The stage was set on Big Brother 2014 by the nominations earlier today and now it was time to see if everyone kept their word (mainly Caleb) and see if he would actually throw the Battle of the Block competition on Big Brother 16. I guess these will be taking place on Fridays this season and preparing us for the huge Power of Veto competition tomorrow! So, who won the BOTB today? Get those results below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Battle of the Block Week 3 Results

We have no clue what the HGs did for the competition, but here are the results of the Battle of the Block for Week 3:

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  • Winners – Amber and Donny, so they are off the block and dethrone Nicole as HoH
  • Losers – Caleb and Jocasta, so they remain on the block for Week 3
  • Final HoH for Week 3 – Derrick

It looks like Nicole is dressed as a frog, for some reason, and Caleb may or may not have stuck to his plan of throwing the competition, but they did lose and remain on the block. I have faith with Derrick as the lone HoH now that things will go more smoothly, but this is Big Brother and you just never know. Nicole seemed to get frazzled as the HoH and we don’t need that during this crucial week!

What do you think of the results of the Battle of the Block?

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