Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: HoH Nominations – Week 6
|We had an endurance challenge last night on Big Brother 2013 for the Week 6 Head of Household Competition and did any of think that GinaMarie could actually win it? Well, she surprised us all and came out as the winner and is the HoH for Week 6! We now had a day to wait and see the HouseGuests squirm around to try and figure out who she needs to put up on the block because we all know that the actual HoH doesn’t call the shots in the Big Brother 15 house! Check out who GM put on the block in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
While the Live Feeds after a live eviction show usually are all about game talk and who the nominees will be the next night, but not so much last night! Fights, fights and more fights and the lovely and amazing Amanda was part of them all. Remember when McCrae told her they need to lay low this week after the HoH competition???
See it all go down on the Live Feeds and for 30% less than last year!!!
The Nomination Ceremony was just held in the Big Brother 2013 house and the two nominees from the HoH for Week 6 are:
- Candice
- Jessie
No big shocker on this Friday night. Candice is the main target and Jessie is up there as the pawn, but with her outbursts last night and fight with Amanda, she may be the target for Amanda and that turns into the target for the whole house, right? Tomorrow we find out who America voted the third nominee and I am praying Candice wins veto and screws up the whole plan!!!
What do you think of the nominees from GinaMarie on Big Brother 2013?
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I’m ok with Candace but I sure wish that Spencer was on the block.
I wish Spencer was on the block also!
I don’t. I like Spencer.
I’m ok with Spencer going home
I would like anyone BUT Spencer Candace Jesse or Judd to go home….
She don’t have any balls to put up Amanda and helen i just new it. she talk shit about people needing to have balls to make a big power play and she sure don’t. am sure amanda and helen told her to put up. amanda is a very hateful person .
That is why this show has gotten sooo boring… Putting up Helen and Amanda, MVP- Us putting up Aaryn would be exciting… At this point I don’t see any one in the house worth keeping around.. They are boring players.
I knew one of them was going to be Candance! Wasnt sure who the 2 was going to be. I voted for Aaryn.
Not surprised. Some of these people wouldn’t know strategy if it bit them in the butt! Right now they are playing it safe with putting noms on the block that most of the house could care less if they go. They’re trying to receive favor from the nasty alley cat (Amanda) and the verbal garbage pail kid (Helen). Once again i’m left hoping that someone has a light bulb go off over their head and makes a move that rocks the house. So far the only rocking the house has seen is when Amanda caused a sonic boom with her shit fits!
Lol so ture what you said.
she should have put up elissa Helen and Americas going to put up Amanda someone big woild go home and 3 votes are on the block if 1 of the 3 win veto put up judd or mcrae now what would they do if gm arryan put a spin on it by getting together with spencer Candice and jess and explain this is the only chance they have is to come together now they got some votes and if they could get hoh again out of those people they would be in control put 3 more of the super friends up because you know Amanda is going to be mvp till shes out I used to like her but she always got 2 put her 2 cents in an America hates that crap
What a coward…candace and jessie are such big threats! Someone get nerve and put helen and amanda up!!
Candace need to go on what she did to spencer was wrong he was trying to save her and Howard and get Amanda out of the house.
Candace is a wild card, I would be happy to see her going out the door.
I know! Amamada is a bully!
GM was talking big that Demanda can’t threaten her and Yada Yada Yada. Demanda fights with both Jessie and Candice and BOOM! They both end up on the block. She walks around with a sense of entitlement, like how dare people lie to her, and how come the MVP hasn’t revealed themself to her ect ect….I’m sick of watching her throw her weight around and bully people,. It’s ok for her to do it, but God forbid someone calls her out and a bully! I couldn’t stand her going into this week, and after her “talk” with Spencer, now I really want her out. She got all 10 of my votes….
Lol…that’s funny, “Demanda!” I agree with everything you have in your post. She only likes McRae because she can manipulate him and he’s weak. She gets on my nerves because any time someone goes up against her, she gets mad and want them out of the house. On her goodbye video to Howard, she had the nerve to tell him she didn’t like his game because he became two personal; when actually
that’s how she is. She is a hypocrite and a bully!
Demanda LOL and HELLen are cut from the same cloth.
Wish Amanda or Helen would go home!! Maybe just Maybe that would shake them up. I am so tired of Amanda, and Helen.They are making the show so boring and predictable. Do any of these players have a brain, just wondering since Amanda, Helen and Mcpuppet are running everything
I think someone really should consider getting Helen out. She’s a very smart , conniving player. If they don’t get her out soon, she just might end up winning the game!
So ture
Agreed, but isn’t how a player should win?
If she can play the game.. She only knows how to clean and run her mouth. Has other players tried this in past shows, hiding behind cleaning the house. I sure like to know what whated to a No Float Summer…..
Actually there HAVE been a few that tried the cooking/cleaning route. Shelley of BB13 was sort of the house mom (like Helen). She cleaned and cooked a lot. Didn’t help her though when she backdoored a fan favorite. And there was Joe of BB14. He was a chef and tried to cook his way to the top. Didn’t work for him either. Especially since most of the HGs actually complained about him using all the food for his recipes. yeah, its been tried, but not successfully.
well there was Jun who won with part of cooking but she had more to back it up and she was on a way higher level than Helen and she had to deal with her ex Jee on the x factor season and she won!
I’d forgotten about her – i’m getting old JO1 :).
HOPEFULLY, this is a back-door-blindside plan that she is playing…. :-p
LOL..GM? Could be. If she knew what that meant.
LOL yeah that is giving her a little too much credit there, huh? Well we can only hope.
We could only hope, but she did say she doesn’t like the backdoor idea and not how she is going to play the game.
The ones who are counted in with the top 7 don’t want to be one of the others, so they go ahead and go along with the plan which is to get everyone else out and then they can start going against each other. Helen, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, Aaron, GM, and Andy are the numbers Helen and the gang are counting on to stick together to rid the house of the remaining HG’s. That really only leaves Candace, Spencer and Jessie, right? When the game will become interesting again will be when they accomplish their goal and then start turning on each other. I thought it was funny when McCrae was trying to sleep and all the others were talking about Julie’s announcement about the new Prince and Amanda kept pushing him (I think he may have been passing gas or something because she said Ew face the other way!) He told her to just go back to talking about royalty and she said “such verbage” and he said “verb you!” She jumped out of bed like she had been shot, not believing that McCrae would have the nerve to talk back to Damanda! LMAO!
Oops! I forgot Judd. He’s one of the expendable ones.
I like Amanda and Helen they are playing the game. Get out Candice, Spencer and Jessie!
I would be ok with Helen if she didn’t have verbal diarhea and stopped using emotional blackmail. She turns on the waterworks and plays the mom card whenever it suits her. Maybe it’s just me but i find it distasteful when a woman (or man) uses tears to get what they want. THAT’S emotional blackmail. And i heard her say at least 3 times today that she “left her kids to be there”. Well DUH!!! Unless she has them hidden in her suitcase she’s stating the obvious. And why should she get points for that? As for Amanda…Nope..never. Not even if she was the ONLY HG. Of course if she was she would be chewing her own face off.
Cat I know what you’re saying but Helen was already on shaky ground and then she went up and lied and played victim about her convo with candy! she sealed her doom with me at that point
Glad you pointed that out. Her useless lie about Candice. It was about at that point that i also decided she was not worth giving half a mil to. Every dang day she keeps reminding me of why i hope she gets evicted.
I know I am in the minority here..but I kinda agree with Teresa Lee…I like Helen and Amanda too…I mean there are not a lot of people to like this season..Aaryn(no).gina marie(no).Spencer(no).Elissa looks like she is on a loopy loop high all the time..Jessie acts like a high school girl.. Candice is okay..Then we have Judd, Andy, McCrae who I liked from day one.they are all likeable I quess.Helen is just being a mom figure and an all around good person and I like that Amanda stood up to Aaryn on the racial slurs..So I say put up Aaryn as the MVP far my favorite is still McCrae..but Andy, Judd, Helen, and Amanda are still okay to me..
@Susan….I get it when people say they like Helen. Even if i don’t. But Amanda is another story. Watch Amanda Zuckerman:Social Justice Warrior. It might change your mind about her.
My MVP nom vote went to Amanda again. She is a menace.
As soon as I heard she fell off the China Bull thingy my 10 votes immediately went to Amanda
I am so so soo soo tired of amanda hanging all over mccrae and in bed with him almost lke a dog in heat. i don’t believe they are engaged, she would have let her parents know first. she is using him. she needs to go!!
Smart!! I chose Arryn again. Amanda needs to go to! She was so mean to Jessie tonight! Even McRae told her that wasn’t cool!
Todd—– how is the voting list looking?. Is Amanda still in the lead with Aaryn in 2nd??
Now since Thursdays show will be a double evict show—-will there be a MVP in the 2nd evict??
On my poll here, there are over 2000 votes and 51% of the vote is going to Amanda, so if that means anything, I think we should have some major drama again tomorrow when Amanda finds out she is nominated again and she doesn’t have Howard to blame this week!
As far as the double eviction goes, no clue how it is going to work for Thursday night with three nominees….very interested to see how that works!
This is the 1st I’ve heard about a double evict. When did that get announced? Did BB just tell the HG’s in the DR one by one or did they announce it to them after the HOH comp was over? I don’t pay for the live feeds because as I said before, all they did was sleep in my time zone. EDT.
Julie said it at the end of Thursday’s show.
these people do not know how to play the game by letting people lead them around can not make decisions for them selves Helen and Amanda need to go thought Gm said she had what it took to put them up but, see that still bring a puppet this season has been one of the worst to watch they say expect the unexpected but, you know what is going to happen from show to show
I know Candice went on Spencer, but that is because Helen was,in her ear and told her she overheard Spencer telling Amanda he wanted her out…Helen is,such a liar, and I wish Candy didn’t trust her…but she hasno one else to trust…I think she believes Helen would’nt do that to her…sigh…and Andy always running his mouth…sick of him too…
I keep forgetting about snakandy. I hope he gets put on the block soon. I wish there was a way to put SIX people on the block LOL and have SIX evic5ed by America LOL. HELLen, McRanda, snakAndynd Aryan, and GM
Has anyone noticed Elissa’s name hasn’t been mentioned in a while??? Floater????
Did anyone notice her pulling on her upper lip while GM was making her crown speech in the HOH room? So that’s how it got so big! She keeps pulling on it and irritating it. LOL.
This has to be the worst players season in BB History! The constant invasion by others using the HOH room. The boring votes by going with house consensus. And few if any big moves. The one small item of interest is the 3rd nominee. Still hoping for one final “expect the unexpected” that might regain my interest.
I agree! America may choose the first Juror…..I certainly hope so… the only way to save yourself will be POV!!
I really hope with Amanda on the block again, they vote her out! I can’t wait to see her face when she is put up again! LOL
Sigh….I officially STOPPED watchingbBB last Weekend. I follow this blog exclusively, although I’m yapping BB After Dark. I pretty much fast forward it because it’s so frigging Boooooring! Dayum! Let me share some info w everyone: am insider told me that not only will America be the final MVP for the summer, But America will choose the Houseguest who gets Evicted next week, as well!! Yay!!!!! Im not sure when this will happen but I believe it’ll be us deciding who the 1st Juror will be. Something for all of us n to look forward to…..?
Trying to make sure I understand. So right now there are 11 HGs left. 2 will go this week which means all of the rest except F2 will be jurors. So is it being suggested that not this week since it’s double eviction and we won’t get a chance to vote….but next week, that America may get a chance to evict the 1st HG that will go to jury?
Btw: I agree w Cat and Carin….Amanda is a loud-mouth “Menace to BB Society”. She’s rude and aggressive. I don’t think I’d like her outside the house either. I can’t wait for Helen (though she’s turned pour to be egotistical in her own own right) to go after Amanda…..she referred to doing so last week but she apparently is being a poacher by taking out the weaker players. Also Jessie needs to ‘woman’ up & start playing her own game….stupid, stupid. Candice is immature in this game…
but at least she’s honest & calling people out…..GM is simply “simple”. Argh…..
This house is full of idiots, Jessie and Candace are not threat because they do not have game , Candace is very smart and can figure out things but pour thng got not game, and Jessie I even forget she is in the house. the threats are Helen and Amanda because they are playing the mind game getting on peoples heads…
I agree. I know we all have not forgotten about how horrible Aryan & GM are but knowing they will get their just desserts when they are outside of the house seems good enough now. Seems our focus are on the other nasty HGs and I say rightfully so. If any of the sacred 7 leave I’ll be happy (Hellen, McRanda, Andy, Aryan, GM). I agree with whoever said my former Fav Elissa is just floating now.
Of course Spencer needs to go next! They all said they voted out Howie because he couldn’t be trusted. Spencer has been caught in 3 attempted coups and they still keep him? On top of that gm was having an extremely hard time staying on the “bull”. How is it possible she won? I do not subscribe to and have never seen live feeds but there must be someway to rig these competitions. Makes you wonder who really runs the show. House guests or producers. At any rate I still love it all and will remain a huge fan no matter what.
It is obvious the black people are target.
There hasn’t been 1 black big brother winner as of yet.First of all,they are outnumbered.
It would be great to have an all Black season. ….or better yet halg and half. Or 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 (black, white, and Latin)…seriously. Maybe we need to address this issue head on?
Im so glad Jessie won that! Amanda-Jessie will not be going home this week!
hmmm I don’t know…. if they put Spencer up…there’s a chance these idiots (led by lead idiot Hellllen) may send Amanda home. What would be funny is, if when they show Diary Room eviction, to hear McPuppet vote out Amanda lol.
Mzmm…. you are so funny and so right!
I’d like to be a little mouse watching Amanda’s face when she watched her eviction show and saw McCrae vote her out. That would be so good!