It looks like the Houseguests on Big Brother 2015 are moving past this week already and making plans for the final weeks in the Big Brother 17 house. Don’t they know they change their minds 20 million times in a week, so this week isn’t done yet??? Check out the highlights from Monday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-17-2015 Live Feeds Recap 3

Before the Veto Meeting, Vanessa was the only one awake and you know her paranoia was running high, as she was feeling all weekend like she might be the backdoor target. We all knew better, as Liz practiced her speech and was saying that one will return with the jury comp, so the noms would stay the same and that is what happened at the Veto Meeting!

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Now Vanessa could relax some (yeah right) and she started focusing on next week, as John is her next target with Becky going to jury this week. The Austwins are trying to play nice with her, as they want her to think they are with her and Austin tries to convince her they need to throw the HOH comp this week (so John can win and take her out).


Here is where things get interesting, as the twins talk and Julia wants to keep Van around until after the jury comp. She doesn’t want to send her to jury and then come back after them. She thinks Van would never come after them. Liz wants her gone.

Van and Steve continue to pretend they have a F2 deal, but their game talk is awkward and weird. They had a conversation about 10:10pm BBT and neither of them mention names and it is just awkward, as you would expect from Steve.

Speaking of Steve, JMac needs to move far away from him. JMac has too much trust in this kid. He thinks they have a F2 deal and they talk about going with the Austwins or going with James and Meg. They choose the Austwins, so now Johnny Mac talks about winning HOH (as HGs have mentioned throwing it to him) and putting up James and Meg and backdooring Vanessa.

We had “BB Chopped” during the evening, as the HGs participated in a cooking competition with Meg as the host and judge along with John and Becky as judges. Liz and Austin won, but of course. Austin thinks they’ll be the next Brenchel and Liz talks about moving to California to be closer to Austin and leave Miami behind.

Later in the night, the Austwins talk about Steve winning HOH this week on Big Brother 2015 and being best for their game. While it seems like Becky is going to jury this week, I am thinking that will change about ten times. And I am thinking the HGs are afraid of Van and will keep her until the jury comp and then never be able to get rid of her. Hoping for some kind of miracle on Thursday night!

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