Memories…. Big Brother 2010
|Hi guys! Well, I tried to come up with something from Big Brother 2010 that would be interesting for us.
Since there is pretty much NOTHING going on in the house, except this….
I thought I would relive some of the funniest or most interesting moments…

A Saboteur is in the House


Annie-- Why couldn't you have stayed??
In a comparison of the two Sabo’s, there is no contest. Annie did risky, physical acts, whereas Ragan took zero risks. The one and only thing he did was put a pre-written note under Enzo’s pillow.. ooooooh!
Then, we have the love that blossomed…

who are they kidding?
And then there was perhaps the funniest Have Not comp, EVER!
There were some ugly moments in the house…
And some heroic ones..
None of these worked however, and we are left with three, who were lucky (or savvy?) enough to just wait the others out.
So.. for all of us who say this season sucked. I say.. We had some fun, we had some good time.. And hey.. Next year is bound to be better right? Especially since the rumor is……
ALL STARS coming up!! (Fingers crossed)
What was your favorite moment from this season?
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Long time no blogg Chicago… Hope all is well!!
@Bob – I vote with the house and if the house wants gina out lets do it. Someone has to make a power move this season!
The house has my vote!!
Janet, You reading???
I guess we can all do Survivor? Do they have one like this?
:~) “Thats Really What I look Like”
Yes…GINA you are evicted from the blog. Please leave by the back door.
@bob, do u mean a blog. That would b kool then i’d watch Survivor. Let me know b4 wednesday! ?!?
And Gina NEVER come back.…..
Yes a blog for survivor! (Janet and others, You In?) (TTVB)= “Team TV Blog”
Newfietom, instead of the back door, throw it out the window!
:~) “Thats What I Really Look Like”
We will make no money, but express how we feel. Love this!!
Better yet, move her in with her heroine Brendel and let them bash each other!
@bob sure if there is one 🙂 i’ll b ready
Could be a “Death Match”. Would be cool to watch or read.. Ha Ha
:~) “Thats What I Really Look Like”
I thought her fav was ragamuffin?
I’m not a fan of Lane. He is not funny at all. Something about him just erks me and I can’t put my finger on it.
Nothing was funnier when Enzo was getting his hair cut. I was in tears. He is a very funny guy.
BTW – it was LANE who rubbed one off in the shower several times not Enzo. Enzo does your typical guy asjustment/scratching of the male private area.
If everyone on here thinks BB12 sucked, why are you all watching and blogging about it?
Also, as far as fan fave goes, there are a lot of people who did not start watching until around when Brendan got evicted and they do really know what has happened this season. The ratings went up and up all season and that means that at lest a qtr of the watchers started mid season. I don’t think they will vote for Brendan as much as you all think.
So Cassie, How do you get the ratings for this show, or are you just speculating? Love your comment still. Just wondering…
The ratings are on Wikipedia.
Plus Cassie, Ezoid does more Shirt lifting then his package adjustment. Does He really think his body looks that good? He is going against two guys that have worked out their whole life. I do not think Enzoid started until this show, and now he acts like a high school male that thinks he needs to show or look at his abs 4-5 times an hour. What a joke. He thinks he is going to be worth so much money that he will have to take his wife every where, just so she is not kidnapped for money…. Ha Ha…
He must live in a really bad area, or he is just very dumb!! I go with both…
Back to your Insurance Job Enzoid.
I hope they read these after they are done, so they know how idiotic they actually are. “We where the best ever” Ha ha.. “We are going to be on so many talk shows and will probably have our own Reality show.” OMG…
:~) “Thats Really What I look Like”
Cool, did not know that Cassie..
Janet-your review on the season was much better or as good as the show last night~ and I would absolutely love to be in the Blog Group for Survivor….it will be my first season. My wife loves Survivor but I could never find the time for it like BB.
I agree- NO ginaWHOEVER. She is mean.
@Celeste, is that you…from the 4 Corners???
But Cassie,
If you look at what Wikipedia is doing, they are comparing two shows (Big Brother and Wipe Out) own by the same company, Endemol USA Productions. They are not comparing to the rest of the TV auidence or networks. So it is better than their current show, and better than both of the shows last season. Kind of a sales trick. You have to read between the lines.
Good observation though..
:~) “That Really What I look Like”
So all of you who said this season has the best ratings ever!? Read between the lines and see what show they are comparing it too.
Endemol USA Productions, promotes themselves.
:~) “Thats Really What I Look Like”
OK I’m back…just finished getting caught up on the posts.
Who the HELL pulled Ginawhatever back in???!!! I thought she was DONE posting here! WTF hahaha
I wonder if we can evict her from the blog by flushing??? just asking 😉
My favorite moment was when Brit opened PB and got an hour of Jesse while the hg’s got a feast!!! Couldn’t of happened to a better person!!!! Karma baby….
I am so in if there is a Survivor blog, I love posting with you all.
Yes even the ones that are from diffenent worlds/realities.
@ Lisa liked your assessment.
The one thing that I did not like about Rachel was her laugh, it was too much to take at times. Beyond that and the quick showmance, she was good TV whether you love her or hate her.
Of course I am still all for Brendon as AP.
I think AP has to at least made it to the final 5. Other wise they had no game, because they are gone. Final Five and below is my pick.
:~) “Thats Really What I look Like”
Bob that does make sense.
Yet, I can’t bring myself to vote for any of the 5.
So I will take the final 6th player, close enough for me (Go Brendon)
@Bob. The ratings started at 7.35 mil went down and then went up to over 10 mil people.
Janet you have done a wonderful job with this blog. I am so glad I found it. I don’t post that often, but I do read everything and enjoy myself. I hope I can find you again next year and also if you do a Survivor blog. Let us know where it will be.
BBAD is so boring. Enzo crunching looking like a lame duck with his head in the sand. Absolutely nothing going on. One would think the boys would try to do something interesting just to keep themselves amused and make them more “marketable”. Brad Pitt they are not 🙂
I do wonder if Britt would have dropped her fiance if she had of won BB. I’m sure her in-laws to be didn’t know that much about her before the show. Britt’s reality after the show would be interesting to find out.
Ragan will never have respect from his students after appearing in BB. The pouty crying professor will have everyone talking about him in class.
I still would like to see Brendon as AP.
Read the notes Cassie, It appeared at a couple of different times that night because it was preempted by something else (Football). If it shows multiple times in one evening, obvisouly more people watch it.
Make sense? Other wise the numbers pretty much stayed the same.
TV Guide Network has a Survivor preview on now (7 central time). You can bet Rachael will be on the BB all-stars. I’d like to see her and Evil Dick go throat to throat-he’ll rip her a new one! I actually don’t mind Rachael, her laugh is the worst for me. She had her back against the wall from day one, which was brought on by herself.
I think Gina4ever, Matt BB12 and Nancy Pelosi are all the same poster.
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Hey Bob
That sounds great, but I hope that do not put jesse on All Star because he is so annoying and he needs to move on now. I know Rachel will be a good all star players and so would brendon but not together.
Hopefully that wouldnt do that to us. I wanted to smack Brendon when Rachel was in the house. Once she left he began playing the game. That would do good in different seasons
Janet, I noticed my posts seem to disappear as well.
I was asking where we go to vote for America’s Player.
I just wanted to say I enjoyed watching Big Brother very much and look forward to seeing it again.
My personal favorite person was Racheal. She is so Pretty, smart, funny and not afraid to speak her mind. And I Loved her hair extensions, it made me want to get some.
She wins our vote for best overall person in the BBH.