Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-17-2015 Live Feeds Recap 7

Austin: When the season started, I thought that I’d really like this guy. Maybe he’s cool outside of the house but his Big Brother Game Play is not to my taste. It is, however, really working well for him so far. I just wonder if he’s thought further down the road, to maybe Final 3? If he were to make it with Liz and Julia, he would be odd man out. I know if I made Final 3, my plan would be to take my family member with me to Final 2. Maybe Austin needs to rethink his strategy for the weeks coming ahead. I read on another site, that he said he thought the house would go after him first, because he’s “the figurehead” of his alliance. (Nice ego.) I don’t believe he’s stupid enough to really believe that, or maybe he is? It seems so obvious that Liz would be the divide, she was the original bond of the alliance in the first place. They all came together to protect the twins, so Julia could come into the house.

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-17-2015 Live Feeds Recap 5

Vanessa: I actually liked this woman in the first weeks of the season. She completely lost me the week she backdoored Jason. Now, I can barely handle listening to her talk, or circle talk is what I’ve called it. I have heard her and read of her ramblings of lies that she tells over and over again, until she believes them herself and makes sure everyone else believes them too. (Hey, I’m sorry Vanessa, no matter how many times you say something, it’s not going to magically become true.) She is constantly saying how loyal she is and how she’s never done anything wrong. I’ve seen her bully people into making deals with her, that she does not plan on honoring, but expects them to be honored by the other House Guests. She will turn her tears on and off like a switch, and do whatever it takes to manipulate the situation, and play the victim. With it all she has managed to scare and deal her way into staying in the house even after being the backdoor target last week. She is building a pretty good case for the win, if she were to make it to Final 2, and these HouseGuests are too stupid to evict her. Most of the remaining HouseGuests seem to be clueless as to what moves to make, and which direction to go, but she has proven to be quite good at talking out every possible move/scenario and then beating it to death. I wouldn’t put it past her to turn on her alliance sooner rather than later, because she knows she’s low on the totem pole. The only person in her Stupid Squad (Skamper Squad), that would bring her to F2, might be Steve.

What is really quite frightening is Production has been giving her some really favorable edits, considering what has really been happening in the Big Brother 17 House. So the regular ho-hum CBS Only Watcher is all on board, for a Vanessa win! They are comparing her to Derrick the winner of Big Brother 16. As if? Seriously, this is happening! It is becoming apparent to me that Production is looking for her to win and they want us to like her.

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