Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Super Fan POV – The Final One!
|Summation: In my opinion, what BB should be (at least partly) is a social experiment that allows us to observe the actions of people locked away from society for three months. That’s why I started watching. I was one who argued in BB15 that the conversation brought on by racist remarks ended up being a good thing – not just for the house but for society. Sure, we were embarrassed by some stupid remarks by stupid young girls. But we witnessed the amazing reaction by a Godly man who lived what he believed by NOT reacting in an ugly way. What a wonderful, moving example for all of us to be better people despite adversity. What an enlightening conversation!
That’s what BB has lost. No, I don’t want racists or bigots or bullies in the house, but with the hand-picked “pretty” hgs, the uber-controlled daily actions, and the predictable comps, BB has turned into a summer of watching who looks good walking around the house barely clothed and who win the same comps we saw last season. Instead of observing interesting people, we’re watching a watered down Real World. Instead of seeing a hg’s character show through in defense of someone against a bully in the house, we see namby-pamby hgs whose goal is to get through the season with everyone they evict LIKING them afterward! We are reduced to coming up with suitable nicknames for the hgs or criticizing their lazy behavior. We are watching the same thing recycled every year, folks. Different names and faces, but essentially the same thing. Unfortunately, the only thing that IS different from one year to the next are the occasional villains or controversies. No wonder we’re annoyed by week 13!
Okay, now it’s your turn. Let’s generate some real conversations below. There’s a LOT to talk about here. Choose your favorite bones to pick and comment several times. Healthy debate is encouraged but keep it intelligent (okay, at least make some sense), and keep it respectful!
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This one makes you think! Love it and it’s been a good run with these this season!
The PERFECT POV to end the season!
And your thoughts….?? 😉
I don’t know about anyone else but this season has made me exhausted!! I feel like i’ve been at one of those Time Share seminars and the speaker that has droned me into oblivion has finally decided to get to the crux of the matter. Only it’s not as good as i thought it would be. Mainly because nothing ever is (totally stealing your “negative Nancy” here). And secondly because what’s being offered up is less than spectacular. In other words, we won’t like what we end up with. Such is life.
I could probably write a book about the questions you ask but the aforementioned exhaustion prevents it. But i do want to say one thing. Out of all the moments in BB history, Howard’s reaction to the ugliness of the house is my favorite. It meant more than all the DPOVs, Pandora’s Boxes, blindsides, backdoors or celebratory wins by our favorite. Why? Because it was real. Not manufactured to further someones game. Those are the moments i wait for. They’re rare. But priceless.
Exactly. I remember watching Howard’s struggle – on his knees in prayer – in the Have-not room. I watched that on the feeds, as it was happening. And I cried as I watched. You said it: It was REAL. And I learned something from that man that day that 100 episodes of Otev or BOTB could never give me! I don’t expect a “reality show” to supply that all that time. But it would be nice if they gave us more of that quality human being in the house.
For you cat
it won’t let me post the pic
Lilly that was great! You expressed a lot of the issues that we have with the show. I will delve deeper into some of the questions and issues a little later, I just wanted to give you kudos for the thought provoking POV!
Thank you!
I feel there should be penalties for filthy house, that sequestered hg should be able to return and more than one hg and that america should have more say. I have said all along that there should be more hg over 50 and the house should NOT be full of “pretty people” with little or no life experience. Pretty people should realize that beauty on the outside may diminish but beauty from within and good character is more important. How loud do we have to say-do not fill the house with pretty people only. Another idea may be to team up an older person with a younger person and let them know they are a team till the final six? It may be a “building character” exercise and “team play” exercise.
Love it / I do have a beef also with this twin twist that happened this year as well / I think that if a twin twist is discovered during the game then the twin should not be allowed in – as soon as it is knowledge then the twin should be disqualified – just my opinion
That is an interesting concept. A lot of people agree with you. But I’m an advocate of living with the consequences of your own actions. Once BB put the stupid “twin twist” into action and told the audience and the twins they only had to make it through 5 evictions for the twin to enter the house, that’s it. If the people IN the house are stupid enough to allow a twin to come in like that – when they KNEW what it meant (that’s why the CBS rule was what it was: because they never dreamed a house would allow a twin in if they already knew she was a twin!!) – then the house deserves to have to deal with a three-person voting block like they did. Frankly, I blame my buddy Jason for that one. Instead of using it as a strategic tool in the game, he turned it into a “guess what I know” thing, like a high school kid! And the rest of the house waited until F5 to break them up! Just one of the first in a very long, long line of head-scratching, stupid house moves this season!!!
yes i see your point / but in my “rule” book i think as soon as the twin twist was discovered it should of been done with and the twin should not of been allowed to enter to give an “advantage” to one side over the other in the house. The twin twist should of been done with once the houseguests knew about it. It is no longer a “twist” nor a “secret”.
I have to agree with you. NO ONE should even be considered for an advantage to winning. Doesn’t matter what the consequences are for keeping both twits in. The option should not even be there.
exactly / i sure hope they do not do a twin twist again ever in BB history
true, they should have left the twin twist in season 5. If they want to to twins then make them all twins or at least relatives.
Please let them listen to the fans and stop recycling comps, twists and pretty young people!
Totally get your point. But if that rule applied, what’s to stop the hgs every season to start “thinking” or “accusing” everyone of being a twin. I suppose with the 24-hour feeds we should be able to tell truth from fiction, but if it was a regular “twist,” I’ve no doubt the superfans would find a way to screw it up.
I hope it’s not too late to comment for this Super Fan POV. It really got me thinking, too long I expect, about your original question of why we watch BB. It hit me when I thought about it, that up to about 3 years ago I watched for pure enjoyment. For the first several years there was a greater mix of house guests, not just pretty 21 year olds. Much more interesting people from Dr. Will to Evil Dick. Each year had at least a few people you wanted to cheer for. Even some likeable villains. I had fun watching the different relationships between people, conversations listened to
giving insight into the house guests, not just game talk. A few favorite times were how much fun it was to watch Dr. Will and Janelle during the all star season, flirtatious and charming. I loved watching Jeff and Jordan falling for each other. Loved getting to know people like Kaysar, Howie, Britney, even Rachel. All individuals, not planned by CBS. To me, that is no longer the case. The last three years have all been more and more disappointment to me. No charm, no fun, everybody voting as one. Boring, nobody to stand up and cheer for. Just an endless list of people to despise for one reason or another. Will I keep watching? Hope springs eternal that order will be restored in our guilty Big Brother past time.
Never too late. And well said!
Your mentioning competitive players hit it on the nose for me. I’ve been baffled by all those who were throwing comps this year, then they end up leaving and never figure out they are losing because they are losers. Winners win, they get up there in HOH and lead the charge, they make others follow their lead, they choose who is in or out, take risks, “bloody hands” etc. Meg, Jason, Jackie and Da would talk about throwing comps and then complain that “their people” were getting picked off even as they sat around not trying to win anything. Even JMac talked about throwing it in the final five, then he left. I’ll just never get it. In life there are leaders and followers and this year we saw it in the Upstairs/Downstairs dynamic with the Upstairs winning comps and running the house while the gremlins were stuck downstairs thinking it was smart to be un-noticed.
I agree. And as much as I loved Jason, Meg, Jackie, and James, I have no idea what they were thinking. I’ve no doubt if Vanessa hadn’t blindsided Jason, the Gremlins would have continued to sleep through the season until one of them was evicted. Poor little Meg kept saying she was losing her “peeps”! Geez, girl, its a show where people get evicted each week; if you aren’t doing the evicting, you’re going to GET evicted!
I still say we are reaping the aftermath of Derrick’s win. Because of his training, he was a master at a social game that flew below the radar, threw comps, and played the game without anyone else even realizing he was doing it. Now all hgs think the best way to win is fly below the radar, and keep blood off your hands, targets off your back – WHATEVER – but don’t make anyone mad and by all means don’t DO anything until F4!! But these people are NO Derrick!!
Love this! I wish BB Production would read this and the comments and take notes for changes!
I miss the luxury and food comps! I think those brought out the competitive spirit in the houseguests and reminded them that they were there to win money.
I’m sick of the “pretty people” I like houseguests that are pretty on the inside.
I know BB is not a charity but I do not find it easy to watch a multi millionaire play against people who could really appreciate a some of money like $500k.
What bothers me more than multi millionaires being in the game (which i don’t actually care about) is “professional liars” being chosen to participate. Vanessa and Derrick both use subterfuge in their daily life. Vanessa as a poker player and game strategist. Derrick as an undercover cop. How difficult is it for someone like that to lie, evade and conquer a grocery store clerk, an interior designer or a football player? Experience counts and when you put a “ringer” into the game it changes the whole concept.
Yea, her money doesn’t bother me in the slightest. This is a game, not a charity. And though I liked Derrick (and was cheering for a cop and his family to win the money), I totally see your point after two years of trained liars in the house. Of course, these hgs could see her a mile away and SHOULD have evicted her for any number of reasons this season. Turns out they always had other priorities. Like Jackie. And Meg.
So true!
It might be interesting to see Vanessa and Derrick play against each other. I doubt he would stand for her bs.
I was one of the few that really wasn’t a big fan of Derrick. But he deserved to win. He would see thru Vanessa in a heart beat and keep only until she is no longer a bigger target or don’t help his game. She wouldn’t make it against the Derricks, Dans, Dr Wills or Evil Dicks of BB. Her game sucked and she should be super thankful that she was playing with a bunch of Marshmallows!
I wasn’t a Derrick fan either. Once he started lying and trying to deceive the fans i lost respect for his game. Yeah, he deserved to win. But i don’t appreciate his gameplay any more than i do Vanessa’s.
I wish I had seen that so I could feel the same thing you do (though I believe you, of course). But I disagree that he’s in the same ball park as Vanessa. I think Derrick could have just gotten carried away and forgot he wasn’t playing his role for the cameras. But Vanessa is cruel, maybe even evil. The way she laid in to Steve, knowing full well she was hurting his fragile ego and his feelings about her as his surrogate mom. And the way she manufactured Jeff’s transgression – poor guy had no idea what she was talking about.
Maybe this season is just fresher than last year for me. Or maybe it would have made a stronger impression on me to watch Derrick’s deception. But I still think Derrick was basically a good guy who did a few less-than-good things, including lie to the feedsters. I could see myself socializing with him and his family. I wouldn’t want to spend 5 minutes with Vanessa. Ever.
Different sides of the same coin (IMO). Same strategy, different technique.