Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/8/2013
|When the person everyone wants to vote out wins Veto on Big Brother 2013, I guess you come up with some totally insane plan to try and get that player to take the bait and not use the Veto on themselves. These HouseGuests on Big Brother 15 are so bored right now they tried to make this elaborate plan come to life yesterday, but did it work? Find out in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below for the Live Feeds recap for Sunday Funday!
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Okay, so McCrae was the target for the week. McCrae won veto. The Exterminators are screwed and need to exterminate one of their own! The HGs are bored on a Sunday and Andy and Spencer are talking (yes, the same Spencer that woke up for the day at 4:45 BBT) and come up with this crazy plan and they honestly think it could work.
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The plan: they think McCrae is worried about the next HoH and wants GinaMarie to not win it. So, Andy and Spencer come up with the plan of telling McCrae to use the veto on GM and keep himself on the block and then Judd will go on the block and be the target and get evicted. They tell him they will get GM to throw the HoH competition if McCrae does this, but really they will all vote McCrae out. He acts interested.
Andy and Spencer coach GM on what to say to McCrae and then McCrae comes down to talk to GM and in the end, tells him he is not using the veto on her. GM is not supposed to tell Judd about this plan, but does and he is excited it could work. The actual thought that these people think McCrae would not save himself and keep himself on the block in beyond me.
What else? Spencer seems to be afraid of not being able to beat Andy in the end, as is McCrae. They make a Final 2 deal on the side, but Spencer is too afraid to put up Andy right now…..WHY?!?!?!
The HGs are still flipping back and forth between Judd and GM going this week on Big Brother 2013. Andy wants GM to stay and Spencer is thinking that GM is stronger in competitions, even with her injury. I think Spencer forgets that he is the HoH and calling the shots here. Why he is so far up Andy’s a** is beyond me. Play your own game Spencer because no one is going to vote for you to win regardless, hence why Andy is keeping you around! Take out one of the bigger threats right now and earn some jury respect!
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WOW thanks Todd. I do not think he will take himself off the block. He has to know by now that they are all working together, if not he is dumer than I thought.
He knows. He May not know exactly what is going on, but he knows he’s the odd man out and that the other HGs want him gone. Last night (on the CBS broadcast, not bbad or live feeds) he was talking to Spencer about who Spencer would nominate for eviction. Spencer told him that he would go up, but not to worry..blah blah blah. Later in the DR McCrae basically said that he had a feeling Spencer was just telling him what he wanted to hear and he was suspicious because that’s something he would say to make someone else feel safe. Right now I think he’s just saying/agreeing to things to appease the exterminators since they hold the power. Don’t count the Pizza Boy out, I’m beginning to think he’s a lot smarter than we have him credit for.
Todd I don’t get why Spencer is making a final two deal with McRae if they are going to vote him out.
They’re all making F2 deals with each other because they’re ALL floating to the end and not planning beyond tomorrow! And as for this week, McCrae is safe unless he falls for their stupid plan and stays on the block.
So true….I think they all have a F2 deal with each other.
It is kind of a side deal, where he makes the deal with him to assure McCrae that he is safe and to not use the veto on himself. Then when he doesn’t, The Exterminators vote him out. McCrae will use it on himself though and Judd will probably go home.
If McCrae DID fall for this stupid plan … it would, without question, be the dumbest move in the history of BB! And that’s saying something, considering the stupidity and lack of gameplay of this season!
same move Marcellus (from 3rd season) made when he didnt use the veto to save himself and marcellus went home…im sure mcCrae wouldnt be that stupid…so it would be the 2nd dumbest move in BB history….lol !!
Except that was earlier in the season, I think, and he had more reason to believe he might be safe. Anyone who honestly believes it isn’t every man (or woman) for themselves at this point is a moron. (Some seasons, I know, there have been 2-person alliances that could trust each other, but not this year.)
I don’t think he’s THAT stupid. If he was he would have done it before to save Amanda.
Agreed, Kesha. If he is that stupid, he deserves to leave.
McCrae is supposedly a superfan. I’m sure he knows the history of the Marcellus story. He’s not dumb enough to fall for that.
Lily, my thoughts exactly!!! Mccray cant be that stupid. I have watched & loved BB since the first season, always enjoyed it. This year its so bizzare. I think I will need therapy to overcome the trauma, because of this group of idiots, racists,back stabbing liars!!!!
It’s like waking up from very bad dream with a really icky feeling in the pit of your stomach and that feeling stays with you all day long.
wow, I didnt think anyone else felt like that, this entire group was off the chain, they think they really have this game played out the worst group ever, and Candice, Elissa, Jessie, and that stupid Helen shld hve stuck together oh well i,m still watching to see the end.
These HGs have behaved all season like cult members. First, they all drank the kool aide that Helen and Amanda served. It was so long to get these two out. Finally, the last one is gone and now they are all under the spell of Andy. Why can’t these dunces see how he is leading them all to the slaughter house?
Sometimes you just can’t cure stupid!
McC Rae is not that stupid. He wants to be there in the end just as much as everyone else. He is the only one out of the 5 that deserves to win.
I would liked to see McCrae and GM make it to F2.
I started laughin my u know what off when I read this. This is by far one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. It’s about as dumb as when Kawon wanted to be put up on the block and thought he would come back with some Jedi Powers LOL.
I though don’t understand why everyone thinks that Andy would beat Spencer. It’s not like Andy when he was HOH made any bold moves. He’s won what like 2 vetos?
Spencer now has won just as many HOH as Andy. He didn’t torch Amanda,Helen,& Elissa which I think they will all vote for Spencer over Andy. Everyone knows that Andy played both sides of the house.
If you remember even Zig Bot brought it up.The only jurors who didn’t get to see that were (Helen,Jessica & Candice)
If I were Spencer sadly I would take Andy to the F2.
M2Nice, I think this is the $500,000 question (2-point question, actually) – and we’ll see what Andy argues if he makes it to F2. How much does Andy really realize he affected this game by his tattling and lying? And how much of it will he believe it is his best interest to take credit for in an F2 speech?
Will he try to play the “I’m all your friend, and I did play both sides of the house” but downplay his lies? Something in me says yes, because I truly believe Andy wants to be liked.
I can tell you that he believes HE was instrumental in getting Amanda out (unless he’s sitting next to GM when he’s arguing that). AND Elissa. Those were two pretty big fish. Spencer, honestly, has done NOTHING but fly low and win 2 comps. I know some people give him credit for being on the block 8 times and not getting evicted – and I guess that’s novel – but he was only in danger ONCE, and he won the veto. Until this last vote where Elissa tried to flip everyone, I don’t even think he got one vote! To me, that’s not game play, that’s because no one saw him as a threat.
And yea … I know .. in the world of floater strategy, that is god-like. But I don’t respect it.
Sorry for the speech….
Oh, besides that, I STILL say most people have NO CLUE how duplicitous Andy has been. Especially the nitwits still in the house!
i agree Lilly. I do think Andy can win over Spencer. I think he can win over everyone left. It would be in everyone’s best interest to get him out NOW!!!! He’s going to win… HELLO!!! I can’t believe they don’t see this!!!
As I said before, you just cannot cure stupid!
I know, Kesha! I’ve been saying for weeks that Andy was going to win this and it’s because I truly believe they all see him as some sort of lovable little honest guy who just wants to help everyone by telling them what he knows. They don’t see him as a threat so don’t even consider NOMINATING HIM!! Whenever possible, he voted with the house, so only Helen, Elissa & Amanda no better on that.
But the reason these remaining imbeciles can’t see that that’s a problem is because NONE of them think beyond their own safety THIS week. No game play. And for those who think Andy’s such a genius, I don’t even know if HE’s considering who he could win against. Unless he thinks he can successfully argue his case against all of them.
It beats all I’ve ever seen….
I feel the reason they don’t put him up is because if they did, he would be wining and freaking out all over the place. As it is now, he is so up there butt’s that he is annoying them, they think it is best to keep him because they can beat him in the end. they all know that he has lied, in fact, McCrea said it last night and he STILL put up Elissa. You know, they always say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
What a nightmare. Who would have thought that the likes of Andy and Spencer would be powerhouses in this game. They should have gone home long ago.
McCrea seems to be playing harder now that he has to think for himself. I think he will take himself off the block.
Elissa for America’s Player!!
(As he stated last night on BBAD) haha *evil grin*
Anything to annoy that little annoying man!
Muahahahaha! 😀
Shenanigans of my own now!! hehe
all in on that one! Voting for Elissa myself to see ALL their faces! As for the 500K, I would love it to go to charity!
Amen BB15 girl, I said that a while back. whoever wins, they should have to give it to Charity.
don’t forget spencer droping his pants and taken a crap on live tv. ugh that would be a horrible site
If you’re only voting to piss someone off, then don’t vote! All this talk about people wanting to vote for someone else just to piss Andy or whoever else off is silly. Do you really think it’s going to piss everyone off that much? I don’t think we’ll get much of a reaction from anyone…maybe an eye roll or couple scoffs, but everyone will forget about it after 5 minutes. And Andy?!?! Please! If she wins he’s gonna put the stupid grin on his face and congratulate her right there on the spot…then he’ll wait til he gets home to pout and bash Ellisa some more. That’s how he is, best friend to your face, worst enemy when you turn around.
Jessd, I know you’ve seen me disagree with you on this before. And your arguments for voting Howard America’s favorite really have merit. (He would be my second choice.)
But for those who did not read my remarks before, I would say NOT to vote for Elissa just to make Andy mad (though that WILL be a delicious side benefit!). And DON’T for vote her because she’s been mistreated, especially since she left the house.
Vote for the person who personified what has been sorely missing this season: decency AND game play.
Vote for Elissa because she made big game moves. And unlike ANYONE else in this house (including Amanda, Helen & Howard), her moves were made ALONE. She took risks – admittedly, mostly risks that didn’t pay off – but she was the first to take on McCranda. And she even dared to take on the biggest move of all (befriending her enemy, Amanda) AFTER the first risk didn’t work. (Unlike Spencer, who tucked his tail the minute he found a target on his back by befriending Howard.)
And, although I admit Elissa’s social game needed work, she maintained general decency AND class.
Just my two cents (again).
OMG Lilly you said that so much better than I could have. You are 100% correct on all points. And yes Howard would be my 2nd choice also.
The problem with voting Howard is that he left kind of early in the game and most of the BB audience will be voting for a more recent hg and then the votes might be split and an undersirable may sneak thru and win it.
I’ve read a lot of comments on other sites and the more Andy bashes Elissa the more votes he is securing her for AFP. He is roundly disliked and like most people voting for Elissa, they want the smirk wiped off his face. If he keeps it up she will probably get at least 85% of the vote. He’s cutting his own throat.
I agree, JO1, most people will be voting someone who played longer, and the votes will get divided. Though if Howard was truly my all-around favorite, I wouldn’t care his chances of winning. (Not saying you would.)
However, it WOULD send these disgusting people a message if someone evicted weeks ago was selected as America’s favorite!
I’m voting Elissa, but I certainly WOULDN’T be disappointed if Howard won it.
Yea, I’ve noticed that too, Cat. I don’t comment anywhere else, but I visit one other BB fan site and sometimes read comments.
One more thing, Cat. The thing that bothers me, though, is that JC won’t say anything like “by a 85% of the vote” (like she never told Amanda we voted her on the block). So Andy will be able to justify that the Brenchel army just got her that vote.
Although … not if he reads any blogs or hg ratings!
Lilly i suspect that Amanda will find out at the finale that America was not on her side. And you’re right, most likely they will never know what the percentages are concering AFP. But if the vote is so overwhelming then maybe theres a chance it will be revealed. I’m hoping so. As for the HGs reading the blogs, i think all of them are so egotistical that they won’t be able to help themselves. But after a couple of pages of almost any blog out there, they will stop due to concern for their own mental health! 🙂
Cat, well, if the BB blogs I’ve seen (and Andy’s FB fan page) are any indication at ALL, it really could be a landslide for Elissa. I hope you’re right that they will let it be known.
I still say CBS OWES us SOME voice on the Finale!!
Lilly, your argument has merit, as well. And I agree that Ellisa made some big moves and it’s impressive that she did it alone. And as I’ve said before, your reason for voting for Ellisa is respectable. Hell, she was my 2nd choice (my 1st before I got to thinking about Howard). I just have an issue with people voting out of spite…and I don’t feel like that’s a valid reason for voting, JMO. But I seriously doubt that everyone will get the reaction out of Andy that they’re hoping for if Ellisa wins. In fact, I’m willing to bet that they’ll all put a fake smile on their face and applaud with the audience. Hell, Andy will probably knock people down just to congratulate her and give her a hug (idea he does, I hope she sets his ass straight) That’s what people like Andy do. He’ll wait til he gets home to pout and bash her. I never meant to come across like I was saying Ellisa doesn’t deserve AF, because I can understand why you think she does. I was saying that I feel like Howard deserves it for a different reason. Too bad they don’t have 2 AF winners!
No, Jessd, I never took your opinion as being negative toward Elissa. I don’t always know how I come across here when giving a strong opinion, and I didn’t want to undermine your argument about Howard because it was very logical and passionate. I just wanted to make my case for voting for Elissa WITHOUT being spiteful so people heard both sides.
And I’m positive you’re right about Andy racing in for a hug if she wins! She may be too classy to refuse it on a live show (though I wish not). But based on watching him BBAD, I KNOW it will be eating him alive and that will make me happy!
Just for the record i’m not ONLY voting for Elissa to piss of the degenerates…..I am voting for her because I want to. yeah she didn’t have great game play but she had a lot to contend with in that house and I think she deserves it for that alone not to mention that she outlasted anyone else that I might have voted for….
Me too–it’s just a nice little side benefit that it will upset Andy et. al.
Tee hee!! 😀
Oh I can see him now. Oh come on America, I am not a rat, I deserve the money.
Puke, I just puked lol
@Carol, When I read your comment< I thought CBS should pass out puke bags, like they have on airplanes, Just a thought
Yes because we are all sick to death of them all. CBS/ BB and the HG lol
I have not watched all the past seasons of BB but I do know that in the ones I did watch, there was always at least someone I was glad to see in the finals–and it wasn’t just being for the “best of the worst” as it is this year.
Someone posted that by the law of averages, it has to be better next year. Let’s hope so–I think the only way it could be worse is if CBS selects people who would actually agree to kill each other to win!
Leave it to these clueless HG to try to hatch yet another futile game plan! Their ridiculousness seems to have no boundaries! I don’t see “idiot” tattooed on McCrae’s forehead. He may be naive, but he’s not insane!
So gratefull for Todd’s updates because i just can’t watch BBAD any more without getting sick to my stomach.Tuned in last nite & as usual there was Spencer lying in bed digging in his nose like theres a diamond veto up there or something.Turned the channel,came back 30min. later & there they were outside. Spencer up that nose again,Andy digging in his butt & Judd scratching his crotch.Between all that & the smacking & chomping into the mic. i’d rather watch the real Beavis & Butthead show.
ROFL!! Your “diamond veto” comment belongs in the comment hall of fame. Beavis and Butthead…LOL!! I cannot stop laughing and it is all your fault! 😉
That is what we all needed on a Monday and being left with Lackluster HG’s…..Thank you Carolyn d m!!!
I literally laughed out loud for this one. Spencer’s nose is Pandora’s Box?
No wonder no one else has tried to get into it!;)
I don’t believe Andy could get Amanda’a, Elissa’s and Helen’s vote with them knowing him for the rat that he is. I couldn’t believe he told Amanda when she got evicted that it was him that voted against her, as if she would somehow see his gameplay as an act of genius. Well, we all know that rats are not very intelligent and usually do things that only benefit them in some way. So, I doubt Amanda thinks he is genius. If McCrae gets evicted, that could be 4 votes against Andy. All they have to do is convince one more, (maybe Aaryn) and that would be 5 against Andy the Rat! I would much prefer Andy the Rat get evicted and catch “fresh hell” from the ones he betrayed. I still say McCrae for the win. Even though he was Amanda’s partner, he somewhat was never negative to anyone’s face but in only when talking about them to Amanda.(I don’t watch live feeds but read the posts)
Hope you are right, Brandon. But I have to reprimand you for insulting all the rats of the world by calling Andy one of them–they deserve better! 😉
Brandon, Andy told Amanda he voted against her, because he is an arrogant ugly little troll!!! What a fool! If he makes final 2, he wont win because of his big mouth!
Forgot about the US Open yesterday and how it would affect the time of evening TV. Missed Sunday’s episode and also they are not showing much game time during the TV episodes but focusing more on the blow-ups. Have they had Pandora’s Box yet or is it coming up? Thanks guys!!
I don’t think they are doing the pandora’s box this season nor The Vegas Trip either.
I really do believe that they decided to put low dollar amounts for the wealth competition that Andy got.
Winning 90 something bucks is classic!!!
no pandoras box yet with only this few players doubt if they will
I’m guessing with only one week left and still 2 hg’s to get out that we will NOT see Pandoras box or any special type of power but I could be wrong. I just pray that they send Andy Plankton out this week in either eviction!!!
Plankton! Perfect, JO1!
With it being the last week I may actually watch my live feeds this week but then again maybe not since I can’t stomach the hate, filth, bashings and over inflated celebrations by a bunch of morons! Maybe they will actually start talking game instead of farts the next few days.
They’re sleeping the day away and staying up till dawn now. So that makes BBAD “dinner time” – which entitles us to the thrill of two of the biggest chomper/smackers this season: Andy & GM! My heart palpitates at the thought….
Since my girl Elissa was voted out, I am rooting for either GinaMarie or McCrae to win the whole thing. I really would like to see GinaMarie win it!!!! And I hope america votes Elissa to win America’s Player.
GM win?? She is a loud mouth racist and talks behind everyones back (they all did but she was raunchy about it). Andy is CRAZY for sure…Spencer needs to learn a few things about women and clean up his nasty mouth. If anyone wins I hope it’s McCrae or Judd. JMO
I agree, Joie, but our odds are probably going down 50% Tuesday night…. 🙁
Joie, well said. GM is a street urchin showing her street ‘smarts’ which equals trash; Andy hasn’t learned to close his mouth, literally, either while eating or starring into space; and Spencer just needs to learn about the invention of the Kleenex. Damn, I hope they throw away the couch in the HOHroom. It’s covered with Spencer diggings. As for Judd, I recommend Speech 101. Macrae is the only one left to even consider. The class has left the building.
I have to say I can’t stand any of them that are left. Spencer just picks his nose and is a friary cat, Andy pick his butt and is immoral, Judd just a jerk and follower, McCrae now that Amanda’s gone, doesn’t know what to do except cut everyone in the past down and GM wants to be one of the guys and thinks because she is the only girl she can run over all the guys! Elissa I miss you and vote for you to be Americas Player!!! Cooking for all those guys both you and GM, for guys who are male showvinist PIGS, with no respect for women I give you lots of credit! Go girl!
The little I saw after BBAD, I saw Spencer rearrange is mand think then picking his nose. He is so gross. I turn it off after that. Andy had to start in on Elissa againg, Dosnt he have anything better to talk about. He wish he could be with a girl like Eliisa, the other day he said someone was ugly. Hay have you ever look in a mirror Andy.these hg are the worst in the history of BB. I hope that Andy reads these post how much everyone dislike him. Andy also said that he would die if Elissa got Americas Player, Please Andy make it come true. Know who gives a rats ass about you. I hope Elissa does win, just to see your face would be rewarding enough.
I don’t really care who wins at this point. Just anybody but Andy. he is a two-faced little weasel, and I hope he get’s fired from his job as teacher for his bullying words about Elissa’s child! I can’t imagine he would get any respect from any of his students, after his shameful gameplay on BB.
I think that GM, Aaryn have somewhat redeemed themselves. But, Andy and Spencer should be voted out of their jobs as well as society after their disgusting behaviors. I hope Elissa wins America’s vote, and think she will after winning America’s Veto three times. But, it will only be sweet, if Andy loses BB, and goes home with $94 and Elissa takes home a nice check, as well as America’s Blessing! I hope from now on, all Andy’s friends, and students, and colleagues will call him by his new name “Ratboy”(or worse). Spencer as the “Nosepicker’ who is probably into child porn, Aaryn who blames her racism because she’s from Texas(I’m sure Texans are proud of her). I’ve never seen a bigger bunch of misfits. And, the bigger crime, is some of these players are so hated, they will probably get a chance to come back again, and torture us for another season, when they do some all-star show in the future(Villains vs Angels) or something like that!
A lot of people think Howard should win the “Americas Choice” I do not agree, he is a very nice guy but he did not even apply to do BB the producers went out to get them for nixed races, I love him but he had no game play, I don,t think he ever saw the game before. I am voteing for Elissa she played her heart out but was just not successful.
I agree with you Alan I think everyone should remember Andy as “Ratboy”.
I hope McCrae wins he,s the best of the worst.
I can’t stand Andy. He is a huge FLOATER and needs to grab a life jacket. He is the worst of the worst. And OMG, does he really think he is fine? It disgust me to hear him talk about Jeremy. ugh
I turn into big brother after dark, and all I hear is Andy bashing Elissa…even if they are talking about something else, he brings it back to her again..commenting on her looks…yeah Andy you pasty white, red headed, bug eyed weasel..
sorry do not mean to offend any red heads.
If my daughter was in any of his classes I would get her out of there, the way he always uses the C word is so degrading…but what is worse the others never tell him to stop…You would think GM would even be offended…no never mind she probably doesn’t understand it anyway.
I think they should just go to the reunion show now…forget about the people in the house…just divide the money and give it to those in the jury house…or to the people who chat here.