Oh what a night in the Big Brother 2013 house last night. We had some heavy traffic on here last night, so the server was off and on all night long, so sorry for not updating. I was over it and went to our Facebook page and kept everyone up-to-date there, which was fun! Anyway, the excitement is back in Big Brother 15 and the paranoia is working full-force on certain HouseGuests (McCrae may be chewing on his fingers by the time this weekend is done because the nails will be gone)! Check out some highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - JuddPhoto Credit: BigBrotherGossip.com

First of all, CBS messed with our minds last night and giving us the jury competition and the new HoH competition in one big challenge! Then doing a competition that requires it to go on for almost two hours??? My nerves were shot last night, but we did see Judd win the jury competition and Elissa win the HoH competitionThe person none of the HGs wanted to win won and I could not be happier.

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Believe me, I am not a huge Elissa fan and her damn voice can annoy me and she can be quite snobby/bitchy at times, but for the sake of the game….we needed this. She has no sides in the game and no one knows what she will do with these nominations coming later today, which has Amanda freaking out and making a new best friend on Big Brother 2013!

Earlier in the week, Elissa did tell Helen that she wanted to put up McCrae and Amanda (no one would complain about that). However, we all know the hatred between Aaryn and Elissa. That seems to be more important to Elissa and despite all the efforts of both McCrae and Amanda, it appears that Elissa will put McCrae and Aaryn on the block tonight. Her target is Aaryn, but she wants someone on the block that will fight to win veto and make sure Aaryn doesn’t win it…at least that is what she told McCrae.

Everyone is trying to get in Elissa’s head and have her put up GinaMarie. GM was the only one willing to work with Elissa and Helen, so Elissa put a hell no to that theory. They mention putting Judd up and again a hell no from Elissa! She made a two week “deal” with Spencer and Andy, so it appears they will be safe and so will she in their eyes.

Judd was just happy to be back in the house and was telling everyone he is coming in with a clean slate. He was telling jury house stories and we saw a lot of fish because of that. Amanda goes back to her theories on Judd being a mastermind and he was MVP and he was out to get her and we must take Judd down. The funny thing is: no one seems to be buying it this time! It looks like Judd returns to Big Brother 2013 and does not have a target directly placed on his back, so he has a week to work his way back into/form some new alliances. Andy sees this and is slithering his way into it…stay away from Andy!!!

It was a very late night in the Big Brother 15 house, so expect a late start today. No one knows for sure where Elissa will go with this new HoH title, but Aaryn is freaking out because she knows Elissa hates her. Amanda is freaking out because McCrae may go on the block, which means he wins veto and she goes up. Amanda is trying to be new BFFs with Elissa. McCrae will shave his head to not go on block. Andy squirms. Judd parties.

Life is good again in the house and the Live Feeds should be amazing this week with no one knowing exactly what to expect, which is how it should have been all season long!!!

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