Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: HoH Nominations – Week 9
|It has been an exciting 24 hours in the Big Brother 2013 and I think it will continue this whole week, as Elissa won Head of Household for Week 9 on Big Brother 15 and the only one in the house not sided with McMandy is about to blow things up in that house! We have arrived at the Nomination Ceremony for Week 9 and time to find out who she put on the block. Get the details in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
The HouseGuests were trying to sway Elissa all night during the Live Feeds last night, but it didn’t seem to be working. Her target this week seems to be Aaryn, but I am not 100% guaranteed on that one. She is in there and making plans with Judd and GinaMarie to form a new alliance. She, sincerely, seems to want to work with Judd and I think that would be a great move on both their parts.
See it all go down on the Live Feeds and for 30% less than last year!!!
The Nomination Ceremony was just held in the Big Brother 2013 house and the two nominees from the HoH for Week 9 are:
- McCrae
- Aaryn
Elissa did not back down one bit and she put up these two HGs on the block. Her target is Aaryn, but I think she wants McCrae to think that way and fight to win that Veto. At one point, Elissa said if McCrae wins veto than Amanda goes up. If Aaryn wins veto, then the player that she notices not trying hard enough in the competition will go up as the renom. She is not messing around with this power and I love it!
I think it is a week where the other HGs are going to be at each other to secure a spot in the house and Elissa will sit back and soak it all up, as her new alliance is in place to take down 3AM!!! I seem very happy about this, but it is just my excitement from some good things happening finally on Big Brother 2013. Let’s hope it continues!!!
What do you think of Elissa’s nominees on Big Brother 2013 for Week 9?
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Amanda and Mccray GONE
Agree, she should have put them up! Why get rid of aryn? She will never win, she hasn’t played Her own game!
Can’t backdoor Amanda with her on the block right now!
They need to get pass the veto comp.
I know what we can do! Give Elissa the PLATINUM power of veto that overrides anyone’s gold one and let her put 2 people on the block of her choosing. Put it into Pandora’s box with a picture of her sister and son for temptation and at least that gives her a choice-and makes it a little fair. Them she gets to put up whoever they vote and it’s a double eviction with her being HOH for both sets if moms and she gets to send two of the three demonic forces home! Stack the deck production! Or maybe the veto could be the VETO OF THE GODS.made out of a symbols of medusa’s head lol- gawd I am dreaming! I bet she gets a Pandora’s box though because she is the only one that will tell them to leave. Poor McMandy can’t hump up in her room all week!!!
Ok, so on BBAD, why were the negative 4, ( Spencer, Andy, Amanduh and McNasty laying in bed, all gross looking Ina filthy room and ordering the rat around to get th chocolate chip cookies ( Spencer) and McNasty ordered Andy to get him Advil from the kitchen while he lays there looking so disgusting and dirty, doing NOTHING, and Spencer with his hands under the covers. Talking about grabbing Jessie’s breast, and someone pleasuring themself. I’m so sick of this mt stomach hurts. Shutting it down and going to bed before I throw up. Gawd!!!
You missed it! (I actually fell asleep through the middle.) But I woke up with 3 minutes before the end of BBAD, and Elissa and Aaryn were in the HoH room whispering, shaking hands and swearing that if anything the other says angers them that they need to talk it out in private, that they aren’t in high school, this is a game for a lot of money. Elissa said they could put their differences aside for 30 days! I think it may work!! (Only problem is if Aaryn doesn’t win Veto – or worse yet, Amanda does and takes McCrae off.)
I saw that Lilly!!!! I DVR it and watched the rest first thing this morning! Did you see that someone called you, Cat and I bullies? We were just playing! I tried to answer right behind her but for some reason it was out in the middle. I guess I better quit making up fake stories about her because one of her family or actual friend ?? Are in here scanning the blogs! And GM and Elissa actually talked about their drug use last nite so what I heard was right! And the first thing she did when she woke up was tell Ratty to go get her some ice cream!!! They are so flippin’ lazy now they can’t even go get their own food or medicine without bullying someone else to get it! I just hope Aary keeps her mouth SHUTTT!
Hmmm. Me? A bully? Can you bully a bully? Nothing I say is intended to personally slam anyone. My opinions are as a fan of BB who is observing painful examples of BB HGs and their actions.
And … we’ve been so frustrated for so long, we’ve reverted to comedy to get through it – as lame as some of it admittedly can be (some of the nicknames people are coming up with…!).
Anyway, if there is a friend or relative reading this stuff who gets their feelings hurt easily, they better quit reading. Because these opinions are pretty widespread (and even uglier) across most BB blogs!
wow bullies! that is laughable oh well everyone has their own perception. So be it. I still luv you my BBB bully family hahahahaha
I just read that Amanda started fighting with GM last night after BBAD stopped filming. She then went to the HOH room and started bashing Aaryn and GM to E. she then took to crying? ( not another one) and that McNasty is freaking out and is she the target? Last reported that Aaryn told GM about the plan but has kept her mouth shut. And DEMANDA did get picked for veto. And Judd. So it rides on the veto comp! But she can take McNasty off IF she wins it- that’s a big if! Can E put her up if she uses it on McNasty? I sure hope her highness doesn’t see for to finally pull her head out of you know where a d win today! BB seal their fate! They should have kept her chip accidentally out of the bag Lmao!!!
If Amanda wins veto and has the option to take down McCrae or go up herself you know it’s a wrap for McCranda. She would be an absolute fool to pull him down knowing she’s going up in his place but I would love to see it happen for the fireworks and outbursts it’s going to cause.
Omg Gina Marie is stuffing her face , chewing with her mouth wide open then spitting it into a napkin… Wtf
was hoping it would be mccrae and amanda but I guess we will settle with this since we have no choice lol
I was hoping the same thing. I really wish Amanda would of been the one going up against Macrae, but I guess not. I guess we will see who wins the veto and hopefully they can backdoor Amanda.
I was hoping the same thing McCrae and Amanda !!!!!
The next ones that need to go up next week r the rat boy “Andy”, and the gross toad “Amanda. Seriously they are disgusting. Iam throwing a party when Andy cries his way out the door and when Amanda smacks her lips when the doors hit her fat ass. Who would ever buy a house from that toad….. Seriously
I’m with you on that, I can’t stand Andy & Amanda, they both need to go
Either one of the three will suit me just fine. I want them all gone, and none too soon. Go Elissa. Finally someone who is willing to break the trance and not drink the Koolaide.
i think there is a back door with Amanda’s name on it 🙂 WooHOO!
I hope so….will keep praying that she gets the backdoored
oops i meant gets backdoored
Lol o I bet Macre has back doored that nastiness
I sure hope so!!
There are too many scenerios to list as to how this thing could play out but I’d bet money that someone from 3AM will go home this week. Elissa has made it very clear that evicting someone like Spencer would be a waste of her HOH. No way does she let a real pawn go home this week!
I think its cool that she put up Mccray,but I think she should have put up Amanda with him,that way one of them is gone for sure.Seems like she would want Helen see Amanda walk in the jury house After Helen.Just Saying.I think this was a Stupid move on Elissa Part.
I can understand not putting Amanda up with mccrae. If Amanda would happen to win veto it would be a wasted nomination. This way they can save Aaron or mccrae and backdoor Amanda.
I am not a Aaryn fan, but I’d like to see her win veto take herself off, and have amanda up against mcCrae, not only would you get one of them out, but it would ruin the other ones game, if amanda was left without her man, she would lose her mind, if mccare was left there without her, I think he would be relieved
Actually, putting Aaryn up on the block against McCrae was an excellent choice. Aaryn does win competitions, she has got 4 HOH’s and I believe 2 POV’s under her belt already, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Aaryn could win another POV, take herself off the block, therefore, giving Amanda the boot!
Maybe production can give him some scabies or lice medicine too! If I’m not mistaken, it’s the same medicine for crabs too! OMG! What if they aren’t using protection and she gets pregnant? Ewwww! In their minds, I’m sure they think that would make them so popular on the outside with a spin-off including their wedding and pregnancy woes! OMG! That better not happen now that I put that into the universe!!!!
OMG MIMI!!!! Can you imagine a little McCranda running around, bullying other kids on the playground and chewing her fingernails for dessert??? Our luck she would have multiples and then we would have a new show – McCranda plus 8.
Hahaha! Except there will be a similar fate for the poor kidlets. Name changed to “Amanda plus 8″….
Omg!! Did we volunteer to be ona TV show and go on and act like a rotten contribution to society and be racist to every race and form of humanity there is?? Ummm- NO! And with any luck and help from God, this specimen of ignorant disgust won’t be allowed to continue either. It’s not ‘bullying ‘ it’s surmising and having an opinion, which the last time I checked? Was ok to do since we aren’t vying for a half of a million dollars literally given to us under the terms that we are an at least somewhat example of prime time television. Like I have said before JEWELL, opinions are like asshole- everyone has one and I guess we just heard yours! Thanks for the advice! Wahhhh!! Lmao- thank you for bringing it to our attention! 🙂 We can all vote for whomever we want and if you’re voting for them fine! But the morals that person has shown with ‘scissoring’ another female, offending every race, and cussing like SHE is from the gutter I guess we got our examples from HER! Sorry if it offended your eyes!
O SNAP! They would be biting their toenail even maybe! I bet he does that one but is just saving it until he is super bored when he is in the F2 whith the QUEEN! I’m betting the way they were talking about making a porn movie the way they were talking the other night you watch- pictures will somehow be ‘leaked’ of them. Their new those can be called ‘THE SCARECROW AND Mrs. QUEEN! Ugh-and all their kids will come out of that crusty old hag with a full mop of frizzy hair! Egad! I. Just ate too…..:-)
Talk about bullying, you all need to reread what you wrote. Your minds are all in the gutter. Watch Amanda win the POV, take off McCrae and they both will be safe. I’m pulling for them. Spencer needs to go. I’m tired of his nose picking. Andy too.
I would love to see Ellisa win POV and take Aaryn off, put up Amanda. For me that would be sweet.
100% agree rob
Elissa, You go girl. Glad it’s Aaryn and McCrae. Hope the others to play veto are Gina Marie and spencer. That way gm spencer and Elissa could throw veto and let McCrae win then amanada could o
I can’t see Elissa throwing a comp. She already told McCrea last night that she was tired of the HG’s not trying their best in comps, and that she was considering putting a comp slacker up as a re-nom. Hopefully one of the terrible twosome will be out on Thursday, but ubfortunately that is up to the HG’s that are voting, and this group are not exactly rocket scientists when it comes to their own game.
The plan is to get McCray out if neither win POV if one comes down Amanda will be back doored.
Amanda is pissed….she just said to mcwuss that she hates GM right now and mcwuss said u have to be nice don’t f%^k around!
Haha he hasn’t learned yet, huh? He can’t control her and it goes unnoticed. He has tried to calm her down and save her so many times and it might be pointless this week!
LOl…hope he looses COMPLETE control of her this week. Not that he actually had any but he tried…a little…very little. I hope she gets so stirred up that we see trash can crying, bush crying, diary room crying and last but not least, crying so much she can’t have sex with McCrae crying! I’ll listen to her cry every day for a week if it means i don’t have to watch her and McCraes undercover shenannigans! Then – i want her to cry all the way out the eviction door and maybe even all the way through her interview with Julie! 🙂
Bahahahaha! Yes, please!
You are so mean I Love it!
the sad thing about that is we all agree and it couldn’t happen to a nicer person 😉
6:41 PM Andy asks El who her replacement nom would me. Elissa refuses to tell him but says she knows who it is.
6:40 PM Andy saying to El he’s happy to play for veto if she gets HG choice & will keep it the same
Additionally, Elissa and JUDD have made a final two deal. E wants to make a final 4 deal with Spencer and GM.
That would be great to make a deal with GM & Spencer.
That would be great ‘cuz why? Spencer is a lame floater. He brings nothing to the table but an a future backstabbing vote.
I agree he said he would rather be up than to vote against amanda
Good job Elissa!!! Hopefully she listened to Helen drumming it into her head for so many days! <3 love it! It will be heartbreaking if it doesn't work out that way! Wahhhhhhh!
Elissa has made a final two with Judd, a final 2 with Aaryn. She’s a total liar. Next week she will change her mind again.
I guess that means she has finally learned how to play the game the way the rest of them do.
ain’t that the truth…took her long enough to lie like the rest of them LOL
Rita get off the bash Ellisa train and on the lets shown McRae , Amanda, rat boy and gm how to clean up after yourselves…..o’ya and spencer. Be cuz we all know where his hands have been ….lol
Good for Elissa!
Andy is desperate and scared. He is not in control like in previous weeks, so he is shaking in his flip flops If you can believe him, NOW he decides he won’t throw a POV competition.
He’s freaking out because Elissa refuses to tell him what she is going to do if the veto is used. She’s already called him once saying, “I know you tell Amanda and McCrae everything”. He couldn’t even deny it. He just promised not to tell them now. But Elissa doesn’t seem to be buying it.
..called him out once…
Omg Mel! Please keep telling us what’s going on!!!
she should of lied (like him) and given him a false name. say gm or judd
yeah just get him buzzing around like a confused gnat
Please backdoor amanda she or mccrea needs to go mayb mccrea so she will b alone
While it would be super annoying to keep Amanda in the house and evict McPizzaBoy, it would also be cool to see her abandoned by her minions and rapidly, and loudly, self destroy.
The best thing for Home Slice is to get rid of Amanda. She’s at the point of really screwing up his game.
I am so disappointed in Elissa..Helen tried to tell her but she is so intent on revenge that she will more than likely go home next week. A really stupid decision on Aaryon..E needs to make friends not enemies.. I hope I am wrong…
Did u know elissa and Aaron have a secret alliance. They want everyone to think they hate each other and that Aaron is still the one she wants out but there plan is to have mcanda broken up. One will go home. chanced are Amanda will not win veto if mcCrae wins Amanda goes up. If by chance the mcanda team is safe Andy goes home. Its a win win and brilliant move. Melissa was playing dumb letting Helen do all the dirty work. She is in it to win it.
I hope that is true!
I know Aaryn proposed that plan to Elissa today. But Elissa never actually said yes or no. She did agree however that she had thought about that before also. I’m hoping it happens because at this point no one would suspect it. And it just might get them both to F2. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Words for Elissa and Aaryn to live by.
I think I said that yesterday about the enemies part. great minds think a like
Is that true Phat Fan??? I was sooo hoping that it would play out that way! Did you see that on the feeds? That makes my black little heart just soar!!!! I would LOVE that to happen and was suspecting it, now she just needs to lie, lie, lie to that little tattle tale rat Andy because he is just itching to run to McNasty and ‘his queen’ and make sure they know!!! What did their faces look like? This is Mr. Demanda’s first time in the hot seat! O I’m going to order the feed! I want to be able to watch it on the TV tho cuz my comp. is acting up! Can I watch it on my TV does anyone know??
I’m glad she put up McCrae & Aaryn but I’m hoping she doesn’t let her dislike for Aaryn mess up her game. She needs to get Amanda or McCrae out this week.
I have no doubt that Aaryn is up there for show and she knows it. Amanda goes up on the block McCrae wins the POV or not.
Back door amanda!!!
By definition it can’t be done. Manda is playing for POV.
Actually, if anyone BUT her wins veto and takes off a nominee, she can (and hopefully will) BE backdoored.
I can’t stop watching but bored at the same time! I don’t ever recall watching when the house all voted the same nor did you really know who would go. This season you know right away and nothing shifts at all!!
I agree 100%
You so right Lisa. If McCrea and Amanda are still in the house late Thursday, then the final outcome is a forgone conclusion and I refuse to watch. I will be cancelling BB and BBAD from my DVR series manager if those two are still in the house at that time next week.
I think that will change this week….I am hoping!
Todd, can I watch the feeds on my television or does it have to be from my computer? Should I order it straight from your site? I want to watch this sooo bad?
You have to watch through the computer, but you can get cables to hook the computer to the TV. Sign up here and get a free two-day trial! At this point, it should be like $10 for the rest of the season.
I think she wants Aaryn out but she really could be acting to backdoor Amanda. Now that would be great!
Glad Aaryn is up but would LOVE to see Amanda get the back door. Wait, I forget, they won’t be able to find Amanda, she’ll be hiding behind the kitchen trashcan CRYING ! lol
Wasn’t that a riot!!!
I hope Amanda is going to be backfdoored … Then the house goes after Andy and Mccrae…
Amanda secretly hopes that too,,,,,,
Super excited that finally someone has the guts to think for themselves and not do what someone else in the house wants. Why to go Elissa!
Amen Christal….. Finally
Is it really a big move or what would have been normal for this time in the game? I get the feeling that we lowered our expectations of Elissa so far down that such a common set of nominations is now being looked at as great strategy.
I take your point. But it IS huge compared to the lame game play ever since Jeremy was back-doored. It takes courage and intelligence. (And we all love it no matter how it may hurt Elissa – unfortunately – because WE want McCranda OUT, or at least split up!)
Couldn’t agree more Christal–it’s about time! You go Elissa. Make Rachel proud.
Seems like a brilliant plan on Elissa’s part unless Amanda plays in the veto comp and for some strange reason finally wins something and takes McCrea off and then she can’t go up in his place. Doesn’t seem likely, but it is a possibility. If that were to happen, I think Andy should go up.
I’m liking what I’m seeing…..I think Elisa could win this thing…..she seems to have the balls to flip this house upside down and break up the power couple……..I believe that if she makes it to the final two, she could have the votes to win this thing. To add to my pleasure is the sight of seeing Amanda, McCrae, and Andy squirm. Amanda is finally getting the chance to experience how she’s made the other HGs feel. I lliterally laughed out loud when she and McCrae were talking and they were saying they don’t understand why Elissa would target them…….It just didn’t make sense to them. Well, I don’t know McCranda, maybe it’s because of your bullying tactics, or the fact that you are the only remaining showmance couple…..or could it be the way you’ve been manipulating and controlling everyone in that house? I’m so excited for next week….I can’t wait. Look out McCranda and Andy the power is about to shift…..and to use Amanda’s words…….BAHHHHHHBYE 3AM!!! LMAO.
I’m still trying to figure out when and why Andy aka, (weasle, rat, snake-snitch)turned to Amanda as his “queen”. Why did she come up with all this power all of a sudden? She threatens everyone, yells at them, makes them feel like a dumb animal…and they do her bidding!!!! WHAT?! She is an evil witch and must be taken down. NOW. Aaryn, your noms…really?
I have seen Amanda try to play this game with her best effort with what she’s got. I have seen Elissa demand loyalty or else, say she’s “good” and everyone else is evil, talk bad about everyone including GM. And now she is completely working GM and GM is falling for it. I prefer Amanda.
Amanda has admitted in the Diary Room that if you try to flip the house on her then you are out the next week (or that week). Isn’t that demanding loyalty?
Exactly Todd, and look all them except there pigs
Amandavis a obnoxious bitch and Macre is just creepy and gross looking. Can’ t wait for one or both them to be gone
I think she also said if you go against me or don’t do what I want then you have to go….Amandaisms!
I think its smart aaryn has won so much which means she may back door amanda . If aaryn wins then its amanda and mccray and then this game will get interesting
I hope Elissa never trust or believe a single word from Amanda, McCrae or the Rat Andy. I believe the sheer nerve and hypocrisy of those three. On BB after dark the day before the HOH Comp, they were all in the hoh room saying she was stupid and jealous and how much they heat her. The Rat Andy and McCrae could not wait until after the HOH Comp to tell just what they think of her and how much they wanted out of the house, all because she question Andy’s loyalty to Helen, Andy went as far as saying he would kill himself if one of his 3AM was before Elissa. Now they are all over her trying to tell her what to do with her HOH (yes Amanda HER HOH)not yours, Amanda crying …why won’t she listen to us?. thank goodness Elissa is a strong woman and will do what she wants not what they want. Now Andy lets see what happens next Thursday.
Aaryn seems too quiet to be worried about being on the block. She might think that 3 to 3(McRae-1, Amanda-0 Andy-1 total 2 wins) are good odds that she will survive the vote. Amanda is only getting a little upset now compared to how she will be by the end of the week if she does not win the POV. McCrae winning it will put her in jeopardy. The Andy flop should be fun to watch as this one is for real. He is best bet to be the replacement in the worst case. Based on competition I see Aaryn winning or getting taken off. Yes, many things can happen but also Elissa has a lot of options
Omg the rat is in the HOH room. Humor the little rat. I bet he is an obnoxious teacher.
He has the rat teeth and the rat ears and the beady eyes…..and under those colorful shorts I bet there a “Tail” ewwww
I swear if Spencer puts his hand down his pants one more times, I’m driving downtown to Studio City and screaming over the wall ” stop that”
Omg, someone call Macre’s parents and tell them the need to teach him table manners. He’s such a pig. His family must be so proud. Andy is so jealous of not being able to have a period……
OMG, Jamie you are funnnnny loving it ….
Ellisa is now telling Aaron she wants to work with her and get McRae or Amanda….
genius plan can’t wait I hope it works then put Rat boy and creepy McRae up…..wahoo
Finally, someone with a backone against amanda. i hate amanda, about time someone nocks her off her high horse. finallly the bb i can watch. well hopefully, i really hope amanda, mcrae or andy goes, prefer amanda though. dont care for aaryn, but she is good at competitions, go to give her that. and she flips from alliance to alliance. sooo happy for elissa.
Jamie and Nicole,
I am so with you, I’m so excited I’ve been waiting for an Elissa hoh for soooo long. I can’t wait to see what happens next week. Rat boy has never been up on the block. I think its about time someone put him up there, what do you think?.
Yes yes and amen sister…. I want to see the rat in the maze. Twitching his pointy nose and watching his little kebler elf hands.
Omg I hope Amanda drags her ugly ass out that door and trips rt on to her big nose. Team Ellisa because she has the biggest balls in the house
You go, MissE. I am so proud of you. You laid back just long enough… then you pounced. You may be playing a much different game than your sissy but you are playing just as good a game as she.
Elissa was threatening everyone including BB just a few days ago that if she got evicted she would quit. And now everyone is happy that she’s HOH? Really! How pathetic. She hasn’t played the game at all. Lying in wait, seething with jealousy. How boring. OMG. Now turning everyone on each other. And she’s the “good” people.
Rita, I empathize with you because – being on the anti-McCranda wagon for weeks now – many of us have been frustrated to see power where we don’t like it.
Don’t confuse our enthusiasm over Elissa’s HoH as 100% approval of her or her game play (admittedly pretty shabby before yesterday). What we’re (at least I am) cheering is SOMEone getting McCranda out of their comfort zone. You have to admit – even though I know you think she’s playing a good game – Amanda has some ugly habits like commanding the house from her bed and hanging onto McCrae by his privates!
Next week, after Elissa has gotten drunk on being HoH, and (hopefully) Amanda is gone, I may be cheering for McCrae because MAYBE he’ll get off his lazy, sexing butt, stop chewing his fingers to the bone, and PLAY the game!
Who knows. But many of us are just cheering because the predictable “I’m too scare to do ANYthing remotely daring because Amanda may not like it” is – at least temporarily – NOT happening!!
I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Here here girl.
she wasn’t Threatening anyone. she was saying that she misses her family and yoga matt and if she gets evicted she wants to go home not to jury. How is that a threat to anyone???
Amanda has been threatening everyone for the last few weeks! how about talking about that! And since when has she not been playing the game? Does that mean that you are saying that the other sad excuses for game play means she wasn’t playing? Well they are all playing in some form or another. Just because she isn’t always up in everyones faces and putting all her thoughts, ideas and sharing every secret ever heard in the house with everyone else then I guess she wasn’t playing the game you expect. But she laid low and didn’t share everything with everyone but Elissa won when she needed to win; had alliance with those she liked and played how she chose to play. So I say get off her back and stop hating on her cuz your an Amanda fan. Well a big part of commenters here are tired of Amanda’s bullying ways and sexing around with mccrae and laying around and crying all the time. It is time for her or Mccrae to go. They need to be split for GAME play cuz thats what the HOUSE wants LOL
Just my $1.00 worth
And its worth every Penny.LoL
I don’t mind if amanda or mccray leave this week but I do not like Elissa and want her out. I have no respect for her. She keeps saying she’s better than others and if so, why does she have to keep saying it. and she’s not. she’s the most self absorbed person in the house and it’s almost like someone the last 12 hours has been coaching her what to say and think and it’s not Amanda so wonder who it is. boring.
Are you serious? you are joking right!! Elissa went into the BB house guarded and a little afraid hoping the other house guests would find out that she is in fact the little sister of BB famous Rachel Riley,(I guess she did not count on how much she looks like famous sister) afraid they would it against her afraid they would not give her a chance. Oh boy was she ever right, the moment some of them found out who she was they were nasty to her and wanted her out of the house a.s.a.p. Aaryn especially, I remember all of her first week’s diary room sessions was about how much hated Elissa and wanted her out of the house. Talk about being threatening and full of one’s self, when Aaryn won her first HoH and she had to pick players for have not she gathered these full-grown adults around her and asked them to raise their hands if they voted to evict her intended showmance David from the BB house. They were all afraid to raise their hand. How embarrassing. What a bully?. Elissa is not a jealous, threatening bully. She is a beautiful, strong, decent, clean living young lady of sound mind and body who loves God and her family, have no tolerance for racism and not afraid to say so. I am so very happy she is HoH, but sad Helen is not there to sh
Rita, I’m sorry but yr ridiculous , she has put up with a lot of crap this season and now it’s pay back time. If u were stranded on an island….seriously and had to pick Ellisa or Amanda to be there with u… Who would u choose….
Amanda cracking that whip and making u do everything for both u to survive or Ellisa helping and sharing that responsibility. Not to mention Ellisa love to laugh and Amanda loves to bitch…
I hope Ellissa run pizza boy and dog face out the house. Why is everybody so down on Ellissa she came in to play but before she could everybody’s mad because who her family is let the girl play she dress with class we’ve never seem ass on tv but the rest is all show something dog face should be cover from head to toe their the most unclean people I have seem are going burn the to get rid of the nastyness
Rudy; well said… do you think McCranda will have the chutzpah to totally take over Elissa’s HoH room and bed as they did when Judd was HoH? I don’t remember ever seeing Judd sleeping in his bed when he was HoH.
That’s what I’ve been trying tell everyone… Lol
Oh ladies and Cat (JOKE) you are not bullies..if you are I will gladly send you some Winnipeg Kool-aid…you will be so happy happy happy….I now how to read all about BB now that Folklorama is more happy juice to remind me that there are still so many idiots left in the house.
LOL…do you have my address? 🙂
Jan Jan, I think you should send some of that Kool-Aid to Amanda, she is going to need it her man is on the block. On BB after dark I thought it was so funny and sad at the same time when she so timidly asked Elissa “who would she put up next to McCrae if Aaryn wins the veto and takes herself off the block” I thought that was so sad and funny because up until now SHE has been telling the HoHs McCrae, Aaryn and Andy whom she wanted to see up on the block.
I’m liking the winnipeg koolaid idea… lol
No, just tell me what state…and I will send it to the Gov. and tell him to send out an SOS for Cat..or maybe enough for everyone…depending how many…I mean we need our Kool-aid here…especially in the winter…I mean the Jets don’t play every night…and if it is -50 you really cannot play outside.
Lol..actually i’m in Canada at the moment. Will be here for a while. But maybe i can swing by and pick some up before i head back to the states. We can hoist a couple and watch the Senators play. 🙂
Cat once you get it swing by Mass and drop me some of that kool aide 🙂
Everytime i look on the tv this chick is either bossing people around or eating. wtf mcrae u dont want her she will bully u outta all your food, who knows she might mess around n eat you .. lol
Wonder what happen….. Did the nasty Amanda try and threaten physcial harm to Ellisa?…..bitch please try it and yr sloppy ass will be out the door. I will meet her outside the wall and offer her some cheese with her wine
These guys on this show r such pussies….. I’m going to the DR saysvMcCrae and tell on u. No wonder he is nothing but a delivery boy….wimpy ass….. I think it’s so funny how Elissa has struck such fear in these people.. They all thought they were such badasses……haha… This is priceless