You can say one thing about this Big Brother 14 Season with no compunction….It was never boring.

We’ve endured a lot of seasons in which long periods of time pass, where you wanted to rip your eyeballs out, at the level of inactivity, the lack of gaming. That didn’t happen this year. This season was all game. All the time. And for that I say…Thank you BB14 players.

The reason this game is so different from any other reality show on TV, is the level of OUR–the viewer’s–participation. In no other show, do we have the unprecedented level of access, through the Superpass Live Feeds. It’s ย virtually impossible to spy on people in every aspect of their lives, and not get a very accurate glimpse of their true characters. Fans who watch only the CBS show, learn only what the producers and the network want to reveal. They skew events and conversations into what they WANT you to think.

We FEED VIEWERS know the truth. We SEE them. And we report it to the rest of you.

Tonight we say goodbye to a truly epic season. A season which drew out a level of emotion from the viewers we haven’t seen in some time. Our emotions ranged hard between love and hate, disgust and admiration. It will be hard to let go. As the BB HG’s go back to their own lives, so do we all. Again, hard to say goodbye.

As for the winner, I think most of America hopes for a Dan/Ian Final Two. The Dan fans vs Camp Ian will be waving their flags high in the air tonight, as we watch the uber-smooth Coach try to pull in votes with a practiced, timed speech. That in itself may be his downfall. If the Jury feels like they’re watching “THE FUNERAL 2.0” it may turn them off, in favor of a blushing, realistic plea from the nervous nerd.

I know I speak for all of us when I say…..ANYONE BUT DANIELLE… And we’re all waiting for the moment when the noxious nurse ‘gets to steppin’ to take her place in the jury. As to her tainting abilities…..THAT should be a hoot.

And now we say goodbye. Again, I want to express how much fun I’ve had with you all this season. Without you, this site would be nothing! I hope you’ll join Auntie Janet again same place, same time next year…You are my Big Brother Heroes!

For the last time- I give you a FEED VIEWERS look at your FINAL THREE….and their true characters…
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