2. James

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 10 Power of Veto Ceremony

James was on the block with Meg and ready to go out the door, but he came through and won the Power of Veto! We rejoiced and it finally gave, somewhat, a power shift in the house. Austin’s Angels (puke) weren’t controlling every decision, so it was nice to see. He has talked about winning HOH and going after Vanessa, which I think is a great move right now. I know I have thought Liz would be better, but it seems like Vanessa has aligned herself with everyone else in the house besides Liz. Evict her and I think the others have some scrambling to do, especially when they all determine they had a F2 deal with her!

1. Vanessa

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-30-2015 Live Feeds Recap 5

One week back in power and she seems to have things in her favor now on Big Brother 17. Of course, this Double Eviction might shock them this week (they are expecting it to be next week). She did make a lame move and decide that Meg is the biggest threat to get out of the house after James won POV, but those alliances are lining up for her right now and all seem to be willing to do her dirty work next week, like go after the Austwins.

So, how would you rank the Houseguests on Big Brother 17?

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