After an eventful Tuesday night, I was hoping Wednesday would follow suit, especially with an eviction on the horizon for the Big Brother 2015 cast. However, that was not the case and it looks like sleep was a better option for many of them on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Wednesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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In the morning, Clay and Shelli went to Vanessa about the Operation Save Jason plans. Of course, she squashed them right away! Jason is a bigger threat than Becky and blah blah. So, there goes any hope, so I guess it was good to sleep all day. I don’t get why they have to get approval from Vanessa though, as she is out of power now and doesn’t have a vote….Chelli does!

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Vanessa thinks John and Steve have a F2 deal and they play chess to discuss things and have a secret language while doing it and Shelli is onboard with this thinking. I can’t make this stuff up!

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Becky seems to have warmed up to Clay, Shelli and Vanessa and said she should win HOH this week and then they can all play in the Double Eviction next week, which everyone is convinced will happen (and probably will). The twins haven’t switched, so maybe waiting for the Julia reveal to do it, as Liz remains in the house and cuddling and spooning with Austin, who she clearly has no interest in, duh!

Clay, Shelli and Vanessa talk their eviction lists and Clay would go Jackie, James, Becky and John. Shelli and Vanessa would switch John and Becky, as he controls Becky and they could bring Becky with them without him.

Jason did some packing, but then finally started a late campaign. He tried to do F5 deals with Chelli (them, him, Meg and Vanessa). He says he is a bigger target than Becky and no one would come after them for voting her out. He offers his jury vote if they make F2, so he wants to stay just to make jury? He tries and Chelli talks afterwards and they aren’t going against what Vanessa tells them to do on Big Brother 17.

Austin said he is going after Jackie, 100%. She tried to smooth things over with him a couple times during the day, but Austin will never change his mind. He also thinks that America hates Jason, so the loud cheers tonight will probably shock many HGs and have them scared for voting him out.

So, Jason seems ready to go home and his allies need to both win HOH tonight to make some changes and get out some of that Sixth Sense alliance. For now, enjoy some photos from yesterday:

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