We all know (and the HouseGuests are starting to put the pieces together) that America was the Big Brother MVP for Week 4 and we got to vote to find nominate the third HG for the block this week on Big Brother 2013. The voting has been completed and the HouseGuests have been informed on who the third nominee for Week 4 on Big Brother 15 is! Check it out in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Aaryn and KaitlinPhoto Credit: BigBrotherNetwork.com

Last night, we saw Judd name his two nominees for the week as Head of Household. While he jumped back and forth between nominating Aaryn or GinaMarie, his final choice was made on Big Brother 2013 and the two HoH nominees for Week 4 were Aaryn and Kaitlin. Nothing new, since they both spent some time on the block last week.

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The issue: you know everyone in their right mind was voting for Aaryn as the third nominee for the Big Brother MVP from America. Now Judd puts her on the block, so our votes for her are lost and now we move down the line to the second highest vote total (unless it was Kaitlin, then it goes to the third highest).

So, who did America pick as the third nominee for eviction for Week 4? It would be none other than Elissa!!! Yup, they have voted her Big Brother MVP every week and now she is the pick for third nominee?!?! Is this a screwup by America or the real pick? I think some people might have been confused and voted for her as MVP again, but their votes were going for her to be nominated really!

Or it could be the non-Rachel Reilly fans could have gathered and voted for Elissa and she did come in second place behind Aaryn, but Judd nominated Aaryn for the block, so the second choice was Elissa? This is interesting and could mean for a very interesting Power of Veto Competition later today!!!

The HouseGuests were not informed about America being the MVP for the week, so they are trying to figure out why Elissa was nominated for the block and not the MVP for the week!!!

What do you think happened???

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