Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/5/2015
|The last full day in the Big Brother 2015 house before one of Chelli is evicted tonight! The house is flip-flopping all over the place, so this makes my head hurt but it also is exciting because it makes tonight’s vote on Big Brother 17 suspenseful! Check out the highlights from Wednesday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
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During the day, Vanessa comes up with plans to out Becky as a rat, but Clay and Shelli decide to talk to her about things and maybe see about keeping her around to work with them. Then she wants to stage a fight between Austin and Shelli, so that it looks like Shelli is against Austin and one of the only people in the house willing to go against him, so they have to keep her. She takes the plan to Austin and the twins and they try to convince Vanessa that Shelli is a bigger target and this is their chance to get rid of her!
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Becky talks with John and she seems convinced that Shelli needs to go and Vanessa is controlling everything and making safety deals one week and then questioning them the following week. John agrees about Vanessa. During the past few days, Vanessa has convinced herself that John is related to Clay, Meg and the latest is Shelli.
Meg went to Chelli to ask about Austin and if what they told James was the truth. Shelli and Meg both get upset and Clay goes off on Meg and said they don’t owe anyone anything. Mom has to calm him down again.
During the early evening, the HGs got their halfway celebration party, so fun times there. We are half way done with Big Brother 17! How crazy is that???
The rest of the night consisted of HGs flopping around all over the place. Clay seemed to be back to campaigning to evict him over Shelli. Steve seems to think people like him and want him in an alliance, so he is trying to convince people to keep Shelli and he gives his word to Clay that he will vote to evict him.
The Austwins are where things stand right now and they literally don’t know what they are going to do. It seems they went from Clay to Shelli about 100 times, so it is still a toss-up. Austin does not want to blindside the other side of the house, so he wants a plan and to tell James what it is. Liz and Austin seem to be convinced on keeping Shelli, but then Julia speaks up and plans change. This could go back-and-forth right until the vote tonight, so that is exciting times!
Check out some photos from the Big Brother 2015 house on Wednesday:
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Tonight might be hinky vote heaven. 🙂
One thing about Steve giving his word to Clay. Early this morning Steve was doing some camera talking. He went on and on about how Clay lied to his face. Does this mean he will do what Clay wants and vote him out? Or be so pissed that he will want to do the opposite?
Steve who? LOL
I can’t believe it’s that halfway point…..It really seems like the game just started
It kind of did thanks to the end of Fan Favorite BotB!
I was super happy that they put an end to that nonsense!
In some ways, yes, it seems like the game just started. But in other ways, it seems like i’ve spent 20 years listening to Vanessa filibuster.
with all the hot air she blows she should run for office
I honestly don’t know what is going through his mind, so I have stopped trying to figure it out and stopped caring about him. He is nuts! But he did give my boss a shoutout while cam talking and said he read their feed highlights to help him while watching the feeds!
who knows with brainiak
They had a halfway party? Did Meg behave or was she all over Clay again?
It seemed low-key and not much talk about it afterwards, so I am thinking it was lame!
Did you any of you hear about Zach Rance from last season on the Dick at Nite show last night? Evel Dick does a show and he had Zach on as one of his guests and he was a complete tool. I used to like him, but he was rude the whole time and showed his true colors. “Fame” has gotten to him, but Evel Dick and the other guests handled it well, shockingly.
Maybe he’s been hanging around Rankie too long.
I am starting to not like Steve..RAT
has shellie found out about the hugathon
I think that James made the wrong choice in not using the veto. He should have used the veto to save Clay and put LIZ up in Clays place. Therefore, giving Austin and Julia no choice in who to evict.
i would of liked to have seen Vanessa and seen the sparks fly
Totally agree. It would have been the smart thing to do. But i certainly am enjoying Chelli’s breakdown.
Even better: He should have politely laid out that scenario before the triplets – that he was just putting Liz up as a “pawn” to ensure Shelli was evicted – to try to ally with them. Problem is, even though this would have been a spectacular move this week, it would have meant the ONLY allies he had in the house were the sleeping duo: Meg and Jackie. At least now, he has the chance to sway the triplets and take the target off his back for a bit.
Negative Nancy here this morning, gang. What an awesome move if the triplets (or even one of them) made a game-changing move tonight. I’m sooooo praying Cat is write about hinky-vote heaven tonight. But in the end, Austin is a blow-hard who will not stand up to Vanessa. Shelli will stay. Unless…. Austin (who I truly believes likes James as a straight shooter) outs the plan to keep from blindsiding the other side. Then if it hits the fan this afternoon, it could get really good for us fans! On the other hand, our beloved misfits may just sleep all day….
stupidest houseguests ever. just give shelli the money now.