It is time to find out who this week’s Head of Household has decided to nominate for Week 9 of Big Brother 23! If you have missed the Head of Household comp results from Thursday night on Big Brother 2021, make sure you get caught up with our Big Brother spoilers. Otherwise, read on to find out which two houseguests were put on the chopping block!

We are all feeling a little deja vu with Tiffany in the Head of Household spot for a second Friday in a row on Big Brother 23. With Sarah Beth in the Jury house now, this week’s nominations are going to look a little different.

Tiffany doesn’t have many choices with there being only two HGs outside of the Cookout alliance. As we know, Claire is Tiffany’s closest ally outside of the Cookout alliance, but Alyssa and Tiffany are also pretty close. This definitely isn’t the ideal week for Tiffany to have won the HOH, but I think I speak for everyone when I say, it’s better than the King of One-on-ones being in the HOH room again.

So what did Tiffany decide to do with her nominations this week on Big Brother? Let’s find out!

Nominations for Week 9 of Big Brother 23 are:

  • Xavier
  • Alyssa

This combination of nominees shouldn’t surprise anyone. We all knew that Tiffany wasn’t going to put Claire on the block and she also wasn’t going to put Alyssa next to anyone else. With the numbers in the house dwindling quickly, the chances of Xavier being picked to play in the Veto this week would have been high and Alyssa would have expected him to use it on her if he won and wasn’t on the block.

With all that being said, if Xavier or Alyssa wins this week’s Power of Veto, Tiffany will have a pretty hard decision to make. What do you think of Tiffany’s choice for noms this week? What do you think she will do if Alyssa or Xavier wins the POV?

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