Stress reigns supreme in the Big Brother 14 House as the HG’s (especially Jani) beat a dead horse.

Janelle has gotten a whiff of trouble. she’s cornered just about everyone in the house in the Arcade room, trying to get them to promise her their vote. Earlier, Brit had a breakdown. Up in the HOH she was in tears, begging Dan, Dani and Shane to allow her to just go ahead and tell Jani that she’s going home. Dan agreed, but just as he did, the Big Brother voice of God came over the loudspeaker, calling him down. When he returned, he told the rest that BB said they were not allowed to tell anyone who they were voting for. And they could not tell someone they were going home.

There. Done deal. Big Brother obviously wants that big TV moment.

Back downstairs, Janelle roamed the house like a big cat…And speaking of cats–there were come other, weird cat moments in the house.

The HG’s were given a half-way (yep, we’re half-way, folks) party. Apparently, Janelle started a cake-fight that ended the party early, aggravating the others. One more nail in her coffin…


Today’s LIVE FEEDS are going to be AWKWARD as the Silent Six and Team Tits evades Janelle. Watch tonight for that big GOTCHA moment. Expect Joe to blow his stack, when he learns he’s the only one out of the loop. Today leading up to tonight’s big eviction promise to be A–wait for it–MAZING…As Jani struggles for votes that will never come…

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