Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 9/6/2014
|Times are rough in the Big Brother 2014 house, as we all sit and wait for this week to play out and Julie Chen to announce the twist from hitting that button. Whether we like him or not, Frankie keeps on winning and the HGs knew this early on, but is it too late to stop him on Big Brother 16??? Check out the highlights from Saturday below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!
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Seeming the HGs stay up late every night, this means they sleep the day away. With Donny in the house, at least we had someone up and doing stuff during the day. Now we get an early morning dance performance from Caleb and they all go back to bed.
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Team America got their new mission (tell everyone a rodent is in the house and keep everyone awake all night). Here is the thing: they had to keep everyone up all night, which was until 6am. This is a normal bedtime for most of them, so not a big deal. Frankie said he saw a rat and madness ensued. They did agree to “Mouse Watch” and Victoria almost fell asleep, but they all stayed up until 6am and mission accomplished.
The Veto Competition started late and ran into BBAD time, which the producers have no sense of timing this season, so we watched HGs sit in individual rooms until it ended. Frankie won Power of Veto and now has all the power for the week (a week that doesn’t matter). He did say he would keep the nominees the same and show his loyalty to the guys. He also said he would cry if they hit that button and it wipes out the entire week of him winning HoH and veto (can you hear my evil laugh as I typed that)?
Frankie spoke alone to the cameras about winning 9 of the 17 comps this season and he is a comp beast (which he has been) and if he does not win veto next week then he could be gone. He knows they would come after him, which is the smart thing to do but these HGs are not that smart. Derrick is seeing it more and more though and he would come after Frankie, but they need to have that opportunity and one of them needs to win a freaking comp!
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Now I really dislike Frankie!!! Wait when he gets to the real world and has to do some damage control because of his big mouth!!! And to see his face when Donnie is chosen America’s Favorite 🙂 One wish for next week? He does not become HOH and is sent to Jury House!!!
That is what I am holding out hope for!
We’re ALL hoping for that!!
How could he make a statement about hoping the button does not wipe out his week. Lucky guess? That is a bit much. He is NOT that smart! unreal.
They have all hinted at the idea and speculated over what it means. Derrick has been paranoid the whole time, even before hitting it but he went with what the group wanted. The DR sessions should give us some insight tonight.
Actually Derrick was the first one to bring it up that it might be a reset button. He supposedly is a superfan and remembered the reset button used in season 14. And he mentioned it to all of them. I think i would have kept that info to myself if i were him.
For all his masterful manipulation and supposed control over this season, Derrick has one major flaw: his fear of having to take the house head-on. HE is the reason for the 100% “no blood on my hands” season. HE is afraid of the house, in the end, because he’s better at manipulation than confrontation. He fears exposure. Hmmmm. Sounds like his former real-life job, eh?
Definitely! He’s afraid of losing control. Not only of the house but also his temper when confrontation occurs. I’ve seen it surface a few times and i think if he lost it he would lose any goodwill he has gained.
Wishing right along with you!!
Yeah, what you said!
I hope it isn’t too late to get Frankie out. But there is something to be said for luck running out and maybe him winning all week will sabotage him when it counts next week. Fingers crossed (which, I hate to say it, hasn’t worked all season)….
I agree that luck can run out. But there’s also those that prosper no matter how mean they are. Unfortunately Frankie may end up being one of the latter.
I have got everything I got crossed that he will be going home. And I think I will stay that way until he does go. Whose with me? lol
Count me in 🙂
Me, too! I am already pretty “cross” with this show so it won’t be a problem, LOL!
You know I’ve been saying this as far back as when I was rooting for Derrick as a good guy. Frankie will NOT go out without being back-doored. And it may be too late for that. Possibly the worst possible ending to a very, very back season….
I really hope you are wrong on this one, Lilly, but I have a bad feeling that you are correct. It is kind of like seeing an out-of-control train that no one can stop.
Unfortunately, Caleb may be the only one who could actually beat him in a clutch. And he’s the one who would save him. Geez.
OK, I am grasping at straws here to give myself something to make the end bearable if Frankie does end up as the winner or runner-up. Even with that, I think it will really be a blow to his bloated self-centeredness when he doesn’t win FF–an even bigger blow when it is DONNY, of all people, who wins.
This TA mission twist is soooo lame. They all stay up all night anyway so it’s not much of a challenge. But i have to admit Codys reaction was funny seeing as he was more scared than Victoria!!
Yeah, super lame! It would have been a real mission to get Donny to stay up late, if he was still in the house lol
I did watch some of the live feeds last night but got so bored that I finally turned it off–guess I should have watched a bit longer. I got tired of hearing their brilliant ideas about what the gold button would do.
Wish we’d voted to make them eat and keep the rest from eating. That would have failed…. This was not only lame but too easy considering their sleeping habits.
Its a joke BBCat. They are just giving away that money.
Lol..**holding hand out** I could really use a few thousand myself. 🙂
I understand the rats name is Frankie
Hey, did you see in the news about 2 rare albino lobsters were caught in Main? Just FYI, thought you’d be interested.
Now on the button Idea can any one hit it and it resets or do we not know this yet?
It’s already been hit. They all hit it together.
Ok but does that mean they have to compete again and then we get a new HOH
Yes, that’s what it means. The game gets rewound back to right after the double eviction. Which means they all can play for HOH again including Frankie but not Derrick because he was HOH at the time.
that is not good thought frankie is going to keep wining
True but at least there’s a chance for him to be evicted. A small chance but still a chance.
When a member from Team America gets evicted all missions should have stopped. Are they going to keep it going even at 1 member? I thought one of the points of Team America was to be a Team not a Couple.LOL
I so agree Sheila. Off topic, I love your picture. They are cutest, fun, dogs 🙂
Thank you Mary,yes they are:)
Mary is right…your dog is adorable! Andy your comment was spot on…and funny 🙂
Hoping the same thing Jean…..
I don’t understand Derrick he has all the right ideas in his head but never moves on them, and why in the world are they afraid of Frankenstein….
Oh, Derrick is doing exactly what he wants. Just about 90% of this season has gone exactly how he wanted. Problem is, he’s afraid of calling attention to himself by making a big move (or suggesting it to his real allies). His game plan is to manipulate quietly to his end. He’s succeeded in keeping Victoria there for his purposes. And Caleb and Cody are his choices for F4 (with Vic). Problem with this whole plan? He’s underestimated Frankie and his ability to get him out.