For the Week 11 Super Fan on Big Brother 2015, I went searching on the BB Facebook page to find some fresh blood to write this week’s column. I did not come back successful, but I had something weird happen and I am going to share that with you all for the Week 11 Super Fan POV on Big Brother 17! Check out the Super Fan POV for Week 11 below in our Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

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Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Super Fan POV Logo

Like I stated, I posted on Facebook looking for someone interested in being the Superfan of the Week. I have come to realize that I worded it a little odd and I know no one reads what I posts, especially on Facebook. So, with all the confusion, people just started commenting over and over again on the post. In the end, I had over 300 comments on the photo and none of them wanting to be the Superfan of the Week!

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So, I took things into my own hands and decided I was going to do things differently this week. I was going to share these comments and make everyone the BBB Facebook page as the Superfan of the Week. Believe me, it won’t be pretty!

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