Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/30/2013
|If you don’t subscribe to the Live Feeds on Big Brother 2013, than yesterday was one day you might be regretting that decision and you should order your subscription now! The HouseGuests were going insane yesterday on Big Brother 15 and the paranoia has kicked into overdrive and no one is safe in this house from some lies being spewed about them. It was one fight after another fight after another fight and I give you the highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!
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The day started out with GinaMarie waking up for a brief moment and grabbing a drink from a 2-liter bottle in the fridge. The issue: she is a Have-Not and no pop for her! Was it pop or was it seltzer water? I guess no Sprite for her, seeming no penalty was enforced upon her as the day went on. (8:27am BBT if you want to check it out)
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Helen and Andy are both pieces of work and they have paranoia and make up lies in their own heads that they start to believe. They are on a mission to get Judd out for some reason. They think he has this special power and he doesn’t, unless that grizzly bear shirt does something for him in the game. The HGs need to target Andy and Helen and get them out of the game because they are bad news bears.
The first fight of the day started at about 12:30pm BBT and it involved Amanda and Spencer. To sum it up: Amanda is paranoid about being on the block and blaming anyone for being up there. She feels Howard is the Big Brother MVP and that him and Spencer have been targeting Amanda for a few weeks (when she has been targeting them really). Spencer stands his ground and says that he is not a “punk ass bitch” that will do as she says (makes me like Spencer more and more). They continue to argue and she talks over him and he tells her to shut up, which then Amanda twists around and says that he is bullying her. How is telling someone to shut up being a bully? Helen runs in and gets McCrae, who comes out and does nothing.
Second fight of the day on Big Brother 2013: Candice calls a house meeting and decides to ruin her game. She calls out Spencer and tells him not to say her name again and said that he said he wants Amanda to choke and die. Howard than takes center stage and said he doesn’t want to play the game this way and they can evict him if this is how it is going to be. He said four or five people are running the house and he doesn’t want to be part of that. Amanda, not wanting to be 100% safe after this hot mess meltdown, decides to speak up and call out Howard for being a liar and he has said that Candice is a “cancer to his game.”
At 5:10pm BBT, Howard whispers in Amanda’s ear and she replies “thank you” while laughing. Maybe something clicked in her mind at the point, but then she goes on some tirade about Howard saying he wants to “f*ck the s*it out of her” when they both leave the house. Amanda is in Diary Room a couple times, but nothing is ever done about it. She won’t drop it all night, but how many of us truly believe her?
Aaryn and Amanda talk about the racist comments and Aaryn feels she did nothing wrong (still) and Amanda said she is wrong and what she said was bad. Aaryn thinks Candice made her look like a racist.
We may have a breakup of a showmance, even without an eviction on Big Brother 2013. McCrae is getting more and more tired of the way Amanda has been acting and how she is trying to call the shots for everyone and it is her way or no way. Could he possibly go against her? It would be absolutely amazing and I think he could do well in this game, but he needs to drop the dead weight and distance himself from the crazy.
The HGs are on lockdown starting at 5:00am BBT until the live eviction show tomorrow night, as they get ready for the HoH competition!
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GET AMANDA OUT NOW!!! Sorry about the all caps but i am COMPLETELY frustrated! How can these people not see that they are being railroaded (except for Spencer of course) by a bully?? Even Evel Dick was more accepting than Amanda. If prayers are answered then mine is that McCrae wakes up long enough to boot her to the curb and turn the house to evict her unanimously! And Helen right behind her.
I always get frustrated when one or two people are able to lie and manipulate people and get every vote they want. Except the true geniuses (like Dr. Will), who are just amazing to watch in action. Things were so much clearer when we just wanted the bullies out first. Should have been a clear-cut 4-6 weeks or so! But no. Now everyone is a selfish bully who can’t speak English without saying “like” or “y’knowwhadimean?” Argh!
How bad is it when there are at least 2-3 people I want out of there as badly as Aaryn?!? The only constant in this stupid season is the crappy quality of the HGs. With the slight change that there may be NO redeeming personalities in there (whereas a couple of weeks ago, I at least admired Amanda’s game)!! The only person who I don’t absolutely dislike for some reason is Judd so far. But give it time…….
100% agree.
Just love how certain people call out people on their lies when they themselves are just as guilty! As the saying goes….those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!
Please let it be Amanda this week!
Question Cat: Do you think this could be a double elimination week? Because if so, Helen and Andy are all over it, and the power will be irrevocably swung their way, as they intend to vote out Howard and then Judd!
I’m thinking that the DE won’t be this week. Most likely next or the week after. But here’s the thing….it could possibly be a Fast Forward instead of a DE. Most people think they are the same but they’re actually not. Fast Forward means they have HOH, Veto comp, Veto ceremony and eviction….then do it all over again in the SAME night. Double eviction takes them a week to do. And 2 people are evicted within the week. Personally i like the Fast Forward better. We see 2 people evicted the same night and it gives them less time to think and plot.
I guess it’s the fast-forward I meant. Because that was what Helen was planning for yesterday, if it happens, to evict Judd as the second person. Of course, we can always cross our fingers and hope Judd wins HOH or Veto or something to screw that up. That would be America’s best hope for a real shake-up! Problem is, I don’t hear the other people in the house talking as smart as Helen right now. I think the reason most of us are frustrated is because if nothing changes in the others’ game play soon, it will be a Helen-Elissa/Andy-McCrae-Amanda final 4. And there are currently TOO many people in the house for them not to stop it if they’d wake up!!
Aren’t those (Double Evictees) usually the first jury members so they don’t have to be in sequester by themselves??
Send home Amanda please
Oooo,k, it’s official, those people are absolutely cray-cray. Different bodies, but the same hot mess. By the way, no Elissa drama? Dang!!!
Send them all home and get a new cast! They’re all freaks!
I’m as flip-floppy as the HG’s! When I start to like someone they get wierd on me. I can’t relate to any of them at this point.
At least they all aren’t just laying around eating ice cream anymore 😀 hehe
Can anyone explain me what is coup d’etat? and how does it work? I forgot about it until McRae brought it up to Amanda if Howard got a coup d’etat, they still are safe.
Amanda gotta go, then double nominatees: Aaryn and GM. I can’t stand these ladies seriously!
I Googled it…..To paraphrase, it is the sudden over throw of those in power. Ie: Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa, and Andy who does nothing….he’s just along for the ride.
in the past, the winner of the coup d’état had all the power. to start, the week would be normal. hoh, noms, veto, possible renoms. then, on eviction night, Julie would get up and say something to the effect. “does anyone have a power they want to use?” then, if someone did and wanted, they would play the coup d’état. this would overthrow the hoh and their noms. then, they would put up the two people and voting right away or after a short commercial break.
in one season, a few back, I believe matt won and they gave him two weeks to use it and he held out till the second week.
ps, I love café rio.
I just don’t get it…..I thought the idea was to get all the “mean” people out of the house and then play the game with honour and keep the “good” people for the jury. What the H**l is going on in that house????? I agree with all the posts that say they want Amanda out and I wish they would backdoor her on Thursday night. I liked her in the beginning, but I’m not liking her much these days. I certainly do no like Andy…..he’s a nosy little weasel who just gets into everyone’s conversations and then takes news back to his allies. Helen, GM, Judd, and Aaryn are wearing on my nerves…..I don’t want Howard to go, but if he does, I hope that BB brings him back into the house at some point. That would certainly be an interesting twist. Finally, I wish that BB would let America vote on who is to be evicted this week. It is clear that Amanda would have alot to worry about. Arrrrrhhhhhhh………this is soooooo frustrating to watch sometimes.
BB15 show is more like a soap opera than a reality show….Emmy’s Worst reality show of the year goes to BB15. 🙂 🙂
I Googled it…..To paraphrase, it is the sudden over throw of those in power. Ie: Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa, and Andy who does nothing….he’s just along for the ride.
Sounds like you people are talking about who has “coodies” rather than coup d’ etat. Keep tyhe interesting people even if they are train wrecks. Better to watch them safely on the screen than to deal with them in our real lives (no Zimmermans, you know what I mean). Speaking of Aaryn, oops, sorry dat.
At the same time I both love showmances and want to see them broken up for the post-eviction melt-down. This year has seen the greatest one of all— our very lovable GM. Nick, call me and let’s dish, baby.
Ok, what happened to getting out Aaryn and GM first? They are talking about next week and not even bringing them two up anymore for eviction. Do they seriously want these two in jury?? Aaryn, GM need to go before jury. Not worthy to be there. Then Andy, someone needs to tell him to leave when he walks into all the conversations going on and try to play the game, Spencer, he’s just a trouble maker. I am really torn on even who is worthy to win this year. This whole year of BB really sucks. I’m being swayed back to Elissa. Only one meltdown and speaks the truth. Mind you she has rumored only what was rumored to her or thrown out possibilities of who is who in house. Not bossy and plays the game. Oh and that mess with whispering in Amanda’s ear what Howard said … umm no. Thats just pathetic and paranoid on her part.
Wow! I just ready Todd’s updates and all the comments. Cat, I think when we get there on our bus, we need to set up some bleachers inside the wall of the BB backyard and just sit back and laugh at all the shenanigans going on. Everyone is complaining about all the different alliances and who said what about whom, so it seems to me that we are all having fun following the cray cray. I totally agree that what Howard whispered in Amanda’s ear was a total fabrication on her part. That’s REDEculous! I didn’t mind Howard too much, but it seems like all he has done is lie around with Candace and try to keep her from mouthing off. Then, when I saw him in that wavy hat playing pool, that was it for me. Now Howard really needs to go. That was horrific! Come on! Who wears things like that? He is also good at playing chess and pool and eating. That’s about it so far. Helen is making me sick. Last night Candace told her who she thought the HOH room crowd was planning on going after, Helen says “I’m not going to let that happen. Don’t worry about that.” What? Who died and made her HOH? Amanda’s comment about “who would vote to evict ME?” was a big laugh for me. I’m enjoying all the conversation and the comments on the conversation. Good report, Todd! Thanks for the updates!
I meant I just read Todd’s updates. I wish this thing had an edit feature like FB does!
Yes, i’d like a front row seat please. Plus a few tomatos and rotten potatos to toss around. Maybe at Amandas HEAD!!! I wish BB would have a contest for fans so that the winner would get the pleasure of escorting Amanda to the eviction door, explain to her that shes no longer head honcho, give her bus fare home, only make it 10 cents short so she will have to walk. Oh yeah…and have an eviction notice attached to her front door when she gets there. 🙂
Oh, absolutely, you and I will be sitting in the front row along with Todd and our other main members. OK, now we’re going to have to start a list….banners, rotten tomatoes, rotten eggs, eviction notice, bus fare for Amanda, alcohol…did I miss anything? I’d need one of those seats with a back that’s portable. I had to wait two hours at Toyota today while they did an oil change and gave me a new battery. Actually 2 hrs. 15 mins., but who’s counting. Now my back is killing me! Glad I brought my Kindle Fire HD with me to make it bearable. We’ll have to figure out exactly when our trip is going to be. Kinda hard though since we don’t know the unexpected plans BB has for us yet.
I’ll bring you a chaise lounger (very softly padded) so that you will be comfortable when all hell breaks loose. Add to your list a brown paper bag full of dog doo doo. And of course a box of matches. Before we light it, just make sure that we confiscate all the shoes in the house.
I have the Duct Tape for Helen’s mouth!
Perfect!!! Just make sure it’s EXTRA strength!
That sounds wonderful. I have trouble getting up out of low chairs, though, so it would need to be made of wood and have arms for me to push myself up out of the chair when we leave. People walk their dogs behind my condo by the woods, so no problem with the poo. I have an old box of wooden matches. I’ll need to get some brown paper bags. Do they still make those? I guess we’ll need to wear black so we can sneak in at night and steal all their shoes. This party is really taking shape!
After watching tonight’s show (and it was difficult to watch since I’m finding Amanda really obnoxious and annoying), I’ve come to the conclusion that there is basically one scapegoat in the house. That is Elissa. Elissa basically breezes around the house doing her yoga, oblivious to all the wheeling and dealing, plotting and scheming going on around her (and about her) and yet when something that is considered negative happens to a houseguest, the blame always seems to fall squarely on Elissa. Howard blamed Elissa (and Helen) for getting him nominated; Candice blamed Elissa (and Helen) for her being backdoored; I heard Spencer blame Elissa as well. I have to really feel for Elissa. She can’t win for losing. She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. True, she’s a bad player; but she doesn’t deserve all this unfair blame and acrimony, particularly when there are so many others in the house who are playing really nasty games. And as for Amanda, she continually plays to the cameras. Even when she’s in a conversation with someone, she’s looking directly at the cameras as if to say, “See, America, watch how cleverly I’m playing this game.” Aaryn has started doing the same thing now as well. Their words and actions are geared for the viewers. They honestly think they’re America’s favorites. I’m just amazed how how Big Brother keeps featuring her and continually gives her favorable editing.
I am done with this show! Aaryn is nothing but mean!!! She is a bully! Amanda and Helen are running the house. Howard is a good guy, and he’s the target. Big Brother please let America vote! If Howard goes I will not watch another episode!
I’m with you on that Alice…….I can’t understand why Aaryn and GM are still there. Although Howard is not a good game player, I like his character, and quite honestly,he has not done any worse than the other HGs. They have all lied to someone, and they’ve all made alliances. Yet Helen is acting like Howard killed someone….and worse than that, she is no less a liar than Howard or any of the other HGs are. That is the nature of the game. I think Spencer said it best. ……Howard is not a “beast” or threat as McCrae has said. He is however not one that any of them can manipulate or control. That is why he is a threat. As Spencer and Candice
sorry wasn’t finished my thought…..was about to say that as Spencer and Candice pointed out, Howard has not won anything so far. Amanda and Helen definitely need to go home ASAP!!! As a matter of fact, if Howard has to go home, I hope there will be a double eviction and that Amanda is the other HG evicted. That would be awesome.
Howard is a good guy? You people must not watch live feeds or are simply brainwashed because he supposedly is a good Christian. The guy swears on the bible multiple times when he lies and him and Spencer was making jokes about ‘tag teaming’ Jesse. And he repeatedly calls people retarded and says things are ‘gay’. He’s not the worst in the house by any means, but America has definitely bought into BB’s editing of making him look like a good Christian who has been a poor victim.
Everyone in that house has said something controversial but only certain people get called out on it and most of the stuff said has been blown far out of proportion. Ever since that first convo with Aaryn, GM, and Kaitlyn, where really bad things were said that got everyone’s attention, every little comment and even jokes that are made has been blown up into more than it is by overly sensitive viewers.
I totally agree with all comments.liked helen a lot,felt so bad for her when arryn maken ignorant she kissen her butt&runnen house.worst BB one even deserves to win.hopen candice can stay.she seems a nice person.can’t get over how helen so two faced.need amanda out.throw up a bit when ever she shows her ugly face.hope pizza boy has fun.what’s with the girly bandanas? So not a man!!!
So you hate Aaryn because of her ignorant comments but say McCrae is ‘so not a man’ because he wears girly bandanas? Yeah, that makes sense.
After watching tonight’s episode, I’m surprised and disappointed at Helen’s tactics. She with her holier than thou attitude has now resorted to telling lies about Candice. She stated to her allies that Candice “threatened” her. This is a blatant lie. Amanda’s arrogance about how she is not going home is getting on my nerves. I really wish that CBS would allow America to vote to evict Amanda out. Come on CBS…….I’m begging you, Please let America vote. Also, if Howard is voted out, I hope they will bring him back in. I hope CBS is paying attention.
It sounds good in theory, Carole; but the problem with America being given the opportunity to vote out a houseguest is that certain houseguests will be targeted by “block” voters. These are people who have grudges, albeit undeserved, against a player, i.e., Elissa. People who disliked her sister, Rachel, want her out for really no valid reason. It’s certainly not her gamesmanship or rather lack of. Also, many viewers (including myself) dislike Aaryn, Ginamarie and Spencer for their racist comments. Votes would be cast for their eviction. Even though there are plenty of people who dislike Amanda for her underhanded and cheesy tactics, we’d end up with too many split votes. Big Brother would have to select the person with the most amount of votes, which brings me back to my comment about people voting as a block. As disliked as Amanda may be by some, there are others who would take votes away from her. If she’s not voted out on Thursday (by some miracle); let’s hope that she is at least up on the block for the next couple of weeks. It might be interesting to watch her stomping around the house threatening and accusing everyone of being the MVP and then saying they’re her next “target”.
Yes Anita, it Would be crazy if all the house guests were to be considered……however I’m talking about an instance where they’dd already be on the block. Then America would have to decide who of the two or three nominated house guests should be evicted. I’m sure that if this was in play now, Amanda Would be going home for sure.
That does sound good, Carol; but it won’t take place tomorrow night when Amanda is up for eviction. Big Brother would have to give the viewing audience some advance knowledge of that “twist”. I think if Big Brother ever did try that, they would wait until Amanda, Elissa and Aaryn were the three nominees, thereby making America split their votes again.
Yes Anita, you are absolutely right, but a girl can dream can’t she?
“Amanda, not wanting to be 100% safe after this hot mess meltdown, decides to speak up…”
OMFG, best line ever!!
I love this part of BB. They have been locked up in there for a few weeks. the pressure is getting to them and the paranoia is spiking. remember, these people don’t have the same perspective as the rest of us do. they are in regular sized home for weeks on end with nothing to do except run game in their head.
they have no outside influence, no trusted advisor, no best friend to slap sense into them when they start getting batcrap crazy. they just have each other. and, it doesn’t help that no one can keep a gat danged secret in there. everyone is talking to everyone.