Big Brother 2011 Trivia Contest
|Ok, you Big Brother 2011 fans. Are you ready to show off your Big Brother knowledge in this pre-BB13 Trivia Contest? Big Brother 2011 is only days away!

wanna play?
Here’s the rules: All you have to do, is sign into our comments section on this post with your answers, and sign up for our mailing list, or share us on Facebook, Twitter, or post a link to in your blog. This will be on the honor system, so please make a note in your comment how you shared the contest.
Then, all you have to do is show off your BB genius!
The answers will be posted at 11:30 pm, July 1st. If more than one person answers the questions correctly, we’ll have a drawing among those winners for the grand prize– a Big Brother T-Shirt– and we’ll contact that person privately to get their mailing address.
So here we go…..Our pre- Big Brother 13 Trivia Contest!
How well do you know Big Brother?
1.) In Season 7- Big Brother All-Stars, who was the first POV winner?
2.) In Season 9- One of the “Power couples” was evicted. On their way out, a bell rang– stopping the eviction. Who did the Houseguests vote to KEEP?
3.) Who won the Season 11 HOH Competition, “The S’more the Merrier?”
4.) Who was the winner of the final Season 3 POV?
5.) In Season 10- who told Dan he was a “disgrace to their religion?”
6.) In the Season 9 HOH competition “Glass Houses” who willingly gave the contest to another HG, and was subsequently betrayed?
7.) In Season 8- what catchphrase did Eric have to use three times in order to complete his America’s Player’s task?
8.) What is the current BB name for a plan, which originated with Season 5’s Nakomis’ 5-finger plan?
9.) In Big Brother 6- who was the originator of the “Sovereign Six?”
10.) What special power from Pandora’s Box was awarded to Matt in Season 12?
BONUS: What TV actor visited the HG’s in the BB house during Big Brother All-Stars Season 7?
So have at it, guys. I can’t wait to hear your answers. And when you’re ready to really roll.. We’d love for you to sign up with us for the Big Brother LIVE FEEDS. The Early Bird Special ends on Premiere day, July 7th. So sign up with us, and share your Big Brother 2011 Season with us!
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Hi guys!! And welcome to the Big Brother Trivia Game.
Display your answers below, and tell us how you shared
We can’t wait to hear from you!!
BTW- We have L, XL and XXL- when we select a winner on July 1- they can let us know what size they prefer!
7.I’d do that for a dollar
10.Diamond POV
(BONUS) Neil Patrick Harris
Janelle. Ryan. Kevin. marcellas. Apirl. Natalie. He did it for a$1. Back door. Kaysar. Neil Patrick Harris
Cant wait for the new season I am so excited !!!!
Yeah big brother!
Love Big Brother!!!! Best show eva!!! Can hardly wait!!!
i love big brother i do not miss an episode i even dvr it when cant watch it
i love your show it is awesome only if you could i wish you could pick contesent from canada
Love BB and ready fo rmy life to stop this summer so I can watch BB 24/7
hi there
i love the contestent
i watch it faithfully
Can’t wait for BB to start. You guys rock. Wish I could join you all. Good luck. ♥
i luv big brother especially when there is drama in the house……….
i have watched every big brother season so excited for it to start again cant wait love bb
Hi, Im getting so excited as I always am. My granddaughter got me started in season 2 and I have been hooked. My family knows when BB is on they have to fin for themselves. They laugh at me and try to make a complete fool out of me but Guess What.. I DON’T Care!!!! I Love Big Brother and it is my life during the season.I will make myself a character and if that persons gets on slop, when i am on slop..Its only fair !!!
1. Janelle
2. Ryan and Alison
3. Kevin
4. Maecellas
5. Jerry
6. Natalie
7. I’d do that for a dollar.
8. Backdoor
9. Kaysar
10. Diamond POV
Bonus Neil Patrick Harris
4. Marcellas (mispelled above)
change 5 to April LOL
Is this contest for canadians also?
@Jill Of course. We love our brother and sister to the north!
Should my answers be showing. I hope I didn’t do this wrong!
@Donna- Yeah, there’s really no other way to do it. But I hope that people will respect the honor system and not cheat off others.
(You guys wouldn’t cheat, would you?)
1 .Janelle
2. Ryan
3. Kevin
4. Marcellas
5. April
6. Natalie
7. “I’d do that for a dollar!”
8. backdooring
9. Kaysar
10. Diamond Power of Veto, to remove any nominee on the eviction block and replace them with a new nominee
BONUS: Neil Patrick Harris
1. Janelle wins power of veto
2.They voted to keep Ryan
3.Kevin won the hoh
4.Marcellas won the final veto
7.I’d do that for a dollar
10.Diamond power of Veto
Bonus: Jeremy Piven
I shared via facebook and twitter
Why does bb only come on once a year and not twice like other we love bb and would watch it!!!
I love big brother and I am so excited I can not waite for It to come but so sad when it goes off! keep up the good work! I am glue to the tv when it on nothin can get me away from the tv when it on! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! ThANK YOU! I so love your show!!!
So happy to finally have some answers. I was getting worried that no one wanted a free shirt! Keep those answers coming!!
And don’t forget to let us know how you shared this post.
7-I’d do that for dollar
8-back door
10-diamond veto
FaceBook Shared 🙂
6- Is Shelia I just watched QuirkyDude.. :/
1. Janelle
2. Ryan
3. Kevin
4. Marcellas
5. Jerry
6. Natalie
7. “I’d do that for a dollar.”
8. Backdoor
9. Kaysar
10. Diamond Power of Veto
BONUS: Neil Patrick Harris
I posted a link on my facebook.
1: Janelle
2: Ryan
3: Kevin
4: Marcellus
5: April
6: Natalie
7: Eric had to say ‘id do that for dollar’
8: Back door
9: Kaysar
10: Diamond veto
11: Neil Patrick Harris
I shared a link on Facebook.
1. Janelle
2. Allison
3. Kevin
4. Marcellas
5. April
6. Sheila
7. I’d do that for a dollar
8. Backdooring
9. Kaysar
10. Diamond POV
bonus. Neil Patrick Harris
I shared a link on Facebook.
1. Janelle
2. Ryan
3. Kevin
4. Marcellas
5. April
6. Sheila
7. I’d do that for a dollar
8. Backdooring
9. Kaysar
10. Diamond POV
bonus. Neil Patrick Harris
1.) Janelle Pierzina
2.) Ryan Quicksall
3.) Kevin Campbell
4.) Marcellas Reynolds
5.) April Dowling
6.) Natalie Lynn Cunial
7.) “Sweet Chicken” “Booyakah” “I’d do that for a dollar!”
8.) Backdooring
9.) Kaysar Ridha
10.) The Diamond Power of Veto
BONUS: Neil Patrick Harris
Also Placed a link on are Groups page ISSP on Facebook
You guys are doing SOO great!! Keep them coming!!!
1. Janelle(she’s pregnant btw)
2. Ryan
3. Kevin
4. Marcellas
5. April
6. Natalie
7. “I’d do that for a dollar”
8. Backdoor- ing
9. Kaysar
9. Mayday
10 diamond power of veto
Bonus Neil patrick Harris
I signed up for mailing list, shared on Facebook and followed and tweeted on twitter. And I did it all from my iPhone!!
1. Janelle(she’s pregnant btw)
2. Ryan
3. Kevin
4. Marcellas
5. April
6. Natalie
7. “I’d do that for a dollar”
8. Backdoor- ing
9. Kaysar
10 diamond power of veto
Bonus Neil patrick Harris
I signed up for mailing list, shared on Facebook and followed and tweeted on twitter. And I did it all from my iPhone!!
(1) the veto queen JANELLE
(2) RYAN was saved by the house
(4) the dumbest move in BB history made by this winner, MARCELLAS a.k.a. Marjealous
(5) the man called Dan “Judas”…JERRY
(9) What up KAYSAR?!
(Bonus) Dr. Will’s celebrity crush, NEIL PATRICK HARRIS
i love bb i have watched every season so wish i could be a part of bb
1 jenelle 2 ryan 3 kevin 4 marcellas 5 apirl 6 natalie 7 he said he got $100 8 backdoor 9 kaysar 10 Neil patrick Harris
1 Janelle
2 Ryan
3 Kevin
4 Marcellas
5 April
6 Natalie
7 He said he did it for a dollar
8 Back door
9 Kaysar
10 Neil Patrick Harris
YAY! Ya’ll are so awesome! Keep it up. I’ll reveal the winners on Friday July 1st.
And don’t forget to let us know how you shared Bigbigbrother.
I hope you’ll all come back and chat and hang out once the premiere comes on July 7th. We are gonna TEAR them to pieces!!!
1.Janelle 2.Rayan 3.Kevin 4.Marcellas 5.April 6.Natalie 7.”I’d do that for a dollar” 8.Backdooring 9.Kaysar 10.diamond power of veto BONOUS:Neil Patrick Harris
WINNER of Trivia Contest will be posted at 2:30 am CST– Thank you all SOO much for entering!