Big Brother Spoilers: Corey Uses the Bribe to…
|America awarded Corey Brooks the final Care Package on Friday afternoon in the Big Brother 2016 house. It contained a $5,000 bribe. He found it difficult to figure out how to use the bribe because the week presented constant challenges that made the bribe useless to his Big Brother 18 game.
His showmance partner Nicole Franzel won this week’s Head of Household competition. This eliminated any chances of him using it to bribe the HOH to do his bidding. Nicole, once again, won another huge competition: She won the Veto. This eliminated any opportunities for Corey to use it to have the Veto used or not used in his favor.
Corey only had until the end of Thursday night’s Head of Household competition to use it. Later, Nicole and Corey discussed possible bribe scenarios. They talked about using it to get Nicole to vote out Michelle Meyer, in case of a tie, and to make sure the money stayed between them.
They also discussed giving it to Victor Arroyo to vote out Michelle. This is the plan that took on life. Nicole, Victor, Corey, and Paul Abrahamian have only recently become a strong foursome. Therefore, their allegiance and trust is still a bit shaky. Nicole was a little worried that Victor would actually vote out Michelle over Paul.
Her fears seemed completely unjustified. The more they talked, the more Nicole and Corey realized that they could bribe Victor as a way to solidify their new alliance.
On Wednesday night, around 8:58 PM BBT, camera 3, Corey and Nicole offered Victor the $5,000 bribe. They did it in front of Paul to show him their trust within the group, and to prove he would be safe this week.
Paul and Victor were both visually emotional. Corey and Nicole were also happy to do this good deed for Victor. There was hugs all around, and talks of using part of the money to take a trip together. This act not only solidified their final four plans, but sealed Michelle’s fate in the Big Brother 2016 game.
What do you think of Nicole and Corey’s decision to use the bribe to strengthen their alliance with Paul and Victor?
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