10. Clay

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - BB17 Cast - Clay Honeycutt

Same reason as Becky and their loss. He did some back and win the Power of Veto, but that just screwed everything up this week. Shelli came to him about keeping Jason, but he wanted to stick with what Vanessa had planned. In the process, the fact that Chelli is playing the whole house was outed and if the right people get in power, Chelli will be no more!

9. Shelli

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - BB17 Cast - Shelli Poole

Same reason as Clay! They were caught lying and now everyone thinks Shelli is running things in the Big Brother 2015 house and she is on their target, even above Austin and the twins, which have always been on the top of their list.

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