You just never know what you are going to get on the Big Brother Live Feeds and that definitely happened last night in the Big Brother 2014 house. I think there was a miss of meds for some of them, as they went a little crazy last night and came up with some wild plans. Zach is all over the place during Big Brother 16 and it continued last night. Check out some highlights in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Nicole and ZachPhoto Credit:

We saw Brittany successfully finish her Veto punishment of kicking 2,400 goals in 24 hours with the soccer ball. I didn’t think she would do it, but she pulled it out. Donny was there a lot of the time and cheering her on and getting her yogurt and water (he is such a nice guy). This led to Donny want to keep Brittany safe this week and voting out Caleb, which he started pitching the idea to people and it got the buzz going in the house!

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He started with Cody, but it didn’t fly. He also mentions it to Hayden and Zach and they both seem interested. Cody had talked with Caleb and Amber earlier about putting up an alliance member over Donny (he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings) and Caleb suggested to Amber about going up as a pawn!

Zach wreaked havoc later on and went to the HoH room and wanted to talk to Cody alone, but Derrick would not leave his side! I like Derrick, but he is controlling everything and I am not a fan of that. He won’t let anything happen unless he is in the room. Zach spills the beans and wants to put up Caleb over Donny and get Caleb out this week. No one agrees to this and Derrick said it is best to get Brittany out this week and it is best for their alliance. Christine and Nicole are adamant about getting Brittany out and are part of the conversation in the HoH room. They think she will come after them if she stays and wins HoH. Zach gets angry at times and must have called Nicole selfish for wanting Brittany gone, which she whines about the rest of the night to Hayden and whoever else would listen!

Here is my thing: why is everyone worried about Brittany staying and turning around and winning HoH? Well, production always favors the underdog or target, so it could happen! They want numbers, but they honestly have them! Zach was making good points, but then went and said throw him on the block and he could start some drama this week. He wanted to start a fake fight with Cody and make it look legit to be a renom. He later said he wanted on the block and wanted to go home because he was homesick.

If this recap is all over the place, I apologize. These HGs were all over the place last night and my brain hurts! I probably missed some things, but it was a wild night!

To sum it up, Zach is crazy and maybe bipolar? Caleb is right there with him. Nicole became a whiny baby (second time now after Bedgate last week). Derrick is a control freak. Everyone else is afraid of Brittany. Donny should go on the block today, but Brittany is the target for Week 4 on Big Brother 2014!

Side Note: Hayden and Nicole made out for the first time last night, so our first official showmance of Big Brother 16???

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