It was a day of sleeping, Veto Meetings and paranoia in the Big Brother 2014 house, as the final five start to worry about making it to the end and who takes who on Big Brother 16! It took them until Week 11, but now they are starting to worry about who they can beat in the end and if they can get certain people out of the house. I mean, there has never been a chance to backdoor Frankie all season long, so now you worry? Check out the highlights from Sunday below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Cody and VictoriaPhoto Credit:

The weird thing for the day: the Veto Meeting was held and held on the Live Feeds! This never happens, as they go to Jeff Loops for the comps and ceremonies. It makes sense it was moved up a day since the shows will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays now, but weird to see it on the feeds.

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From there, Victoria was a mess and thinking she is going home, which she normally would. However, with the Rewind button in play, this whole week goes back to Thursday night and the end of the Double Eviction. She could win HoH (highly unlikely because she is never even close to winning any comps), but that would be an amazing time to finally pull out a victory!

Caleb, Cody and Derrick are NOW concerned about Frankie and all his wins in the comps. I mean, he didn’t just start doing this folks! They want him out the first chance they can get, so if he does not win HoH or Veto during the Rewind on Wednesday night, it looks like Frankie may be gone!!! Frankie even knows it, but we all know Caleb and his loyalty. He could win HoH and send Victoria home just because Frankie deserves to be there more and he wants to keep “The Bomb Squad” intact!

Derrick and Victoria talk and she thought they were going to be F2 and he said no way that could happen since they don’t win comps. Derrick is pushing the Caleb would win if he made F2, which Frankie agrees. They all think Frankie would win if he made F2. Cody thinks him and Frankie are done with each other, so one of them must go, but I guess after Victoria.

It is going to be a long couple days, but I am super pumped for Wednesday’s show and CBS better not let me down!!! Zero wins for Frankie that night!

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