The BIG Plan in Big Brother 14 *spoiler*
|Today’s one of the biggest days in Big Brother 14!
The outcome of the POV today will likely set the tone for how the rest of the game will play out.
With the Golden POV in play, the *sigh* Quack Pack had launched a plan to save all it’s members.
It goes a little something like this:
If Dani, Shane or Brit win the POV, they use it to save Dani, then they want Ian to use his power to save Dan. Frank would then have two empty block spots to fill, which he’s have no choice but to put up whichever member (Brit or Shane) didn’t win–and either Joe or Jenn. THEN the QP would have to votes to oust either Jenn or Joe. Which would be a wasted HOH for Frank.
The HG’s believe today’s comp will be the notorious “How Bad Do You Want It” comp. So who will end up shaving their head? Who will agree to be on slop the rest of the season? You remember the infamous comp where Brendan had to be chained to Brit, and take baths in the nasty concoction every hour for 24 hours????
But that comp CAN be brutal. Can you imagine Dani agreeing to shave her head??
There happens to be a TINY kink in that plan, however. IAN may not use the power. Last night he told Shane….I’ve already given Dan the Moon, now he wants the stars, too.
Brit and a few of the others have been floating the idea that maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for Dan to go.
The too dense for words Danielle isn’t worried. Last night she said she’s KNOWS Dan would save HER if he won. THIS after Dan told her she really, REALLY needs to win. Even with him saying that—she didn’t get it. Dan ain’t saving nobody but Dan. Also, apparently Dani was outed by Boogie before he left, and Ian later that she’s not a kindergarten teacher–but *gasp* a nurse. Later, she told Dan “I just hate people knowing how smart I am. Yes, I have a couple of degrees and I’m in Medical School.” Folks, we looked it up. Danielle is an LPN. An honorable profession. But NOT a Med Student. *shudder*
And where’s Frank in all of this?? The guy had absolutely NO ONE in this game. He is utterly alone, with absolutely NO ONE to trust. I can’t imagine how that feels.
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Even LPNs can go to school to be something else, so it’s possible she could def be a med student. Plus LPNs usually go for RN.
an lpn is NOT a nurse – it is what we used to call a candystriper way back – basically a nurse’s assistant to do the menial jobs – cannot do what a RN does
an LPN is a nurse what you are talking about is STNA and there are different stages of nursing LPN isn’t RN but then RN isn’t the top stage of nursing either
No, LPN’s do like to be CALLED nurses though. They are a big step below an RN, education and salary wise.
bbfan and M
I don’t know what type of work you do or where you live but I happen to be an LPN and damn proud of it. I had to take state boards just like RN’s. I have been a NURSE for 30 years, have worked in hospitals, Nursing homes and currently an office manager for a family care physician. LPN’s are Nurses and most are able to diagnose an illness properly…I do alot more than “assist with basic tasks”
bbfan – you are so wrong. I am a RN and I work with many outstanding LPNs. LPN stands for Licensed Practical Nurse. A candystriper is a volunteer (usually a teenager) that helps out with non-patient care tasks. BTW I know many LPNs who skipped the RN and went straight to med school. Do your research before you knock one of the greatest professions in the world.
LPN’s are not nurse they are LPN’s. I am experience in the field as well. There are many outstanding ones but alot of them do not have the knowledge to diagnose an illness properly, they are there to ASSIST with basic tasks. A step above a CNA, two steps below an RN.
Um, they do but a lot fail, a lot more pressure and LPN’s like to be called nurses but are quite a few steps below.
And it was great how Danielle RUSHED to help Ian’s sprained ankle, I would not hire her.
As Woody Allen once said…”If you want to make God laugh…tell him your plans”. NOTHING is for sure in the BB house. And the best laid plans often go awry. Here’s the kink in that whoooole plan…Jenn and Joe.
Up till now these two have made fewer moves than a snail convention. Would Frank or the QP be able to control these 2? My guess is this…
Jenn..well Jenn was none too pleased with being put on the block by Shane. True she was the pawn but it took her two days to realize that! And its taking her even longer to see the big picture…she’s disposable. Whether it’s the Quack Pack that uses her or Frank…when her usefulness is up, she’s front and center on the extermination list.
And Joe? Joe reminds me of the hammock in the BB backyard. He makes a lot of noise and swings back and forth and gets used a lot but if he weren’t there you wouldn’t miss him. Joe has actually come up on my list a bit. He’s a rude crude dude and i wouldn’t want him in my kitchen but the man CAN be funny at times. But like clay, he can be molded. It all depends on who’s artistic enough to do the molding.
So if by some miracle Jenn or Joe wins veto…would they use it to take Dan or Dani off the block? I’d say its time to kiss some Bevis and Butthead ass.
As for Ian..what can i say about the little guy. He played David and Goliath with Boogie and is now known for taking down the giant. Can he become King Ian? Right now the fate of everyone is in his hot little hands. But whose side is James Bond, Jr. really on?
If Jenn or Joe wins veto and doesn’t use it to save a QP member and Ian decides to cut ties with them….their goose is cooked!
Well the word on the street is production doesn’t want Ian to use his golden veto and they want him to work with Frank..Brit is statring to see that the other gaint in HOH may help her and wee Ian get a bit further,,cuz if dans gone he won.t be so gun ho for that side –plus he is a powerful sheild for her and wee Ian..the two little people in the house..and maybe.i think she is starting to realize that Dan is all about Dan ..and Dan was telling his group that if IAN doesn’t want to use the golden veto he is gonna threaten to expose him..SO whos the bully now.. One can only hope Brit and Ian see the gaint upstairs as their sheild going forth..but its all gonna depend on who wins the veto..I HOPE dan dosen’t win..Hes is another one that needs to go so the others can play their game… always said i like Brit and i really admire how she has taken Ian under her wings..and i truelly think Frank does think of Ian as his little brother and wants to help him..Jenn in my eyes is a lost cause..Her Ego is to big to see the real picture.. so she is just gonna get dumped by the waste side… Even if father dan does happen to stay–Wee Ian and Brit need to stick with the gaint upstairs….
I know Production asks leading questions to provoke a little thought from each hg. But i have to say i would be dismayed if they would suggest who to work with. I’m not sure they would go that far as to name names. I guess my question would be…why put something into play if you don’t want it used? Such as Pandoras Box…and now the golden pov. If you wanted to control the vote then you would put it in the hands of someone you’re sure of…not Ians. I’ve never been a conspiricy theorist…and still not. Production suggests…hg makes final decision. But i will say this…i think Ian is lying about production. He’s under pressure to make a decision. What better way to buy some time until you make your decision. I think his decision will come as a total surprise to all of them. Ian loves attention and loves to make bold moves. Now he just has to decide what would be the boldest.
I have to add that it all depends on WHEN Ians GPOV has to be used. It would make for more suspense if he has to use it after…but i don’t know which it is. Can someone help me out…heard anything about that?
oops…i meant AFTER the normal veto is played.
well aside from production putting things in peoples head..and i do agree production should stay out of it,,i still think it would be wise for Ian to go with Frank and Brit–you got Shane who has a closer connection with Danielle then Brit and you have Dan who has a closer realation with Danielle..that leaves brit and Ian out…and Dan is pretty much theatening Ian to use the GPOV or else hes gonna taint the Jury..Bully city if you ask me plus threatening him that he will rat him out..and then you have Frank who even after all Ians done to him is still willing to help Ian…I just don’t like Dan–he needs to go….
I agree with you that it would be in Ians best interest to go with Frank. I guess what i don’t understand is what the difference is between Dan threatening to taint the jury and Frank threating to put Ians biggest allie on the block, Brit, if he used it.
after all the heat Dan took for Ian last week I think Ian need to be loyal to Dan, besides Frank also said he would tint the jury. Wouldn’t mind seeing Brit go though
I think if Dan goes it will be all over for the coaches, Brit will be right behind him
Dan I agree with you the newbies will take control of the house and the coaches will be gone Frank and Joe will see to that
Please, oh please vote Danielle out!! I’m from the south, but I can’t stand her delusional, whiny, shrill, nasally, southern-belle accent any more!!
I read on another site that Britney said production is trying to talk Ian out of using his special veto. If this is true I wish production would leave the players alone and let the game just play out. Stop trying to influence the outcome that they think is best. Let the chips fall and let the players play.
I can’t believe Brittany is wanting to get Dan out after what happened in her season she should know that if the qp stick together they can run that house just like the bragade did and of all people she should know that Go qp stick together and get out the cheater Frank
Britney plays scared. She doesn’t want to get her hands dirty but she wants the rewards of the people who do. I’m pissed that production continues trying to manipulate the players into doing what production wants. It is becoming very obvious now that ultimately they want Frank to win the entire thing. Now they’re wanting Ian to team up with Frank to get Dan out. I don’t think it’s fair that Ian’s game be put in danger because of Frank’s bad decision to team up with Mike. They need to leave Ian alone and let him play the game he wants to play and they need to stop breastfeeding Frank. He’s a big boy as was obvious during his “tough guy” rant after the double eviction and his veto win. Obviously trying to intimidate Ian. Let the game play out!
I agree I was so glad to see Boogie and really wanted Frank to go next. I got so tired of Frank complaining about everyone and every thing. I think there is a difference between game playing and trashing everyone when he gets put on the block. At least with Mike you don’t here how stupid everyone but they are
I agree I think production needs to stay out of it and let them play the game and may the best person win
everyone playing in veto but dan. ian is the announcer. don’t know what time they’ll play. they were just told “today.”
sorry i meant joe is not playing.
@ Cat the difference is Frank has been double crossed twice by Ian..and Dan has been with Ian in the Quack point is Frank is still after being double crossed TWICE by Ian willing to help him and Dan who has claimed to have Ians back in the quack Pack in my opinion should console Ian not threaten him..i quess we just don’t see eye to eye on Frank and Dan..But thats okay..Ian has a tough decision to make ,…
Lol..i guess Susan i don’t see it as helping him by getting rid of his biggest ally, Brit, if he doesn’t do what Frank wants. Truth be told, they BOTH should leave him to make his decision and not threaten. Thats the surest way of putting yourself in danger if you threaten. I know we don’t agree but you’re still my favorite poster 🙂
agreed..threatening people is never a way to get people to go your way..but Ian loves Brit ..and i can see i just hope they will let the big guy upstairs protect them…You have been here with me and Janet from the beginning–no matter if we agree or not–i still have your back…lol..your posts keep me coming here..we;re in this together..:)
I think if Dan goes Brit will right behind him, no more coaches
Oh please send Dani home……if they leave Dan in it will be much more interesting!
Wish people would leave Frank alone…He is a good player and has had to fight to stay in this house…I think he is the far better player and now he can play the way he wants since Mike went home…Oh, by the way,I really like Boogie’s playing this year…He is an ok guy………….
I really don’t understand how anyone can like a cheater and as far as him having to fight to stay in the house he is the one that teamed up with Boogie and talked garbage about ALL the other houseguest he’s made his bed and I can’t wait for him to be evicted
I missed a couple shows due to work how did frank cheat? And the twist of the the coaches choosing is what brought frank and boogie together.
During the veto picks Frank palmed the houseguest choice piece after production told him to pick again and even admitted it to Boogie. As soon as he told Boogie he did it, the feeds cut to the cursed fish tank.
Frank should go he and boggie cheated,,cheat once youll do it again, dont liked that the show is rigged but its for frank
dan sits back and lets Shane, Brit, Danielle and Ian do all the dirty work and he reaps the benefits. It’s funny that when Dan came out and told everyone he got the veto ball, that was OK, but when Ian came out and said he didn’t get it when he really never tried, Dan was ticked off. Double Standard, Dan????