Big Brother 2011 Golden Key and a missing Dick? UPDATED!!
|Wow. That was my first impression of the premiere of Big Brother 2011. Simply… wow. SPOILER ALERT!
UPDATE! OK- Here’s what we have gathered. Evel Dick has left the house for personal reasons. They did not tell the HG’s why– not even Dani, except to say it was not her mom or brother. THEN there was apparently a big confrontation with Keith throwing his partner Porshe under the bus, claiming the Dick leaving is a Twist, and that after the POV he had a big “bombshell” to drop.
Something happened during that time, as well, that freaked Brenchel out so much–they started packing their bags to leave. Jeff talked them off the ledge, however and they will stay to compete. The latest is that Jeff and Jordan and Brenchel believe they can get Shelly and Cassi on their side– and they are considering taking out Keith- as a troublemaker-instead of the original Porshe.
Dani received a Golden Key– due to losing her partner. That means she is safe from the block for the next four weeks– but she also cannot compete in any HOH comps..
That’s what we know right now- but STAY TUNED as we update all day.. Whew!! HUGE DAY in the Big Brother 2011 House.. And hi.. it’s the FIRST FREAKIN’ DAY!! Still having doubts about getting those feeds???????????
Not one, not two, but THREE major twists. The Duos we already (kinda) figured out. But what about the Golden Key Twist?? Later we’ll talk about all the implications of that twist.. But the BIG news right now is….
Where in the heck is Evel Dick???
When the Live Feeds came available, we learned that Dick was missing-having gone into the DR (Diary Room) and has not been seen since. As of 5 am– we have Trivia on the Live Feeds- leading us to believe that HUGE events are happening in the house. Is it a late-night POV comp? Has Dick gone mental? No one knows.. But rest assured. When WE know.. YOU’LL know, so STAY TUNED!
Do you have the LIVE FEEDS?? If you do, you’ll be in on all the secrets, lies, backstabbing and strategies that are already flying around the Big Brother 2011 House! If not… SIGN UP HERE for a FREE Trial.
The pairing of the couples came out like this, after the big reveal of the Dynamic Duos. (and yay-how happy are you that we were right about who the couples would be? I couldn’t quit smiling, just watching Jeff and Jordan back in the house.)
Dick and Danielle— Dani looked none to happy to be partnered with her Dad. And btw- it IS true. The two have not spoken since 2008 prior to coming to the house. Though they did manage to stick together long enough to cut a deal with Rachel and Brendan. They agreed to drop and give Rachel HOH in return for immunity from nomination.
Brenchel— And like her or hate her–Rachel’s got game– The girl can mount a banana..
Jeff and Jordan–America’s sweetheart couple, adorable as ever.
Cassi and Shelly– my favorite early newbie couple.
Adam and Dominic– Dom was pretty skeeved out, but could hardly refuse him openly.
Lawon and Kalia– again… she was skeeved.
Keith and Porshe– uh… dur…
We are scrambling as the Big Brother 2011 LIVE FEEDS came available to decipher what’s happening in the house. There are several things we know..
Keith and Porshe are the first couple nominated. (I could live with losing either of them,) But the BIG mystery is—-
Where is Evel Dick??? Dani got pretty upset, banging on the DR door, but seemed to get over it pretty quickly.

The HAVE-NOT room--Mental Hospital-Chic
Don’t forget… Hang out with us! Leave your Comments, Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook— as we keep you updated on all the Spoilers and Updates.. While they happen!!
**Hate to mention this—cause I like her.. But at 1:35 BBT- Cassi blurted out the F-g–t word… Shame, such a shame.. Jeff and Jordan were there, and Jeff told her– “Oh Boy, don’t use that word.” Remember?? Jeff had his own issues when that word slipped out in his season. Sure hope Cassi learned her lesson..
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Still no word on ED as of 3:40 BBT
I like Brendon wiuhtot Rachel and I like Rachel wiuhtot him but together they drive me crazy and I can see how having to be with them 24 hours a day would make the houseguests hate them too. I voted for Brendon in part because I thought he deserved it more than the others, in part because I dont like Danielles alliance of floaters and if Dominic was voted in that would have made her that much stronger but also in part because I just wanted to see him get another chance. It seemed like maybe he changed a little and was being more social and had Danielle not won hoh his first week back he could have gone far. But he was done when She won and she played it perfectly to get him out again.
Okay, the way I see it:The Golden Key holders are safe until there are 10 reminiang players. This most likely means that the team aspect of the game will be ended at such time.14: Dick (walked)13: Keith (evicted)12: Cassi (evicted)11: this week’s evictee10 players remainIf this holds true, Rachel will not be able to compete in the next HOH comp, which will most likely be the first comp in a newly singled house. I would have to imagine it’s a no-brainer that she would be nominated and voted out no matter who wins, unless it’s Brendon.This can only be a good thing for the season. I can only hope that CBS counts Dick’s departure as a part of the rule. I can’t imagine why they’d give Danielle a key (instead of partnering her with an alternate) if this wasn’t the plan. Plus, it just makes sense with the numbers.Anyone have any thoughts?
Hate to say it,but I hope Dick stays.
I love the drama he brings to the house.
Maby he could get Rachel to stop laughing..
They will NEVER make a real deal with Dani! EVER! I dk why anyone would even begin to think this would haeppn. Just like shelly, dani now has a F3 deal with everyone. @fly- I think your right on most stuff, except dani banking on kalia winning. I think she doesn’t have any faith in kalia or porsche winning and she is trying to. Do some major damage control for this week, but she doesn’t realize she’s actually causing more damage. Why would jejo trust her? They absolutely do not, so they aren’t gonna tell her any of their plans. Dani has been doing nothing but talking about getting rid of jeff next, she doesn’t take any deal with them seriously. I predict by next week the kalia dani alliance will start to take a turn for the worst.
I hope E.D. comes back as well. I like his game. Will Jeff please propose to Jordon ?? Please ! I cannot stand Racheal and hope she goes home early ! I am not big on the duo twist. I had rather see everybody on their own game and not depending on there partner. I love B.B.