It was Sunday Funday in the Big Brother 2014 house and it was a day of major game talk and another day of making my head hurt from everything going on! Alliances are outed and the target is getting more and more clear for Week 6 on Big Brother 16, but not everyone is on the same page or aware of it! Check out the highlights from yesterday below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Derrick and CodyPhoto Credit:

The big question of the weekend was if Christine would use the veto today and take Jocasta or Zach off the block. Nicole and Donny were talking and Nicole is on to Christine and knows she is playing her, so their alliance is done! The thing is, most of the HGs are on to Christine and know that her and Frankie are working together and playing all sides of the house.

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Donny and Hayden try to convince Nicole to trick Christine into using the veto and say she will put up Donny as a renom and backdoor him, but really put up Frankie! I would love this plan, but it may never work out with numbers.

From there, it was a day of flip-flopping and everyone having no clue of what is going on. Christine, Derrick and Frankie talk about keeping Zach this week and trying to convince Nicole to do the same and use the fact that he may come back from jury and target her. Christine talks to Nicole and says to keep Zach and he wants to backdoor Hayden. Why does she think Nicole would like that plan?

Cody and Christine do some talking and then Cody takes that information to Derrick and they decide that Zach needs to go! He thinks that would cripple Frankie’s game and they can get Caleb as a number to help their side. Why is it everyone is worried about Frankie and think he could win Big Brother 2014, but everyone is afraid to go after him?

The HGs were all over the place on Sunday and wanting to keep Zach and then wanting to get rid of him and he spent a lot of the day sleeping. The HGs are on to Christine and Frankie, but when will they go after them? Today is a big day with the Veto Meeting and then Thursday is huge with the Double Eviction because these HGs won’t have much time to plan things and it could be a huge eviction or a dud and send a safe bet home! Is it Thursday yet?

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