November 25, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Amanda and McCrae Still Dating!

I am still shocked by the fact that Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson from Big Brother 2013 are still going strong with their dating lives! Who would have thought? The Big Brother 15 showmance somehow happened and then somehow has continued to happen after the show, even months after the Big Brother 15 finale! We have some new Big Brother 2013 spoilers with new pictures of the happy couples together!

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November 14, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Jeremy, Judd and McCrae Get BB Tattoos

This may be an old one, but I am still loving the fact that McCrae Olson, Judd Daugherty and Jeremy McGuire decided to go out and get some Big Brother 2013 tattoos together! Yeah, they were probably out partying together and thought it was a good idea, or just another reason to try and keep Big Brother 15 forever in our minds. It was a chance for a photo op, so you know Amanda Zuckerman was there too! Check out photos of the guys below in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers!

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November 13, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Helen and Candice Hang Out In Chicago

It looks like these Big Brother 2013 houseguests don’t hold any grudges from anything that happened in the Big Brother 15 house and they all realize it was a game, as many of them have been hanging out since the show ended. The latest HGs to meet up since the show ended: Helen Kim and Candice Stewart. Check out some of the pics they shared below in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers.

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November 6, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: McCrae and Amanda Going Strong Still?

No one in their right mind thought that McCrae Olson and Amanda Zuckerman would start a showmance on Big Brother 2013, but not only did they start one, but it appears that it is still going strong even a couple months after the Big Brother 15 finale! They hung out recently and Amanda shared some of the pictures on her Twitter and Instagram and you can check them out below in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers!

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November 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Aaryn Gries Attends Marine Ball With New Boyfriend

Hate her or not, but Aaryn Gries has apologized for her actions in the Big Brother 15 house and is looking to move past it and it seems she has, as she has found a new man and attended the Marine Ball with him over the weekend. The Big Brother 2013 villain went to her Instagram account to share a couple photos of the happy new couple. See them below in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers!

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November 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Nick Uhas Cheats On GinaMarie?

We all know it wouldn’t last, or that it even would happen, but I guess the end of GinaMarie Zimmerman and Nick Uhas has happened and it could be after some cheating rumors have been spreading around. If you think GinaMarie was a hot mess when he got evicted from the Big Brother 15 house, can you imagine how she is now with rumors of him cheating on a relationship that probably was never there? Check out my Big Brother 2013 spoilers for details!

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November 1, 2013

Big Brother 15 Houseguests Dress Up For Halloween – See The Pics

The Big Brother 15 Houseguests may have escaped the house at the end of the season, but they’re still keeping us entertained no matter where they are. Halloween was a great time for many of the former HGs and some of them even got together for the event. We’ve got pics to share from lots […]

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September 20, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Finale Interviews (VIDEOS)

Big Brother 2013 started off with so much hope and promise and we all thought it would be a longer summer and a great season on Big Brother 15. What we were left with was one of the most controversial seasons and a lot of people anxiously wait for it to end or not even making it to the end to watch. It happens, but I have been providing videos of the interviews with Jeff Schroeder after the finale and now I am combining the last five into on Big Brother 2013 spoilers post.

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September 20, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Finale – Spencer Clawson Interview (VIDEO)

Many of us were surprised that Spencer Clawson even made it to the Final 3 on Big Brother 2013, but even more shocked when Andy Herren didn’t take him to the Final 2 with him! Spencer will forever be known as the pawn for Big Brother 15 and he spent a record eight times on the block throughout the season. He talked with Jeff Schroeder after the finale and you can check it out in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers video below!

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September 20, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Finale – Howard Overby Interview (VIDEO)

Out of a season of many controversies on Big Brother 2013, one good thing came out of it: Howard Overby. Besides the fact that he was nice to look at while on the show, he also has displayed a sense of class during his eviction and during the Big Brother 15 finale. He is a good guy with a good heart and it shows on him. He didn’t win America’s Favorite HouseGuest, but I’m sure he gave Elissa Slater a run for the money. Check out Howard’s interview with Jeff Schroeder in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers video below!

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