Let’s give a big old HUZZAH for the amazing, fantastic job Todd did this year!!!


I want to thank you for taking the helm for me this year. You took such good care of BBB and I appreciate it more than you can know. I was thrilled to pieces with your coverage, and I know all you guys out there feel the same.
Though I know you had a blast w/Todd, I want you to know that I really missed ya’ll and BBB an awful lot.


Now…As for this season.



It definitely wasn’t my favorite. Umm…yeah…Not by a long shot.

In fact, I doubt anyone except Andy is too thrilled with the outcome. But hey…CBS can’t win em all, right? There are rotten apples in every basket.

I say we all cross our fingers, toes…(whatever other dangly appendages you might have available)… for a better crew next year?
In the meantime… I’ll be reading Todd’s coverage of  Survivor and counting the months till next June.

So– until next BB season– I want to wish all of you a safe and happy year!


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