyr, I sure hope you’re right!
I hope you are correct, too! As much as I dislike Spencer and GM, I would love to see Andy come in 3rd and win nothing!
I have to disagree, and let me say why. Andy is the most hated of the three. It doesn’t matter what Dr. Will says. The Jury won’t forget being stabbed in the back. Yes Andy played the game well, but Spencer has the Big Brother record of surviving 8 evictions. That is a major accomplishment. Then remember that GM was the spear head that destroyed the McCranda power block. That will score some big points with the jury. Also the majority of the jury members are women. As the saying goes, “Sisters before Misters.” they will vote for GM just because she is a woman. Either way Andy will not win the jury vote. That is why I believe that Spencer will take Andy to the final two. If anybody sends Andy packing it will be GM.
What that is so dumb..
I’m hoping as long as Andy doesn’t win anything, then he won’t go to the F2.
For me, I think GM would take Spencer. Andy or Spencer would take each other. Andy knows he can’t beat GM and Spencer knows he can’t beat either, so if he keeps Andy and plays the loyal card to the jury it could work.
I made the same assessment on your previous blog Todd. I totally agree about with you about who will take who. See..our alliance has started already! 🙂
Great minds things alike, Cat. I just pray you’re right about GM and I pray she wins HoH and send Andy packing!
Haha indeed it has!
I think that Spencer would be foolish to keep Andy. If Spencer has the ability to get out Andy, then that’s his only big move of the game. He can tell the jury that he did to Andy what Andy did to everyone in the jury house. GM has Amanda on her resume. Spencer “exterminating” Andy might be his ONLY way to win over the jury.
Todd,this is one time I have to disagree w/ you. I don’t think Andy outed his game, but helped it when he was forthcoming w/ McRae.I think Andy spilled his guts to McRae thinking that McRae would see his big game moves & would carry that info into the jury house w/ him (they already know). Sad to say he’s the best player & has a way (except Elissa) of speaking (his forte) that’s endearing to the other house guests.
Andy and “best player” do not belong in the same sentence. Best Floater, yes. Absolutely.
GinaMarie has played it well, made the big move to get Amanda out, voted out McCrae and now, wounded won the first HOH.
Like her or not, her game was the ballsy-est.
Andy pulled a big move of his own when he voted out amanda & then, in front of McRae, lied & told amanda that he was trustworthy & then lied again & in front of McRae, (finally showing some balls) gave Elissa hell for voting out amanda. Poor McRae had a bad feeling about Andy, but couldn’t fully believe it. This game can’t be won by telling the truth all the time.
Garyr, I know lying is part of the game. But compare Andy to the way – for example – GM and Spencer are lying to everyone these last couple of weeks to keep the Exs a secret. THAT sort of lying is normal game play.
Andy lies when it isn’t even necessary, when it might be better to just keep his mouth shut and listen. As I’ve said – as much as I hated seeing Elissa evicted – Andy’s lying during that DE was Oscar worthy!
But he’s a lying snake and you’ll never convince me that Andy is just a nice, honest guy in real life who “had” to lie sometimes in the game to get where he is. Andy’s lying comes too easy to him; it’s almost like he thrives on it. Frankly, I’m hard pressed to remember a time when he actually told the truth and stuck with it!
(Sorry … you know I see “red” when I talk about Andy!) 🙂
I dislike Andy as well he lies just for fun of it and i hope GM or Spencer wins better yet just spencer his game has been much better with lots less lieing than needed..ANDY Floats in anyones doodoo that smells the best at the moment 🙂
Yeah, I know. That lie about Elissa voting out amanda, w/ Elissa standing right next to him was quite over the top & not a lot people, including myself could have done that. That one had me seeing red too. I thought it was despicable & I can see where you’re coming from, but it was still a big move
True, but McCrae admitted he knew Andy lied, but went with the better move for his game and making people happy by evicting Elissa.
I don’t think McRae wanted to fully believe it.
smart ole amanda even thought Andy was loyal and wouldn’t vote her out even after she saw his taped confession she almost couldn’t believe it..If this goes to the best all around LIAR and BACKSTABBER then hands down ANDY wins.
@Garyr, I’m sorry but there is a level of lying that you don’t need to go below, Andy went to far with his lie, He reached a new low with the way he did it. For the life of me I can’t see how you believe that was a great move on Andy’s part, For him to yell and tell Ellisa to shut up, was just wrong, All Andy has do was move from power to power (HOH), no matter who, Andy never lead the way on voting anyone out of the house, He just lied to everyone and voted with the rest, and try to take the credit for it, As for Andy really being a nice guy and it’s just the game is BS, Andy’s to good a lying and that takes practice, No I don’t believe it’s was because the rest of the house was just plan stupid, that he never got caught, it was because he was just that good
Chris, I still think it was a move that benefited Andy, however read my reply to Lilly. I thought the way he talked about & to Elissa was way wrong, & I was offended by it. I know that Andy never was influential in evictions (only in his mind). I need to clarify that I don’t think & have NEVER said that Andy was a nice guy. I think he’s an $ssh$le.
I thought so too until Andy kept going on and on and on about how he had a hand in each and every eviction to McCrae. McCrae reminded Andy of what Andy said about being a bitter jury member if he were stabbed in the back. His own tactics AND words might bite him in the ass.
Yes, Cat, because as we ALL know, the ONLY meager thrill left for this game is the few opportunities left to see Andy squirm or LOSE! 🙂
An cry…don’t forget cry. Hahaha!
Yea, Mary, but only if the tears are REAL!! 🙂
his tears real!! LMBO I think he is a great actor! Even dork Judd knew it was sooo fake!!!
I said it yesterday Lilly, if Andy didn’t win part 1, he was going to need to wear 3 pairs of undies, cause he is about ready to crap himself over this one. I hope that Spencer can pull off a win, who knows, perhaps he will throw the comp so Andy has to face GM. Cause if it comes down to a thinking game, Spencer will suck and more than likely right now, he has his bases covered with either one of them winning to make it to the F2. That is not game playing, that is simply riding the coat tails of both GM and Andy.
Oh, Sandy, that will be a SuWEET vision, watching Andy squirm if the HoH is taken out of his control … and THEN to not be chosen for F2…. I’m hoping against hope!
And your theory about Spencer playing the ultimate floater is interesting. It’s hard to believe anyone would do that, but Spencer might.
I know, I would pay money to see that happen to Andy. I almost feel like the wicked witch of the west from Wizard of Oz. “I’ll get you my pretty, and your little rats too!”
Neither of these things matter now, but amanda hurt McRae,s game big time!, & not too long (when all the house guest,s were voting the same) Andy (showing his ego) told the diary room that he was responsible for getting everyone evicted.
McCrae made his own bed when he decided to hide behind Amanda’s skirt. I lost respect for his game play from there on. All I could think… geez you let her manipulate your game with some azz. I cannot imagine them making a life together outside the BB house since she would smother his entire life.
Andy (showing his ego) told the diary room that he was responsible for getting everyone evicted. hahahahaha what a line of BS… GM had the most important moves
Sorry. You’re right Carol I guess I didn’t word that right. I meant to mean it was a bunch of BS too.
Thanks, Todd.
My latest power poll is also who I like the best & the reason why.
1.Andy (Ick!)
2.GM (mean & racist)
3.Spencer (kiddie porn)
Gawd help us!
Who ever got to final 3 we still would not like them. However I think if final two includes Andy, he is going to win the game. If final 2 includes Spencer and GM – Spencer will win. GM came across way too mean and it is not seen as game play, but nasty attitude.
One thing for sure – I am so happy and over the moon that Amanda did not get into final 2. Every time she opened her mouth I had to peek behind my hands for fear of what she was likely to say. The word Bully does not do her justice.
I don’t think that Andy is a well liked as everyone thinks, You have to watch how and what you say in your goodbye speech, If you can read between the lines, I heard, Boy were you stupid for trusting in me, I lied to your face and stabbed you in the back, Bye Bye stupid, So Andy might not have the votes that everyone thinks. As for outing himself, he didn’t yet anyone know anything that they already knew, It was just a move to try and get everyone to think that he was this great master mind, instead of this floater and ran to the power no matter who it was. I hope that the people really talk to each other and compare notes, they will see that Andy didn’t master mind anything, he just went along to save his ass, GM’s only mistake was her mouth, if it wasn’t for that she has played a great game.
I’ll admit that Andy floated for a long time, but none of these three have played a strong game & they would all be long gone in any one of the past BB,s. Next year,s BB CAN’T be worse than this years.
Let’s hope so, Garyr!
I’m back to amanda bashing. It’s seemed that all the women in the jury house had been getting along nicely until amanda shows up, & now we have drama again. That’s par for the course w/ her. That woman is purely pathetic, & I predict things will only get more miserable for the other jury members once McRae shows up. My prediction is that because of amanda, this will be the most uncomfortable jury house ever. Kudos to GM (GET STEPPIN’). loved it.
I think Aaryn has already begun her maturing process & she’s made the 1st step by admitting she’s made mistakes. I hope she furthers her analytical skills. Kudos to her.
Did anyone vote for the person who should win 25000$ ? I am stumped as to who to vote for..the person who needs it or the person who deserves it..Judd deserves it poor thing Sent home twice 🙁
I voted 7 times for Elissa and 3 for Howard.
I voted for Elissa because – though I was prepared to dislike her as I did her sister – she was the first one to quit doing what the house wanted. When she was faced with being alone in the house after Helen left, she turned everything on its head (instead of cow-towing to be “saved” as Aaryn did), and she fought hard, even though her social game was so crappy she couldn’t convince anyone to join her.
I voted for Howard because, though I argue he wasn’t cut out for this game, he brought us some of the most honorable, memorable moments in a house filled with vulgar miscreants. (I don’t vote for people out of pity or need because I’m just a merit-type person.)
i admit i did feel sorry for elissa the first few shows but something about her just hit the wrong nerve with me. maybe its because she looked like the jokers daughter or something when she talked or how she was always dressed up.i dunno she just rubbed me raw too soon. howard was cool he just needs to take a “how to get my point across” type class.
Elissa, you could like her and hate her. She should loves herself. I didnt care for Rachel, but I would like to Elissa and rachel play in a allstar. I hope never to hear are see Andy and Spencer again, unless they are in the news for being areested.
Totally agree, Erin, about NEVER having to see Andy again.
And BBfan2013, I TOTALLY get why people don’t like Elissa. She said a few things that made me cringe (no tact). But something in her reminds me of me when I was younger. Oh, I don’t wear designer clothes or do yoga, but I can relate to a person who has NOTHING in common with these dolts but lacks the skill to handle living with them and not insulting them. I don’t excuse Elissa’s flaws! I just respect her game play when she finally came out of Helen’s shadow, and she tried to maintain some class when others around her were both slobs and vulgar idiots. THAT’s one reason they crucified her in every gossip session when she was in the other room.
I liked Elissa much more than her sister I still can’t believe Rachel won.
My votes went the exact same way. Elissa really surprised me – I was prepared to hate her as much as I hated Rachel. But I eventually liked Elissa – didn’t really understand her a lot of times, but I liked her. An added benefit, for me at least, if Elissa wins AFP is that it will REALLY piss off Andy and Spencer, and that makes it totally worth it!
I agree, Mo. I voted the way I did because I believe in voting on MERIT (and I didn’t want to make my votes worthless by splitting them up among 4-5 hgs). But the fact that Andy may gag when learning Elissa won – especially if HE comes in third place and earns no money – is just a side benefit!
Wouldn’t that be awesome? Hahaha I wish I could vote.
I hear ya!
The person who deserves it…Elissa.
Mary, why can’t you vote? Anyone can go on and vote–you do have to register but it doesn’t cost anything. You can also place your votes on Facebook but I rarely go there anymore.
Mary, anyone can go on CBS’s website and vote. You do have to register but it’s easy and free to do. Another way to vote is through Facebook.
I voted for Elissa 10 times because she had a monkey on her back coming in being Rachel’s sister and yet she lasted longer than most of the others. I liked her also because she provided the only LAUGH OUT LOUD moments when she laughed in Amanda’s face several times, one time spitting her drink all over the counter!!
Another time in the HOH room Amanda was trying to talk game and Elissa almost choked on whatever she was munching on while laughing. Amanda would get so upset and ask, “Why are you laughing?” And Elissa would just laugh harder!! The dumbest look would come over Amanda’a face when Elissa laughed…it was hilarious!! Take the $25,000.00 and go home to your handsome husband and gorgeous baby and keep on laughing!!
@ Brandon from TN, I too laugh from the bottom of my stomach those moments! Yes Ellisa, win & home to your beautiful family!!!!
don’t give any of them the money they all sucks
yeah just tell CBS to share it with us for watching it and keeping their ratings up enough this season 🙂
I’d say save it to fumigate the house, but frankly, I think CBS needs to be out some mega-cash after making us endure this season! So I’m with the folks who say give the money to charity. CBS may not have to actually demolish the house, but I know a few beds and mattresses that need to go to the dump!
yeah I guess what yall see online and what i see on TV must be like two different shows. Because yall keep talking about everyones hygiene and needed to clean or throw away stuff but I really couldn’t tell or would ;of thought about them being nasty just from what i saw. Hmm interesting…
bbfan2013, I don’t have an online source either but I have been reading a transcript (more or less) of what is said in the house that we don’t hear on TV and it is pretty brutal. Some of them have been talking about how dirty McCrae was, for example. Of course, if I had been there, I think I would have been able to put up with his physical dirtiness rather than the dirty mouths and thoughts and actions of the other “finalists.” For example, I read today that Spencer went in the storage room and took a swig out of a bottle of barbeque or some kind of sauce, put the cap on and put it back on the shelf. And d
I don’t remember reading about anyone but the women in the house doing much laundry.
Does ANYONE in this house chew with their mouths shut? OMG… is so sick to watch it and hear it amplified through mics!
Haha, Kristen, I’m afraid those who chewed with their mouths closed have been evicted. Andy and GM were two of the worst, unfortunately. Helen was bad, too.
This was a power rankings on Twitter last night and I loved it:
1. Andy
2. GM
3. garbage can
4. left nominee seat
5. Julie’s earlobe
6. the ants
126. Spencer
why does no one like Spencer..he has been put up the most and made it through all of them..Luck? i think not..
Kiddie porn.
Every time Spencer went up, He knew that he wasn’t the target, Come on the vote weren’t even close. Luck had no-thing to do with it, He was save every time!!
He’s never been a threat. He may stink, pick his nose, play with his Vienna sausage, but he’s never been a threat. He floated through until it was too late to get him out.
Oh, Brandon, that was another of those “if I had been drinking coffee, it would have been sprayed on my keyboard” comments. I think you have probably “sized” things up pretty accurately anatomically speaking–you may have even been a bit too generous–if you get my drift! 😉
Got it and good!! Glad you enjoyed!
I’d add #7 – Nicks picture. Not Nick himself, just his picture. It was sob inducing. And created a bit of laughter. Worthy of an honorable mention if nothing else.
Yeah and Judd’s grizzly shirt has to be on there too!
Judd’s grizzly shirt was a lot more worthy than the 3 finalists. Hek, I would even vote for #3 or #5.
“Hek” is the abbreviation for “heck,” 😉
lol..hek sounds like a Juddism 🙂
“Juddism” — I like it!
Andy is outing his game to the last few evictees so that they think he had some gameplay instead of just floating the whole way thru, like we all know he did! Also, I believe that Spencer telling McCrae to go tell Andy that it would be better to evict GM last night instead of McCrae because they couldn’t beat GM in the jury votes, was more to help Spencer than to help McCrae. Spencer and Andy had already had the very same convo, but with another person making the same observation would help solidify it for Andy because they all already knew McCrae was going home. Can’t stand Spencer (or Andy, or GM for that matter), but I think Spencer may be just a little sneakier than I’ve given him credit for!!
I like Spencer. I have since he was friends with Howard. He has been on the outside like jessie was but seened to push his way through unlike jessie 🙂
I’m glad someone likes him – I just didn’t. It’s just my opinion, and you’re entitled to yours. The E-W-W-W factor with Spencer was just overwhelming to me.
BBfan2013, I can’t believe you would like Spencer if you watched him in just one or two BBAD episodes. His sense of humor is sick and vulgar, and he has a very foul mouth – especially talking about women (and I’m not normally hyper-sensitive about that). Not to mention he has NO personal hygiene….
yeah sorry about that read my correction below. No I only watch online and read up on todd’s page when i missed but i swear I DID NOT HEAR! the stuff about child porn I am a mother of three young children and would of boycotted him along with all of this for that. i thouhgt the racism stuff was over the top but they must of really censored most of it well. I am again sickened and sad to hear he would say those things. Truly!
i don’t watch online oops! just on CBS TV
Yes, I think he is the worst for offensive remarks about women (all having to do with sex, of course) although all these remaining players have chimed in. I was purely nauseated by his remark about what he wanted to do to Jessie (or was it Kaitlin? I have tried to erase it from my brain)–just absolutely gross and totally unnecessary. I guess he fancies himself a great Don Juan…if so he is only a legend in his own mind. I doubt many women would want to get within a mile of him.
I like women a lot & I mean a lot! And they should be treated w/ the utmost respect. I bet he’s never been in the company of many classy women in his life & when I’m in the presence of a woman I’m in the presence of someone,s daughter & that’s why I feel like ripping off his head!
Aw Garyr! We have a gentlemen here! Not sure many of these hgs have ever met one before, sad to say (maybe Howard)….
*I mean gentlemAn. (I really wish I proofread better!)
Gary, you would never fit in with this group–and I say “Hooray!” for that.
I hope GM wins hoh and wins it all. I just have a gutt feeling that the wessel will come out on top. They are so gross at bbad, I only watch 5 mins. and not everyday anymore. There micks when they are eating make s me sick. They sound like they havent had a meal in ages. They scrap every scoop, only thing they never did is lick the bowels. I hate the scraping and smacking of food, that worst them scraping your nails on a chalk board. I wish we could follow them after the show when they get the news that they dont have a job because of there behavior. Andy is getting cocky for his on good. I hope Mccrea goes back and tells everyone in the house how cocky is was when he left the house. I sure hope it backfires on him. Maybe if he gets the money he can buy him some new friends. He will need it. What a season? Hopeful next one they will get people that are not racist, Someone who dosnt talk about child porn and ugly liar rat boy. Nothing about gays, my nephew is gay, but pick a nicer gay person. They nhave plenty gay people out there. Maybe pick a gay women. Andy disgrace the gays.
i must have missed the “child porn” episode. or completely forgot though i don’t think i would have forgotten someone on here talking about that. Is this why no one likes spencer? please fill me in if you don’t mind 🙂
He said something to the affect of looking at kids pictures & beating off.
Damn! Really! That is what I get for missing one episode ( i don’t have fast enough internet to watch it online 🙁 Anyways well Shit Go Gina Marie then my second choice lol Glad i didn’t vote yet thanks everyone for telling me! 🙂
fan2013 – I was going to tell you if you miss a episode shown on the CBS network, you can watch it the next day on the CBS “Big Brother” site. They have all past episodes on the site. But lots of what people are talking about happens on the live feeds. But since your internet isn’t fast enough, oh well! Now you know we’re here and we can keep you updated!
wow… I kept wondering why people were labelling Spencer as a perv as I don’t really watch bbad that much anymore as it started becoming way too much! I would get soo pissed off and offended, espeically with Andy, that I realised its not worth it watching these idiots. but damn for Spencer to say something like that is disgusting beyond words! No one around him said anything to his comment ??! (but then again they are a bunch of racist low lives what am I expecting anyone to say.. )
bbfan2013: Spencer pretended to be McCrae by speaking into McC’s mic when he was in the shower. Spencer – in absolutely crudest terms possible – said he loved child porn, especially really little kids and especially when it looked like they were in a dark basement. Yea, that guy is a peach….
wow I am absolutely shocked. I am sure i never heard of this..Do all of you just watch online? If so then they must of just not showed much of that bc everyone was already on their asses about the rascist issues hence the warnign at the beginning of the show but child porn i think they would of talked about it and i would of read it.
He’s not the only vulgar talking male Just the worst!
spencer is also has rotten as the orange on his the night stand!!!!!!!
I think it is funny that, Andy and Spencer thought they could beat Gina Marie in an endurance competition then they get beat. These 2 losers thinking they should win Big Brother 15 , no way , Skating all the way to final 3 and can not even even win a competition against a girl with a broken toe and back problem. Do not care for Gina Marie, but Andy and Spencer should have been out weeks ago.
I find it funny you said skating all the way to Final 3 and Part 1 of the HoH competition was skating!
Andy and Spencer could have been out, If Judd the Dudd had of just pulled his head out of his butt, Instead of alining with the people that voted him out the first time, Think about this “A Elissa, Judd, GM and Arryn Team” I think the out come would have been different, But know Mister I’m on the down of the totem pole was too smart for that (sarcasm) I’ll make a deal with the same people that stab me the first. The only one out of the three he could trust would have been GM, because once she joined the other she would have been loyal to them, To be stupid once and get voted out is bad enough, but to get a second chance and to do it all over again is just plan *&^% stupid. Judd shouldn’t get a dime!!
Sorry that should say “Mister I’m on the bottom of the totem pole” Brain faster than my fingers haha
Yeah, I’m the same way. I’ve been called a chicken pecker. I should reread my posts more often.
Amen to that Chris!
I mean your comments not your typos.(:
Did everyone hear Helen’s comment in the Jury House when McCrae revealed Andy’s lying and back stabbing? “That’s good game play”..she gushed. Wow Helen, consider yourself played….
I think he’s gonna’ win if he gets HoH. If GM or Spencer get HoH, they would be smart to get him out & I really think they will. I’m gonna’ go out on a limb right now & say GM’s going to win it all.
So yall can watch them in jury house too?? I am so jealous. I love living in the country but wish i could get internet that allowed me to stream stuff. 🙁 and where is this transcript of them talking in the house i MUST see it 🙂
I’d love to watch some more Jury House action I bet certain emotions are running high.
bbfan2013 – I think you misunderstood. I don’t think anyone can see the jury house. They just showed it on the regular
CBS broadcast last night. I assume that’s what everyone is talking about.
bbfan: I’m out in the country, I have sat: works great
Linda where do you watch the Jury? Is it like a bbad/live feed for the Jury house ? Im in the UK and i watch the show and bbad online but didn’t know anything about watching jury ’til now! can someone explain it for me please 🙂
We really don’t get to watch them in the jury house, We all wish that the jury house had live feeds, But doesn’t, BB show’s what has happened in the jury house from time to time, You just have to watch the show and hope they show something.
Thanks Chris. I was just confused by Linda’s comment on Mcrae exposing Andy in the jury, when did that happen?
Anyone who thinks that Andy played a good game and was not a floater please explain to me that if he really was not riding on others shirt tails…why did he throw so many competitions to not get blood on his hands, did not make a bold move when he was head of household the fist time. Over and over his excuse was he did not want to make waves to put a target on his back, or it was too soon in the game and his excuse for throwing competitions even when those he was aligned with needed the help he threw it so that nobody in all his different alliances would be able to look at him and figure out how much he as being dishonest. Many will say it was good gameplay but if you go through the game never making the bold moves…your a FLOATER… doing bold moves is a real game player who deserves to win the money.
Andy won comps when he needed. He won at least 2 HOH’s & at least 2 POV’s. No one got around the house the way he did ( paranoia), so he knew more than anyone about everyone, plus he was the best & most convincing liar (some of us know some of the lies were overboard). And, who did make a bold move the 1st time? I think he slid out from under the wood work at the perfect time. All 3 of these HGs have been disturbing at times, but I find him the least so. So in my opinion he’s played the best game, but if he can’t win HOH I think he’s gone. Andy grates my nerves & there’s something in the back of my head that keeps saying root for GM. As much as I try I just can’t seem to truly root for him.
I am sorry McMoron wasn’t in BB house for the HOH competiton because if they were spraying soap and water at them…we would actually be sure he had some sort of cleaning…Spencer 1st one out, no cleaning up his act
GM wins again. I said it before, and I will say it again. I LOVE GM!!!!!