The Big Brother Over the Top houseguests have spent most of the night, and early morning, getting to know one another. Everyone seems to be getting along quite well. However, that all changes soon. Right now they are competing against each other in the first BBOTT head of household competition. This competition determines who holds the power for the first  Big Brother Over the Top week.

Big Brother Over The Top Week 1 HOH

We still aren’t quite clear on who really controls the nominations and votes. It could completely be in America’s hands, or it could remain the same with America having some form of influence on who the Big Brother Over the Top Head of Household nominates.

Therefore, the head of household could end up with all the control or none of it. The HOH might just be safe for the week, but none of their usual powers. We have a hard time believing that CBS wouldn’t give the head of household the power to nominate. So if anything, he or she may simply hold the power to nominate one person, and name a replacement nominee if the Veto is used. America controls the other nominee.

We should learn before or after the head of household competition how the nominations and evictions will unfold on Big Brother Over the Top.

Stay tuned as we live update the Big Brother Over the Top Head of Household competition details. Bookmark and continue to refresh as we give live HOH results.


The Big Brother Over the Top houseguests return to the living room to find a single bottle of drink. It says ‘Only One Can Drink.” They debate for a little while who should drink it until Shane Chapman gets up and drinks it.

Someone then comes on the speaker to announce that he’s been infected and must come to the Diary Room. He rushes to it, and then everyone waits for his return.

Shane returns to explain the rules. For the next 24-hours an alarm will go off. Once the alarm goes off, whoever is the newest infected must spread the disease to someone else.


Whoever gets infected cannot win Head of Household. Right now, Shane is out of the Head of Household competition but can take out the next person.

We will update every time someone gets infected, so make sure to check this post periodically.

Shane and Monte Massongill discussed taking out Kryssie Ridolfi. However, he eventually elimated Danielle Lickey from the Head of Household competition.

Justin Duncan volunteered for Danielle to give it to him.

Justin randomly infected Shelby Stockton. Shelby gave it to Scott Dennis. Neeley Jackson has already volunteered to be next, but we’ll see if Scott takes a more strategic approach.

During dinner, Kryssie Ridolfi volunteered to be infected (basically said she didn’t care, so Neeley took that as a yes).

Kryssie passed it on to Morgan Willett. Morgan gave it to Cornbread, who wanted it to take out Jason Roy, his alliances current target. He took out Jason, which only leaves Alex Willett, Monte Massongill, and Whitney Hogg in the competition.

Jason gave it to Whitney with the hope that she would take out Monte, so Alex could win it. However, it sounds like Whitney will take out Alex, making Monte HOH.

Currently eliminated from Head of Household Competition:













Big Brother OTT-HOH results

Everything went as planned. Monte Massongill is the new Head of Household!

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