You could cut then tension with a knife inside the Big Brother 21 house last night with everything that happened before and after the live show aired. Not to mention, some people in the house are feeling a little uneasy about the new HOH. Get all the Big Brother spoilers from Thursday night’s Big Brother live feeds right here!

When the feeds came back from the live show, we saw that Jessica was walking around the house with the HOH key around her neck, which the HGs formerly known as the Six Shooters were broken up into small groups around the house.

Nicole and Kat are talking in the storage room about how before the Eviction Show Christie and Jack pulled her into a room and asked her to swear she would vote out Kat. Nicole told them that she wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that because she had already given Kat her word. She told Kat that Jack’s reason for wanting Kat gone was because Kat, Holly, and Jackson knew each other outside the house. Kat wants to know how that makes sense if she has wanted Jackson out of the house since week 2.

Meanwhile, Tommy, Holly, Jack, and Analyse are in the target room. Tommy says that he doesn’t feel great with Jackson right now and Holly tells them she doesn’t even know what to think about him. She is worried that he is too paranoid and immature and that he needs to start thinking before he speaks. Tommy says that they need to stick together and that he still trusts the four in the room.

Throughout the night, everyone questioned whether or not Kat, Holly, and Jackson knew each other. It was cleared up that they do not know each other and that they do have some mutual acquaintances outside the house. Any time they have ever said something about seeing one another’s apartments or anything like that was purely in a joking manner. Holly has been doing a lot of damage control while Jackson laid in bed sulking about the possibility of him being put on the block and not having any allies left in the house. Jack and Jackson have both voiced (in separate rooms of course) that they don’t trust each other anymore.

Jessica told Christie that she won’t put her up and Christie tells her that she can pretend that Christie’s power doesn’t exist. Jessica, Nicole, and Cliff are all talking in the bathroom and Jessica tells Nicole that “Jack needs to go.” Jessica talks about putting Jack and Jackson on the block together to let them duke it out. Nicole says that if one of them should come down, she would put Analyse up in their place. Jessica tells Nicole that not one of the six are safe this week except for Holly because she was honest with her about every move she made as HOH.

There was a brief argument between Holly and Kat that the feeds cut away from. Kat tells Holly that Jackson is degrading to women and as her friend, she can’t stand by and watch Holly look bad for putting up with it. Holly tells her that she has never seen or heard Jackson be degrading to women (umm, he did it to you when he broke up with you or did we forget?). Kat calls him aggressive and Holly tells her that aggressive isn’t the right word and Kat tells her that Jackson admitted to being aggressive the other day. Holly tells Kat that she has to be careful with the words she uses on television and tells her not to speak out of line. Kat brings up how she isn’t the one being brought into the DR about things she has said in the house. The feeds cut after Holly gets heated and says “Things you say have massive repercussions outside and you have no idea what he’s dealing with.”

Jessica, Nicole, and Cliff are still talking about how happy they are that Jessica is HOH. They talk about wondering who the HNs for this week are going to be and Cliff says that she can make him a HN with a bunch of the Six Shooters and he will block all conversations inside the HN room.

Jessica gets her HOH room and after everyone clears out, the Cliff’s Angels have a meeting. They talk about where everyone is inside the house alliance wise. Jessica swears she has no other alliances inside the house and everyone (including Kat) does also. Jessica talks about her noms, she says she won’t put Analyse up, she is going to go after two of the guys. Jessica says she believes Christie won’t use her power as she promised. They talk about pretending like Jackson is the target so that Christie won’t use her power and then flip it on Jack. That way Christie won’t use her power to save Jack. They say that secrecy is key here.

Nick and Analyse talk about who they think the noms will be. Nick says he thinks that Jackson will go up, but maybe not Jack. He says that if Christie uses her power, Cliff will be most likely be the renom. Christie goes to talk to Jessica before bed and is pushing Jackson on her really hard while telling her to be careful who she lets talk to her about who to nominate.

What a night in the Big Brother house! Unfortunately, we didn’t see a flip vote (c’mon, who doesn’t love a good blindside?) however, with Jessica in power this week, the Six Shooters are scrambling. Just to think, Jessica is going to be causing even more chaos for that group throughout the week. Make sure you come back later for our nomination spoilers!

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