When the person everyone wants to vote out wins Veto on Big Brother 2013, I guess you come up with some totally insane plan to try and get that player to take the bait and not use the Veto on themselves. These HouseGuests on Big Brother 15 are so bored right now they tried to make this elaborate plan come to life yesterday, but did it work? Find out in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below for the Live Feeds recap for Sunday Funday!

Big Brother 2013 - JuddPhoto Credit: BigBrotherUpdates.com

Okay, so McCrae was the target for the week. McCrae won vetoThe Exterminators are screwed and need to exterminate one of their own! The HGs are bored on a Sunday and Andy and Spencer are talking (yes, the same Spencer that woke up for the day at 4:45 BBT) and come up with this crazy plan and they honestly think it could work.

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The plan: they think McCrae is worried about the next HoH and wants GinaMarie to not win it. So, Andy and Spencer come up with the plan of telling McCrae to use the veto on GM and keep himself on the block and then Judd will go on the block and be the target and get evicted. They tell him they will get GM to throw the HoH competition if McCrae does this, but really they will all vote McCrae out. He acts interested.

Andy and Spencer coach GM on what to say to McCrae and then McCrae comes down to talk to GM and in the end, tells him he is not using the veto on her. GM is not supposed to tell Judd about this plan, but does and he is excited it could work. The actual thought that these people think McCrae would not save himself and keep himself on the block in beyond me.

What else? Spencer seems to be afraid of not being able to beat Andy in the end, as is McCrae. They make a Final 2 deal on the side, but Spencer is too afraid to put up Andy right now…..WHY?!?!?!

The HGs are still flipping back and forth between Judd and GM going this week on Big Brother 2013. Andy wants GM to stay and Spencer is thinking that GM is stronger in competitions, even with her injury. I think Spencer forgets that he is the HoH and calling the shots here. Why he is so far up Andy’s a** is beyond me. Play your own game Spencer because no one is going to vote for you to win regardless, hence why Andy is keeping you around! Take out one of the bigger threats right now and earn some jury respect!

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